INFP thread

literal suicide tier personality

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Fellow ISFP reporting in. Life sucks.

My ex was an INFP. A few months of love bombing followed by a year of neglect and abuse and broken promises.

it indeed does

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INFP too. Maybe this explains all of my failed relationships. I always chalked it up to being an ugly short dude.

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Emotions are a whole other level of fuckery. I really do feel messed up and I just want everyone to be happy.

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i only want specific people to be happy, some i hate so much.

INTPs are also welcome in this thread...right?

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ok, i'll let you slip in this one time.

thanks fren origamelli

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come here fellow infps, tell your thoughts

Tfw INFP on SSRIs, so the person inside me is asleep, what remains is an emotionless husk.

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Saaaaaaaame. Rather be a zombie than dead. Or so i would like to believe.

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INFP-T reporting in. And of course, the post was not original.

>one chance at life
>born an INFP

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I took the MBTI test twice over the course of two weeks, got INFP-T both times. I guess I'll never be happy?

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I did it multiple times and I still got info. Years ago I got intp but I realized I went through some weird change emotionally in the past three years.

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Maybe it's not as bad as they say...

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Why does everyone say this is the worst one? I like being an INFP.

I used to be INFJ, at least then I could pretend to be mysterious instead of just actually being lonely because it's basically impossible for me to make friends. feelsbadman

Yea maybe because your probably emotionally satisfied with your life or your female.

When you are reduced to being forever alone because of your social autism.

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All F types are subhumans that should be rounded up and sent to death camps.

Sound extremely legit. The thing is: we idealize shit, and then realize it's not as we though it was (she/he just understood that you are, after all, just another plain human being, and when we find that, well, that happens).
Sorry to hear about the abuse though, I hope you've grown out of that relationship.

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how do people survive like this?

sorry you went through that with an INFP girl user. they can be flaky and brittle, especially when unhealthy, but they don't really mean you harm. they feel almost as bad about hurting you as you do about being hurt.

>I like being an INFP.
Me too, i feel like my worst years were when i was an edgy teenager who tried to hide all his emotions.

I'm doing my best! My best! But i just can't seem to hold a conversation properly. I don't know when to quit texting, i don't know when to reply, i don't know what to say! How do people do this?

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T types are soulless bugmen, I should squish you all like the cockroaches you are.

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making art, having at least one very close friend who you can talk about your feelings, consuming art, having a hobby you're really into...
Not for anything we're stereotyped as "artsy"

What I find most difficult about my INFPness is balancing my introvert and my extrovert side. Has anyone noticed how fucked up is our "social system" (idk how else call it)?

all INFP's love cock desu

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one of my exes noticed i would always freeze up whenever i got a text. her advice was to just "be a slug" and not think about it at all. if you feel like you should reply, just go with something as casual as possible, doesn't even have to be related really. a tangential thing said in a friendly lighthearted manner will do. as for quitting texting i think that just depends on what you're doing, not when you "think" you should quit texting. if you're not doing anything and you're the one to keep texting, you'll probably notice the other person's replies become less frequent, meaning they're the ones implicitly "quitting" because they're busy, lazy, distracted, etc. so apply that reasoning to yourself as well if you can. wish you the best INFP bro

i should art some more, close friends seem to not work out ever though.

what do you mean about our "social system"?

I tried to write it but I don't know how to express myself (plus english is my second lang), so I looked up and found this:
pic realated, couldn't copypaste because ascii
I feel a great tension. When I'm alone (90% of the time), I crave for being with people so much, but then, I feel ridiculously uncomfortable, even with a close friend. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe I'm a "Extrovert INFP". Thing is, as a result of this I never feel completely alone, and never completely accompanied; thus, I can't recharge.

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hey this isn't my advice, someone else on another infp thread posted this. It helped a lot, maybe it can help you.

INFP here, check out this mini guide to INFP, it has helped me a lot.
>use logic and reason
>filter everything through the scientific method
>if you are feeling bad talk with yourself through the Socratic method, why am I feeling this? Is it possible to stop feeling like this? How? And so on
>things only matter to you and nobody else, because nothing really matters, you are insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe
>nobody has the obligation nor the responsability to take care of your feelings, YOU and only YOU have that responsability
>embrace pain ...No matter how strong the pain is, its our duty to move forward. Youre wrong for running away from reality...
>the meaning of life is life itself
>you are not special, you are a slave of your emotions, even if you think you are not
>dont take things personally, most people dont have bad intentions, and even if they do, why are you allowed them to hurt you?

>tfw low income personality

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that page describes it fairly well for me at least, i crave a connection with people rather than throwing words at each other so our mouths have something to do, which most people don't understand. i don't know a way around that sadly.

>tfw high NEEThood personality

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holy shit, what's up with the ISFPs?

Dominant Fi means they're all about personal feels/values, so when their head gets lodged up their own ashes it's even harder for them to pull it out.

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>tfw my LOSTfu was ISFP

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Is my kettengrad an INTJ?

Okay Alex was my real lostfu but I have no idea what MBTI type she was

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I'm INFP and happy as larry. Never contemplated suicide. Bit of a degen, and a loser in most people's eyes, but I got my books and my dreams

fuck kate tho
long live claire

This. I like books. Most of the great writers in history were probs INFP.
Lottery of life and all that...

anons, what do you do when you get in the grip of the inferior function and your Te spazzes out?

Fi dreamworld nightmare fuckery + communication problems

>has gotten infp, isfj, infj before
What the fuk does this mean outside of being a huge cry baby

>Look at careers INFPs supposedly take
>A good majority of them stem from meme degrees

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I used to be an INFP, then gradually I became an INTP. What does signify about me? That I have lost some feeling, and become colder?

no. you're using a different primary function to process the world

i know that tfw when

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just do STEM like everyone else and try to hold your spaghetti in

>INFJ being pretentious
>INTJ in a tunnel vision with its own arrogance
>INTP's cold heart actively sabotages its """flawless"""logic, unbeknownst to it
>ENTP too far up its ass to even be taken seriously
>ENFP busy self-destructing
>ISTP on a /nightwalk/

It's over friends. You'll never be understood. You'll never reach your promised land because you've become too personal, too detached from the world compared to everyone else. You digged your own grave by understanding your place in society, but you ought to have started by understanding the society first.

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I used to be so empathetic in my teen years, to a fault. After years of amphetamine binged and abusing xanax and alcohol I have a hollow feeling in my chest where the feelings should be 95% of the time.

>You digged your own grave by understanding your place in society, but you ought to have started by understanding the society first.
heartrendingly true

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