Give me the best advice that pops in your mind
Give me the best advice that pops in your mind
never have high expectations from others or anything in life for that matter (though, I suppose there can be very few exceptions). if you expect the worst and the best happens, you'll be pleasantly surprised. if the worst happens, you won't be as affected by whatever it is because you were already expecting it.
Just be sure to not dig your own grave by becoming a nihilistic, mid-life crisis experiencing ''ecks dee'' edgelord. It's not very fun, to say the least.
confidence can get you anything if used correctly, thats how ugly dudes get females and how morons get elected president.
if you scratch your asshole then absent mindedly pick your nose right after, you'll smell shit for like 5 minutes
Remember that we don't yet know why the universe was created, what purpose we serve and what our consciousness means. Remember that, if we take into account the size of the observable universe and the time (measured only by us, but in this instance used as an indicator) which has already passed since its creation, you realise just how meaningless your own individual life is. Use that power to do whatever you want to live a great and happy life - unless you're mentally or physically disabled, in which case I'm sorry and you got the shit end of the stick.
you need to work hard and don't let yourself be distracted by the internet
disregard females, acquire magic
lol pleasantly unoriginal
If you meet a girl you like, talk to her before 10 seconds pass or else you'll be too scared to do shit.
Also, get some cheap condoms and practice how to put them on in case you are yo ever lose your virginity
stop watching porn
Start lifting
Spurn jews
>stop watching porn
Never going to happen.
>Start lifting
I already do.
>Spurn jews
I will join them.
> we don't yet know why the universe was created, what purpose we serve and what our consciousness means. Remember that, if we take into account the size of the observable universe and the time (measured only by us, but in this instance used as an indicator) which has already passed since its creation, you realise just how meaningless your own individual life is.
"Man is the measure of all things'' - Protagoras
first the money then the girls not the other way around
If you believe in god your life will be alot harder but it will most likely be worth it
don't open it
t. /v/
get off Jow Forums, and don't let life pass you by.
women are lagging indicators of success. meaning -- women show up when you're fulfilled financially, physically, and mentally. you can't find a partner when you're broke, stressed, and hate yourself.
i mean, shit, you can, but it won't be a happy relationship.
That and wear sunscreen if you're a whitey. take care of your body you only get the one
reeeee what is this i dont know and not sure
>w-w-why is my life shit?
Your call, lad.
Life is about having luck. if you arent lucky, to bad. thats life.
Money will improve your life up to 70-80k per year. After that there's no gigantic increase in personal happiness.
Seek to gain enough money to not worry about money. Greed poisons. Wealth is toxic.
I ain't scared of losing test.
fucking pussies thinking not fapping will raise your non-existen test lmao
My high IQ brain is telling me that if you're not ridden with anxiety and uncontrollable amounts of autism, to get a job and save your money. Once you've accumulated your shekels buy land far away from a city for about 3K then you buy a motorcycle to save gas to go back to your city to work. You keep living rent free on your new land until you buy enough assets to live comfortably and become self sufficient
If you're autistic, or anxiously crippled you can try this advice and feel the pain of 100,000,000 awkward moments until you manage to be self sufficient.
fuck what other people think
do what makes you happy
Don't pull out your eyelashes.
Take care of your own feelings because is your duty, nobody can hurt them if you don't let them
Don't be a slave to your mind and thoughts.
Weaponize your autism. That's all you need to do.
I'd say this for only for certain religions like Hinduism and Islam. Frankly, I don't know enough about Hinduism or Judasim, but it being Islamic will make life harder because of sexual temptation, lack of pork (muslimfag here). I can say that because of my belief I am confident it will pay off and I am happy.
Don't let your room get too messy.
Wash your teeth.
Make, at least, contact with one person per day. It can be your mom, the guy at the store, a teacher you're asking a question to. Anyone.
If you can, you should be doing the laundry.
If you don't feel like studying, at least organize what you're going to study when you feel better.
Cut your nails.
Don't assume someone regards you as a friend.
If you overstep and realize your error of being too friendly, the cringe is seppuku worthy.
Depend on others, let others depend on you when appropriate.
everybody's a machine. learn how they work to exploit them.