post yfw Jow Forums will FINALLY die after the doman split
Post yfw Jow Forums will FINALLY die after the doman split
>Jow Forums dies
>but at least Jow Forums goes too
>post yfw this tranny is a newfag and doesnt know what happened last time Jow Forums died
honestly it's worth it. Jow Forums created the frankenstein so it's only fitting it dies to bring it down
God i love being so hated must mean we are doing something right
i will finally have a reason to migrate to cripplechan
you're just pure cancer. you're not doing anything right other than being as annoying and shitty as possible
it'll be "bad" for a bit (Jow Forums crying even harder than they already do which will just show how much of beta bitches they really are) but they'll lose steam fast and go back to their memeposting on facebook groups or move to discord or something else
this will revitalize Jow Forums and bring it back to life
>newfag thinks this is the first Jow Forumscaust
>newfag doesnt know what happened last time
mods are gonna have to be on their toes desu
Oh god not again. What happened to that porn board?
I agree that my fellow/ pol/acks can be a bit toxic but at the end off the days i still believe the ideas
Jow Forums will never be your gay tranny leftist website ever you dumb cuck. you're a complete utter newfag and you dont realize just how many people hate you and your kind.
this. newfags just do not understand lmao
nobody cares what you believe
it's the fact you can't keep it to yourself is the problem
>Jow Forumstard gets triggered and flies off the rails
This is why no one likes you guys.
i love that you immediately label me just because i hate Jow Forums
you're going to be the very first to leave lol
oh wow i'm so afraid of the big scary Jow Forumstards. what are you gonna do to all these defenseless boards, call in the leddit brigade?
>he says this on a board constantly spanned by trannyfags and sissyfags who can't keep their shit to themselves on /lgbt/
get back to your containment you inbred human dogshit
scum sucking shit filled balloon
>i love that you immediately label me just because i hate Jow Forums
>you're going to be the very first to leave lol
This to be honest the little shits don't understand why everyone hates them either way god bless Islam.
>Getting rid of the containment board
>A good idea
Pick one
Hey there is this great thing called FREEDOM OF SPEECH but i understand why you are annoyed user we can be a bit preachy at times
It'll just mean that they'll fully infest the porn boards
imagine not being able to fap without some recluse pushing their agenda down your throat
it takes literally 3 filter entries to hide 90% of tranny stuff posted here, while filtering out constant racebait and political content is nearly impossible
>using Jow Forums for porn
you'll manage without them
Jow Forums is more redpilled than anything on the internet. Jow Forums will always have Jow Forums leaning views. Fuck off nigger faggot.
that's like the primary point of Jow Forums
memes and (non-h) anime comes later
Naive dumb shill
you do know that the containment board doesn't work anymore right?
it's not /mlp/ it's not /vp/
it's such a shithole that it actually ATTRACTS more stormniggers to the site
once the containment board is removed yeah they'll get mad and rampage but the mods will just have to stand strong for a month at max and they retards will lose steam and either stop shitposting hard or just go away entirely
>the USA is the internet
This. Jow Forums exists primarily for right wing activism. moot never understood this which is why he was so terrible at his job.
Jow Forums was actually extremely left-leaning not even a decade ago
yeah we said nigger but that was pretty much it
now it's 50 year olds from facebook coming here and bragging about their MAGA Truck Nutz
Actually falling for their bullshit is about the stupidest shit you can do. When you actually start verifiying what they say, you realise the vast majority of it is based on lies, distortions, and fallacies.
>Jow Forums is more redpilled than anything on the internet. Jow Forums will always have Jow Forums leaning views. Fuck off nigger faggot.
Collectively shitting on everything is why everyone hates you cunts you ruin threads like we ruin vaginas for each other. You have a whole containment board and you still fuck up although getting rid of it is a bad idea. Fucking faggots I swear why do you have to do this?
People who complain about Jow Forums are fucking worse you faggot.
it's amazing how absolutely blatant and shameless you are at this point
like even a few years ago you would at least recoil when someone calls you out, now you're just full on sperg mode 24/7, walking around like you own the place. it's time you got taken down a notch.
>Jow Forums was actually extremely left-leaning
Try again, noone buys your attempts are rewriting.
>People who complain about Jow Forums are fucking worse you faggot.
You fags ruin places the moment you get there you fucking brought leddit here you cock sucking bastards so go fuck off.
Pretty much yeah on Jow Forums we have the freedom to say whatever we want gook moot isn't going to censor his website just because it hurts your feelings
We do run this site though. Cry more.
>politicians choose to voluntarily identify as socialists, and that makes them more popular
>"people hate you"
ye man
eight chon is cool, its just like this site but way less strict. I have been going there for a while ever since I started getting banned on /v/ because of how touchy the new jannies are there. The only thing is its kinda slow because of how many boards there are. Boards are almost like thread generals really. So there is a ton.
Removing pol would save a generation of "white" Americans
And It would give 4ch a chance to go back to what it was prepol
Let those losers go back to stormfront
A lot of what Jow Forums says is stupid yes but when it comes the da joos it's on the money for the most part
no but he will censor the site cause it's hurting his bottom line
so watch it kiddo
your racism pouts are getting the boot next
Jow Forums wasn't left leaning, however it was extremely liberal for the sake of being contrarian. there definitely weren't poltards invading boards calling people out on their "degeneracy" and trying to save muh whyte race though
i'm aware of how it functions, i just can't get over how slow it is
Take it from another blackanon who's been here for a long time, whatever racebait you thought was and now will blast up for months and make the site unusable this isn't the first time. The only thing you'll have is level 1 mod defense.
its gonna be so funny when you start celebrating "pol dying" and in your thread you get called a nigger faggot and you have another bsod about getting rid of pol again KEK
I would imagine they would just hijack /b/ since trolling flames and racism are allowed there.
No, it isn't. It's an argument based on coincidence, like all conspiracy theories. The fact that there are a lot of jewish bankers and big businessmen does not mean that there is a conspiracy by them to destroy the white race. Everything they blame on the jews can be blamed on capitalism and explained through economics rather than through fallacious arguments.
>I-I'm gonna call you n-names!
you are impotent and weak, you are parasitic filth and dead weight that should have been dropped long ago
>look mom i said the n word on the internet!
>its gonna be so funny when you start celebrating "pol dying" and in your thread you get called a nigger faggot and you have another bsod about getting rid of pol again KEK
Oh boy months off butthurt retards calling everyone degenerate trannies, oh boy were fucking scared.
r9k is part of the Jow Forums side retards
Sorry but Jow Forums has been around for this long it will most likely be around for as long as Jow Forums is and the way your acting isn't much better than a Jow Forumstard
Jow Forums used to be people that were in it for the lulz
now it's actual bootlickers being legitimately proud that they are pro-corporations/conservative cause it "triggers libs" or something obscure that certainly isn't anything orchestrated by the trillions of dollars those corporations have available to dump into PR and Marketing
Good that you admit your only role in this website is shitting it up.
Robots don't give a shit about politics or your obsession with black dicks. We're degens who hold back society and nothings gonna change that, we're not your recruitment grounds you piece of shits.
that's irrelevant
Jow Forums relies on outside publicity and all they care about is exposing their ideas to "new" people
once all the popular boards are gone they will wither and die
This. It got hijacked by fucking retards.
>using Jow Forums for any reason except finding out about news reasonably quickly
IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME. Maybe Jow Forums dying will invigorate the other small imageboards that actually have decent moderation.
But if they start criticizing capitalism then they'd be gommunists:D that they hate so very much
>finding out about news reasonably quickly
that's what i use twitter for lol
if it's something important someone is for sure crying about it on my feed
im literally waiting for the day to take so many screencaps of "WTF WHY IS POL STILL HERE" kekkkkkk just like the fucking election
>unironically thinking you can stop racism and defend women and minorities
>on fucking Jow Forums
I used to be a supporter of nationalism. Jow Forums's behaviour has made me hope for collapse of the west. I can't accept a nation that is an idiosyncratic idiocracy.
Can't make the same mistake we made last time. Mods have to be on fucking high alert like high ass level shit.
Guys. Listen. All of you are reyarded nigger faggots equally. You don't seem to know this but not everyone is ethier left leaning or right leaning exclusively. Some of us know how to think for ourselves and can consider both sides of the coin on topics and what not,and those people sit back and laugh at how fucking stupid you literal children are. You hoot and hollar all day and nothing happens. A couple hours from now you won't even remember this thread or why you were even mad. I pity all of you. I couldn't imagine myself being this manipulated. Hope you are at least enjoying yourselves wasting time on a Indonesian wicker basket manufacturing forum about whose color is the coolest.
nobody fuckin cares about defending women and minorities, we just want you to stick to your fuckin containment board
Congratulations Jow Forums, you've destroyed Jow Forums.
that actually sounds like a better idea, I usually used Jow Forums for it because of how quickly they were on police scanners and shit
Yes the fact that all major media outlets are owned by jews as well as the porn industry and news outlets as well as most banker's it's all one big coincidence
>tfw the only boards on the "gonna be left to die" Jow Forums i use are r9k and gif
god damnit
Just one big coincidence goy stop questioning it, its capitalism's fault
No i'd say all the danm underage faggots and our shitty mod fucked this site
Take it from someone who was on stormfront and 4ch prepol as early as 2007, more importantly someone who isn't a pussy like you. You don't bend over and not expect to get fucked, moot being passive why stormfront took over in the first place. You decisively end it and you deal with the fall out
This. Capitalism is based and redpilled. The jews are the ones who are ruining it. Whenever capitalism fails it is only because the jews are responsible because capitalism can never fail to produce good things for white alpha men such as myself.
wait a minute, read this. does this mean all the boards will still be along the top of the page, you'll just be on a different domain depending on which one you click?
i hope this divide splits up the normies and makes them stop coming to both
if we could get an actual robot Jow Forums back out of all of this it'll be a good deal
Do not speak for otheres, I rather have Jow Forums then tranny bullshit to hide
Think about it. A small slip up or have blatant bait posting, you retards freak the fuck out screaming to go back to Jow Forums and cause it gets such a strong reaction they will continue to bait post.
>that one guy ITT who keeps freaking out about muh trannies
Dude you seem a bit TOO obsessed with trans faggotry. Chill out.
Literally this. They will go through any lengths to try to validate their emotions about any topic.
Jews were pushed into finance due to christianity's prohibition on usury. This made some of them very rich and become capitalists. The fact that there are jews owning media and porn sites proves literally zero things. It would be like black nationalists arguing that white owned media must necessarily be for the genocide of all africans. It makes no sense and you know it.
refer to my previous post, hiding tranny threads is easy
>the absolute state of newfags in this thread
i can imagine them coming from reddit or tumblr in the last few weeks, seeing all these people use the dreaded n-word here, going into rage mode and saying "i-it must be that darned pol again! why isnt it deleted like the racism and misogyny on reddit?"
then they see this little announcement about a split in domains that will literally have no effect, and they get stars in their eyes "finally i wont have to see the n-word on Jow Forums anymore! finally Jow Forums will be a nice happy place for everyone regardless of gender or color because pol is finally gonna be gone!"
Or we could just report them if they do that and make sure they don't keep at it.
>hen they see this little announcement about a split in domains that will literally have no effect,
>implying this isn't just the beginning
The goal is to make Jow Forums more advertiser friendly. Jow Forums will eventually be nerfed.
>literally half a dozen Jow Forumstards in this very thread talking about how they own Jow Forums and it's a right wing activisim platform
>what are you talking about man what Jow Forums?
its' a bit harder to pretend when most of them are so fucking lazy at this point they're not even bothering to hide anything
hiro-chan will slowly eliminate all non-porn boards on Jow Forums anyway.
Ok i get it da joos are smart and good at making money but ALL media corporations are owned by jews ALL you have to admit that's a little fishy it's even fishy when you see the shit said media corporations push out you know the tree by the fruit it produces
It's not the fact that you say nigger that makes people upset. It's that you are a set of completely irrational faglords who poison everything you touch and freak out at everything that hurts your feelings.
Don't forget that this is a red board, too, and will likely also go down with it.
Which is honestly fine with me. Although it'll be a shame to see if anything bad happens to the porn boards.
I've sat through that shit and have been on obscure race obsessed forums for fun as well you tard. I said it'd be unusable because of every thread becomes shit and every post is shit it renders this place dead.
all the serious polsters will just go to 8ch and all the shitposters will just shit all over the other boards.
there's nothing bad that could happen to porn boards besides being off-topic and it's probably only the 3 main porn boards anyway that would probably get affected hard cause people aren't gonna shit up the small ones cause nobody will see it and the Jow Forumsbabbies only do shit for attention
Jow Forums is the only board that still has their shit together
Maybe Hiroshima isn't so bad after all.
wait, no!
>he still thinks people are triggerred by the word nigger
you're like that one kid in every class who tries to argue with the teacher, gets told to shut up and then convinces himself it's because they're right
There is nothing about jews that makes them inherently good at money. It's just that those born into wealthy families are likely to remain there. Given the prohibition I mentioned before, there were some jews with quite a lot of accumulated wealth which gave them an advantage in capitalism.
I'm gonna need a source on all media corporations being owned by jewish people, but even with that being true, it doesn't mean conspiracy. Does the fact that most sjws are white mean that it's a white nationalist movement? I mean, there's really a lot of whites there, so surely it must be!
t. unironic boomer
Kill yourself old man.
>the doman split
the who?
almost all notable internet services are owned by google or amazon and yet poltards don't whine about it