This story proves that relationships are first and foremost about physical attraction...

This story proves that relationships are first and foremost about physical attraction, and _NOT_ about unconditional love.

Not only is that deeply depressing in and of itself, but it is also compounded by our hypocrisy in pretending that things are otherwise.

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t. guy who would never date an ugly, fat girl

Really, the guy should have taken it upon himself to refuse her. If you get turned into a monster man, you should realize that it's not fair to her and you're just going to make things worse for everyone, trying to go through with it like normal. Like you'd have to be dumb to think things would be normal or successful after that. She would never be happy with that situation so he should be the bigger man and let her move on, not guilt and compel her to keep her word, when she'd agreed to marry and love him when he wasn't a monster man. If he can't realize that the situation and the original agreement aren't the same after becoming a monster man, then I hardly have sympathy. It's a sad and unfortunate situation for sure, but that's life. He should have been like

>"Sorry hun, but I love you too much to burden you with me. You deserve to be happy with a normal guy."

The real relationship blackpill, is the one where the guy got crippled saving the life of his girl, and then she left him.

He's not a monster, he's still a good man

What's the story on this?

original comment x2

So basically is ok to ditch someone because perception won't be same with people who knew you as normal looking couple.
Since looks changed she probably thinks: "I deserve better looking man than this" so she is basically all up for herself and as long as things are good everything is fine.

So would you recommend that guy leaves woman on spot with no remorse if she becomes handicap, sick or something else?

I guess if my girlfriend or wife gets sick I should just leave her to die because that decreases my happines because I have to waste my energy and resources on her.
Yes its all aabout selfishness

He looks like a monster, which is what everyone else invariably will see and get a first impression. It's an unfair burden to put her through, and it's also hypocritical. He's compelling her to remain true to her original promise of being together, but that promise was made before he got deformed. Like selling someone a car and then taking a sledgehammer to it before the final exchange, but expecting the customer to still pay.

A good man would let, or make her move on. A selfish man would do what he did. It's not like he doesn't deserve happiness or a good life, but he's giving her neither doing what he did. And we know now in hindsight that was the case, they didn't last together, got divorced, unhappy, all that jazz.

He still has a good heart, the outside doesnt matter

He was a handsome alpha Chad who went to war to service country or whatever and was horribly wounded and burned. His fiancee stayed with him out of guilt. Married him. And then divorced him and sued for a cut of his veteran's disability as alimony. The guy devolved into alcoholism and was found dead of exposure on an extremely cold winter night coming home from the liquor store.

His ex-wife to this day has no shame.

Nah, his heart's rotted. He killed himself awhile back.

wew that's brutal

If that ever happened to me I'd go full phantom of the opera mixed with darth Vader and always wear a sick mask with a voice changer

>He was a handsome alpha Chad

na he was average, stop puffing up your shitty story

so you are saying all what it matters is what women like and get out of it?
If women doesn't get satisfaction in money, looks, sex...etc she is free to be "more happy" and backstab guy.

But if guy is getting raw deal when his wife or gf gets sick he is supposed to be "man" and take care of her and waste time and resources...

Well yeah nah, MGTOW all the way

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don't lie to yourself you fucking retard
if your gf of a few years got fucking terribly burned horribly and she didn't resemble to what initially attracted you to her you would either 1. CHEAT or 2. LEAVE. b real

No the opposite is true, I literally JUST said that. The woman is being good and true and loyal to the guy, despite his unfortunate situation. Same as like a guy remaining true and loyal to his sick girlfriend or wife.

The pressure is not on the devoted partner, the pressure is on the one who got maimed/sick/handicapped. It's unfair and selfish to hold onto the other person when you're so far gone. And we're talking serious misfortune here, like is the case with the OP pic guy, or someone dying of terminal illness. If the situation is THAT bad, then the unfortunate person should do the right thing and let the other move on. It's unfair and unrealistic to expect a normal or happy life after that.

Damn I didn't know it was that bad

>the outside doesnt matter

It does when the outside is THAT bad. Not like he can't find or doesn't deserve love, but it's unfair to call in the same bill on the woman. He should seek love and happiness, not force it from someone out of guilt.

No I'm saying of two people, gender regardlesss, if someone becomes such a huge detriment on the relationship then they should do the right thing and let the other person move on. Now assuming the other person actually can genuinely still be with them, be happy and in love still, then that's fine, good for them.

But in the case of the OP pic obviously, it's not the same. They agreed to get together, then the guy got messed up, and after that he's still calling in on her for the original agreement despite that things have obviously and radically changed. It's an unfair debt he's putting on her and it's selfish. And, as we saw from what ended up happening, it's stupid as well to think that the situation would work out. To think, oh yeah I'm a monster now, but that's ok nothing has changed and we can still be together happy like we were before.

he deserves this shit for going to an unfair unjustified war

What does that have to do with anything? He's stating that relationships are about physical attraction. You're pretty dumb man.

Did you really need proof of such a basic and obvious fact?

>He was a handsome alpha Chad
Sympathy gone. GAMERS RISE UP

People are biased towards attractive people. Get more attractive or deal with it faggot, don't whine.

Fighting for Israel. Not even once.

>Damn I didn't know it was that bad

it wasn't

>Sympathy gone. GAMERS RlSE UP

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>He has a good heart bruh!!!
It was fucking Iraq that's his problem

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who are you quoting famalam?

The Disney syndrome on this board is insane. You really think you can just walk it off, "yeah my partner's face is missing but other than that he's great". Delusional cunts, the idea is to spend a lifetime with that person. Imagine getting doggied and turning back to that.

>gets face burned
>dies freezing
Somewhere in there there's a lesson.

Disney promotes women marrying handsome princes tho

>what the fuck is beauty and the beast

Just have sex in the dark. Then you don't see the face.

>turns into a handsome prince at the end

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You're trying to prove a general rule with an anecdote, however sad it is.
It doesn't make sense, user.

I wonder what would happen if he turned into next Steve Jobs and got millions for inventing something.
I bet that bitch wouldn't give shit for his face or body.

Why do women care so much about money even when men are biggest contributors to wealth of nations

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>Imagine getting doggied and turning back to that.
Holy shit senpai

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how about I doggie you?

and many females didn't like that

Link to that cripple story? Can't find anywhere. I believe it though.

Nobody bats an eye when I tell them I'd rather just be shot in the back of the head than go through any severe mental degradation where I lose all my independence, but say some shit like this and people act like its any different.
You can still email her or some shit, stay in contact, but you gotta accept that you look like a fucking cheese pizza now and go live somewhere far away from people, its gonna be better for you too rather than being stared at 24/7.
Life sucks sometimes, you should know you got turned into a thumb, but it just doesn't stop there.

a movie where a girl marries a beast, and is rewarded by the beast turning into a handsome princess

Correct. How can you go on knowing that your gf is absolutely miserable with you? It's extremely selfish.

>"Sorry hun, but I love you too much to burden you with me. You deserve to be happy with a normal guy."

Tell her exactly that, and don't wait for her to make a weak attempt of making you stay. Just pack your things and leave.

Your gf turns into this. You have ZERO attraction, you can't even get hard for her. It's not your fault, it's just very unfortunate. She's miserable because she can tell you don't look at her the way you used to.

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The guy did lose his source of income and became a drug addict it wasn't jus because of his face
Loyal girls are hard to come by if I was all she had Id still take care and love her.

>this 1(ONE) story proves (...)
will you ever stop OP

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I've seen this happen. My friend told his fiance to find someone else because he was diagnosed with HIV and it wouldn't be fair for her to be with him.

You say ''if I was all she had I'd stay'', seems like a relationship based on pity. Guaranteed to fail. These victims are better off finding a new partner (if they are lucky to find one) that isn't used to their old, normal face.

brainlets that don't understand the beast needed someone to love him to break the spell
>muh beauty is inside

Apply cold to hot area before you get burned, not after.

Shows how much he cared about her. It's honorable. If this was a burn victim and he stayed, she'd slowly get sick of him, feel increased disgust and's only natural. Instead just leave and she'll remember you as an unselfish man who put her happiness first. If you really love them you want them to think the best of you.


Everyone's face changes your pretty wife at 30 will look like a hag at 60 relationships are way more then looks. If she didn't all of a sudden change into a miserable and she loved me it wouldn't matter unless she became a physco

He should've gotten a SHIT TON of money for being turned into a monster + free plastic surgeries. That might've kept him from turning into a drug using alcoholic.

Yeah but then the second after she expresses her true love he turns all hot and its fine.
Sure she's building the relationship before that, but once she actually commits the dude evolves into prince charming like the rest of them

OPs guy did end up getting divorced, by the way.

Me too. Baldwin IV was my favorite character in Kingdom of Heaven.

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If I'd lost an eye, I'd definitely wear an eye-patch. And probably get a pirate hat n shit.

Aging is slow, it's not like you wake up next to your gf and suddenly she looks 70. Plus when she looks old, you'll look old too. And a severe burn victim looks way worse than even a 90 year old.
You wouldn't be attracted to her. Sex will be bad if not straight up disgusting, you have to kiss her melted, cracked lips. Her hair might not grow back. Everytime you go in public together you'd have to handle intense glaring, laughing and kids pointing. If you have children together, your kids will get teased for having a monster mommy.

It may surprise you, user, but some people get more from a relationship than just a pretty face to look at.
Love and loyalty aren't just empty words to everyone.

Doesn't that prove the point though?

Stop lying to yourself.. Are you forgetting you're anonymous here? Take a look at this photo.

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face is on the bottom of my preferences if she has a nice body and personality. If her pussy got burnt I would cetainly leave

I'm sorry to hear that beauty is such a deal breaker for you in a relationship. Time turns 98% of people into ugly wrinkled goblins, so I guess no relationship would work out in the long term for you.

There's a difference between wrinkles and being heavily mutilated.

The delusion. If you are 20 years into marriage, already had kids etc I could see a reason to stay. But a young couple..? Not worth it for any of them.

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I think people enjoy fairy tales like this, because we get to see a better world, where superficiality doesn't matter. But in the real world, people rarely date non-rich mutants, including mutant bear thing people. Stop living in a fantasy world please.

>He is ugly, so he should be a cuck.
You degenerates should be dragged to the front lines of every war.

Stop lying yo yourself. Are you forgetting you're anonymous here?
Take a look at this photo.

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Women are fundamentally shallow beings and incapable of love or feeling toward other people. The only thing women respond to is their ultra tall wealthy sex god alpha Chad fantasy. Women have no emotions towards anyone or anything else.

Not the user, but people don't wince or stare at an old lady like they do at someone with a deformity.

I as a man of 28 years old gave never and will never utter the blatant lie to myself or in any social media that is that looks doesn't matter to me.
I will only do small white lies to closest family if I'm ever under interrogation within a family setting.

If I were a public person (which I will never be) or a semi public person (instagram/Facebook famous) I would have to lie when asked about it. It is the only option to still be a public person without comiting social suicide.

Never trust a public persons word if it's spoken in public or written on social media.

Also do not trust larping anons on this board that are mostly here to stir up arguments for the sake of arguments or for trolling purposes.

That's all.

Why does a being in long term relationship matter? I thought all that mattered was having a pretty face to look at. If someone is old and ugly you can't be physically attracted to them anymore, so you would start to resent them, right?
In fact, the man should divorce the wife so she can be happy with a young handsome man again, that she finds attractive and can find happiness with again, right?
That's the deal breaker in any relationship, you simply can't be happy with ugly ass people.

It's about loving your partner and not wanting to burden them. My friend was diagnosed with HIV while he had a fiance and told her to find someone else to marry and have kids with because he didn't want to risk passing on HIV. She tested HIV negative and he didn't want to ruin her life.

My guy's right. Honestly, I've contemplated what I'd do if this happened to me. I'd prolly abscond with a good few thousand dollars to some third world country, after pulling out a huge life insurance and leaving it to my wife and mother. This dude did the wrong thing by accepting her pity, because that's all this was. There might have been love before this, and honestly the fact that she even allowed this to proceed after the deformation shows there might have been genuine affectionate feelings before the incident. However, being the elephant man will ruin even the strongest bonds, especially matrimonial ones.
>t. maringger

That's only because a deformity is special and out of the norm. In terms of attractiveness a burn victim and an old hag are on the same basic level. Few people who don't have a fetish for them would be physically attracted.
Being old is just so common place people accept it without much of a second glance. It is a socially accepted form of being ugly.

reminder he was a combat Marine with severe PTSD and came back a mentally broken man

had he suffered the same mental truma and just the equivalent pain but with no physical disfigurement they would have assuredly never been married

You can find far more cases of women whose men got Loug Gherig's disease or became quadra plegics or similar shit who stayed with and nursed the man for the rest of his life

while im sure you feel that one extreme case "proves" something, it does not, you need to look at the bigger picture

I see your point, but it's not good enough, not to mention having HIV and not having a face is not the same. He's not going to pass on that face to anyone. Please think for two fucking seconds.

So he's brave enough to go to war and have his face blown off, and she can't muster up the courage to say it won't work out. Why must he make all the fucking sacrifices?

Old people still find each other attractive even though they know 20-30 year olds are better looking. NO ONE finds a burn victim attractive.

>You can find far more cases of women whose men got Loug Gherig's disease or became quadra plegics or similar shit who stayed with and nursed the man for the rest of his life

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If you think any woman wouldn't fuck the beast given the chance you're an idiot.

maybe cheating on her by getting pounded in the ass by AIDS niggers had someting to do with it?

This. I'm only 4.75 inches and I love my wife so I let her get the pleasure she needs without depriving her of a healthy sex life

Well it's fucking obvious. You need to be attracted to them in the first place. Looks are a part of that. I ended up falling for someone because she was incredibly nice and we were decent friends. That and she looked really nice.

IMO they are initially about attraction, but later on they become much more, but it only happens if you both manage to fall in love with each other, then it's much less about attraction, and much much more about companionship and just having someone who accepts you for who you are and who you can be your autistic self with.

granted for that to happen you have to be compatible in more than just looks.

It sucks but you can't blame her for it. The guy turned into something from robocop.

>No I'm saying of two people, gender regardlesss, if someone becomes such a huge detriment on the relationship then they should do the right thing and let the other person move on.

THIS is what people should be getting out of this thread. Not "REEEE, whore!" but doing what you can for the person that you love. This site is fucking up so many of your minds.

Also, yes physical attraction matters and there's limits of what people can take. I wouldn't like to puke every time I saw a loved ones face

I can't seem to find the burn victim category on pornhub.

I would still love my (future) girlfriend and be loyal to her if this happened to her. I love her for who she is and her sweet voice and her pussy tits and ass

Are you really saying that old people wouldn't much rather date a young and attractive person? Why choose an old person when there are so many more hot people out there?


Anons answer this, would you:
>have cute gf turned 0/10 burn victim, no ears, no hair, no eyebrows, no nose
>have cute gf who stays cute but you have to nurse her for the rest of your life, wipe her ass, change her tampons, bathe her and do almost everything for her

The beast was pretty hot; they should of honestly made the "monster" Uglier.

get fucked bro you are intentionally missing the point. The guy and girl in the OP had not even been married, if you have ever met young marine men and wifes you know they are not the patriotic chirst loving demographic they are portrayed to be, the guys are losers who are usually looking at prison or failing out of high school before joining. The guy came back a drug addict with PTSD, but yeah just ignore that

if you have been married 10 years and have kids with someone and s/he gets burned you don't fucking leave the person just like that, you are wrong get fuked with a rake you disingeious piece of shit

pic related it's me

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Yes, and weaker. All women must have liked the prospect of having a man-beast capable of fight off a bear with his hands.

This is why we need state provided GFs.
The recruitment rates would be trough the roof.

Because they have been together most of their lives. Because they have no sex drive. Because they're still not as repulsive as a burn victim. Because they don't have much time left and they don't care anymore.

Islam does that, but with imaginary girlfriends. And the muslim brainlets fall for it.

>Yes, and weaker. All women must have liked the prospect of having a man-beast capable of fight off a bear with his hands.

it's not like he turned into gollum from LOTR

if they wanted to make him ugly and unattractive they should have made him a twink manlet

I don't understand why people who turn into freaks or were born freaks don't wear cool asthetic masks to compensate for their looks. like what the fuck? I would get swole af and wear some cool high tech mask like Darth Nigger. Personally I would make some for myself and I would give about 1/16 or 1/8 of space to install like an AC unit inside the mask so it doesn't get hot or uncomfortable while wearing it. I mean they're also selling luxury masks like pic related now which is pretty cool

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These masks are also cool but looks like you'd get really sweaty.

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Those who are turned into freaks are usually normalfags, and the NPCs don't think of doing something different and cool like that.
As for them and for born-freaks both, there's a whole hypocritical feely-goody culture of calling them beautiful to their faces, so the normalfags can virtue-signal what good people they are while lying and stimulating the fucked up to show their monster faces.

I agree that it would be much cooler to just wear masks, they have a good excuse. I believe the establishment would like them being popular, though, especially when masks spread to normal people, as the government would be less capable of (((control))).

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