What's your biggest regret in life?

What's your biggest regret in life?

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>What's your biggest regret in life?
I have no regrets

becoming addicted to this shit hole of a site

being a neet for 8 years

Getting so many melanin injections.

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Not playing more videogames when i was younger dont @ me

That I haven't fucking killed myself yet.

>being born
>not committing die yet

Biggest regret is someone else claiming Im a troll and they were serious about it and then they admitted they were the troll themselves
So, it's obviously they didn't care about any justice if I was one,

That's my regret because they had no real reason of their own to be obsessed with me, they have a. Active social life and even a irl gf

Weird stuff

Not killing myself at 16

my mom and dad giving birth to me during middle age, sacking me with a bunch of mental and physical problems from their negligence

What the fuck are melanin injections

I mean I have a conglomerate of mistakes that are all intertwined one way or another but the biggest one was probably not telling the girl who loved me that I love her too

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Drinking dumb fuck juice even though the carton specifically said it was dumb fuck juice

either not having taken care of my teeth as a teen, resulting in tons of expensive continuous-replacement-every-10-years fake teeth (crowns fillings etc)
or having essentially wasted 5-10 years of my life being too much of a sperg and an uncared for poorfag nobody with no education. everyone else was studying abroad and doing fantastic things and I did nothing because no money, suffered terrible neglect by parents, didn't know what possibilities there were, no friends, etc.
kind of want to kms but that would just be a sad death after a life of doing nothing.

I'm half black but I got my mom's skin tone and my dad's features. For graduation I asked for melanin injections which basically tan your skin, got a few too many and now I look totally African which I regret.

being born
fuck you mom!!!

Not learning math
Friendzoning that one girl
Not buying bitcoin

diddling that kid in that theatre, whoopsiedaisy sorry little girl

Being born

compeltely orgiinal

1.Giving up the guitar at age 12. I should have stuck with it but I was/am a lazy retard.

2.Not going out with a girl who was attracted to me when I was 17/18. She was a little weird and followed me everywhere but she was attractive and kind. I was just so scared and I convinced myself that a gf would mess up my A-levels.

3.Lying to my parents on skype about hearing voices in my head It made them take me from uni and messed up my life. I am not really sure why I did it. I went to such a great uni but I fucked everything up.

Probably smoking weed everyday from 13-23

Keeping up with the demands of my waifu

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Quitting a pretty good job with no back up, dropping out of college.

Being lazy and unreliable. I'm sure it'll change soon.

Having sex with my hot math teacher in high school, the sex was great but my fellow classmates found out

Looking at ig thots while i had a gf. It destroyed my relationship and idk why i even did it bc i had boners for my gf only. I love you A.E.

I faked wanting to commit suicide so I could get out of the Navy before they could drug test me.
I wish I was still in.

Missing that State Touchdown pass.