Fuckin finally. Hopefully I won't have to see racebait on my comfy boards anymore and OC gets created
Fuckin finally. Hopefully I won't have to see racebait on my comfy boards anymore and OC gets created
Fuck 4channel and fuck niggers.
>this happens
>only /b/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /mlp/, and the porn boards are left on Jow Forums
>with the rest of the site separated from these boards, there can be an orchestrated mass takedown of all of these sites for promoting extremism by the small coven of businesses that control the web like we've seen with multiple other rightwing/femoid hating sites
Have your exit plan ready bruhs and get ready for a shitstorm.
When the shit does hit the fan for these boards, I won't miss this cesspit and neither will you. This place has made me a demonstrably worse person for all the years I've been on it and it's not unfair to say I'm addicted to content that makes me miserable much like most Jow Forums users. I myself am looking forward to a forced cessation.
dumb gook doesnt realize this will unironically kill boards like Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /sp/
4channel will hopefully get blacklisted before that happens
>accounts are added to 4channel
>upboating is added
Regardless, this is gonna attract so many fucking redditfags to the blue boards. GOD I HATE THEM. I HATE REDDIT SO FUCKING MUCH.
idk i've met several good internet friends here and had many comfy threads, I've spent both the worst and best years of my life posting here. I never bought in to the unironic incel shit, weird mix of right wing resentment politics or the other stuff that Jow Forums's red boards have shit out over the years. I just enjoy comfy anonposting on boards that move at more than 4 posts a day and there aren't many places like that. If Jow Forums gets nuked the next biggest board will too and there will be no place to post like this that moves at a reasonable pace. Kohlchan is my only real alternative right now but it's not yet where it was back before KC 1.0 died yet.
We'll have to see how strict moderation is on blue boards, chances are it will be much stricter otherwise 4channel will just end up blacklisted again.
It's your own fault that you keep browsing here. If you don't like it then fuck off. Nobody is stopping you. Maybe reddit is more your style.
What are some good substitutes for this shithole I can flee to when things somehow get worse
>4channel will hopefully get blacklisted before that happens
>mfw PC moderation is attempted on /v/ and /tv/
What does this actually imply?
Moving all of the sfw boards to a new domain will bring back some advertisers. Those boards are now likely to become even more heavily moderated in order to become even more safe for work. Expect a crackdown on everything.
I see. Profit-motive strikes again.
Saving this because it'll probably happen
you're all overreacting, fucking spergs
soon enough everything will go back to the status quo and it'll be like nothing happened
It also means pulling moderators away from NSFW boards, it'll be easier for spammers, shtiposters, blackedposters and whatever to fuck up the place. As a result traffic will die down and it'll be cut completely when it's too unprofitable
>mfw PC moderation is attempted on /v/ and /tv/
It would actually be pretty interesting seeing the mods try to keep the raging /v/tards under control.
this is probably going to bring down the site imo
Jow Forums will be seen as the dirty evil board with no saving graces
4channel will be quarantined off and will become stale and reddit-y
Jow Forums will be targeted by government shit for muhh hate speech and get nuked
What non-PC things are there even left on /v/ that would need to be censored? You already can't tell the difference between the average poster and a Resetera tranny
>tfw we are stuck with the Jow Forumstards since Jow Forums is a nsfw board
just spin off Jow Forums into a separate thing and force them all there
idk. I don't actually go on /v/. Everything I know about them comes from Jow Forums complaining about them.
>Jow Forums actually ruined everything
Jow Forums was always a place of interest for people but in a "ill take one look at it and then never go back and tell all my friends i went on it once" way. then Jow Forums fucking popped up and everything became fucking politics threads or threads purposely made to piss Jow Forums users off on other boards and all the traffic is just faggots talking about Jow Forums
>just spin off Jow Forums into a separate thing and force them all there
This. They ruin everything they touch.
r9k needs to become a blueboard, and then added to 4channel. This will reduce the racebait spam, porn spam, and hopefully trap spam. Better dead than red.
you are so wrong. Muh Jow Forums! fuck off, its sensitive idiots like you who make this site worse. Get offended so people make more bait threads posing as Jow Forums
/lgbt/ is a blue board. That means the new site would still be literally flooded by faggots and trannies.
fake and gay fake and gay fake and gay
>he fell for the fake gay shit
If you don't think Jow Forums changed things significantly on Jow Forums in 2016, you're either retarded or one of the Jow Forums newfags yourself