Chipotle race baited by Thieves to fire employee

Niggers get Chipotle employee fired around holidays for muh racism. She was just doing their job.

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You're gonna have to elaborate nigga.

>Niggers get Chipotle employee fired around holidays for muh racism. She was just doing their job.

THIS isn't pol pol/ you dumb nigger faggot we need A mother fucking LINK

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Not OP but here's the link

Glad to see the normalfags on twitter calling out this thief.

What happened tho. Not a link, just say what happened.

How else would we know what the fuck is going on?
Thank you.

Is that a guy or a girl in the profile photo?

It's just sad how much people can get away with by playing the race card. Companies like chipotle are so worried about their public image. In these days of social media, stories and accusations can spread to the entire country in mere hours, so companies just dump the employees that the accusations are targeted at at and go on with their business because it's cheaper to just get rid of employees accused of racism than it is to defend individuals who potentially did nothing wrong. They'd rather put an innocent person out of a job than lose some sales.

Exactly as OP describes, a group of unruly African Americans who admits to dine and dashing prior to this event goes up and asks for food at Chipotle.
The manager spotted their bullshit from a mile away and refused to serve them anything knowing their past.
The African Americans whipped out their gold-plated iPhones and started recording in the middle of the situation, removing the context behind their refusal of service.
Chipotle noticed the racebaiting video and fired the manager without question, leaving where we are now.

>melanin-enriched gentlemen arrive at chipotle and order food
>manager recognizes these men as serial dine-and-dashers who have attempted these hijinks at this same chipotle in the past
>they refuse to give them food until they show some money
>esteemed African-American intellectuals play the race card
>record interaction and post it on twitter
>twitter users go through the man's profile and find many, many tweets about his previous dine-and-dash escapades, some of which were at the same chipotle
>chipotle fires the manager anyways, because muh image

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>They'd rather put an innocent person out of a job than lose some sales.
Late state capitalism supported by those who think communism is hip and trendy, what a timeline we live in.

buncha niggers who go around dine and dashing recorded themselves being refused service at a chipotle because the manager knew they were just gonna run out.

She got fired, niggers chimping out like usual about muh racisms

this is why I say niggers are like women, in that they have no consequences for their bullshit actions.

This is sad, but also kind of funny, in a messed-up way.

go back to Jow Forums you fucking braindead shills

that's why we need actual communism, starting with turning all these reactionary shills into soap

these Jow Forumstards are the fucking lapdogs of the ruling class and they come here blogging about some random incident like they discovered the secret to immortality

How about you look at the link, retard. It's not about le neggers r ebil, it's about how these people are accusing innocent workers of racism in order to cover their tracks after repeatedly dine-and-dashing.

To further add insult to injury, mainstream news sources are eating this shit up like pigs.

Fuck off tanky, replacing authoritarianism imposed by the state is no better than that which is imposed by corporations. You're just a bootlicker for the left sole.

It's about how corporations see their workers as nothing but absolute waste to be released at the first sign of inconvenience.

Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle.

I'm an anarchist you retard.

Communism cannot be achieved without state intervention, face it retard.

That's a huge part of it, too. I never, ever want to work for a fast food or retail company. I'd like to keep my dignity, thank you very much.

absolute bullshit

why do drumpfmericans need guns if they believe they can't achieve anything meaningful against the government?

>It's not about le neggers r ebil
They are though.

>be black
>See this
>Realise it's angering and making a bunch of Jow Forums users butthurt right now
>They're in a thread talking about some normalfag bullshit from a normalfag infested place
Feels good senpai niggas out here gotta eat.

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Communism can only be imposed by those with some form of authority, without power most people will naturally drift away from that deluded ideology.

Why is it the blacks during the Civil Rights movement who were actually discriminated against still acted with decency even when they were protesting something but the ones today have to curse and yell while recording on their $1k phones over something so insignificant?

>why do drumpfmericans need guns if they believe they can't achieve anything meaningful against the government?

They don't believe that you absolute fucking moron. Only retards think that a large armed uprising in the USA would be quashed by the US government using jets to bomb them.

>Why is it the blacks during the Civil Rights movement who were actually discriminated against still acted with decency even when they were protesting something but the ones today have to curse and yell while recording on their $1k phones over something so insignificant?
Should've given them rights quicker and not treat them like shit for a long time, it has its effects but alas who cares about now.

>be black
>see this
>enraged that people would destroy someone's livelihood to get free food

then what's the fucking problem with overthrowing the government and installing a communist regime? you can have people in positions of power, just make them easily replaceable and ensure they are doing a good job at all times.

Because the Blacks prior to the Civil Rights movement where actually oppressed, therefore they needed to behave with dignity in order to prove that they are equal to their White counterparts, whereas the wealthy niggers today aren't oppressed, so they're free to act as unruly as possible.

Not all of them acted decently, but I definitely see what you're saying. I think it just comes down to the kind of people these guys are.

>you can't own that
>why not!?!
>because we just won't acknowledge your private ownership of it so you can't make money off it

>just make them easily replaceable
You need power to overthrow a government, and you can be damn sure whoever has the power will not give it up.

>still acted with decency

These days I'm skeptical this was ever true.

>you are now suppose to acknowledge the nappy headed chicken wing sucking monkey in pic related as your equal
It's over.

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>le neggers r ebil
But every news article they're in points to that, mindless impulsive degenerates.

>then what's the fucking problem with overthrowing the government and installing a communist regime?

cause it doesn't fucking work and only morons would do that?

Right wing vs government is completely different from a bunch of scrawny, idiot communists against the government AND the right you absolute brainlet.

>be black
>know people hate you for nigging
>get happy when nigs nog, confirming people should hate you

you sure are smart

>Be black
>Be on a forum to hang out with losers
>Get fucking shitty newsfeed from faggots
>Renders my Google alerts on my new android phone useless
I truly couldn't give two shits it's a bloody normalfag I couldn't care less if the place was shot up by the next Elliot Rodger. Society can go fuck itself.

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>>because we just won't acknowledge your private ownership of it so you can't make money off it
You're using the wrong word, it's not that you "won't acknowledge", to not acknowledge without power is to impose a non-existent authority.
What you actually mean is that you would rather a figure of power (ie the government) take away property rights with brute force.

they were scared back then, now white guilt has taken away their fear, and their true nature comes out

looks like its a good time to identify as being black and get some free food from now on

How does Chipotle work? Do you order, eat, and then pay? I thought it was like all the other fast food places (order, pay, eat).

you don't need to overthrow the government, just install measures to make sure any corrupt politician is easily replaced

>Be retarded pigskin
>Thinks I care about any of this
>Reading comprehension of a 9 year of leads him to believe I'm happy because they tried some stupid shit
I'm laughing you guys are mad over this. Fucking faggots I swear.

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>just install measures to make sure any corrupt politician is easily replaced
Measures such as?

no I mean the public can take that away by simply not engaging with it. again we're talking about an anarchist society.

Okay, what the fast food workers did was wrong

Itd order pay eat but when you go up to pay they usually hand you the food as you are paying, because who actually steals food like that?
So they would go up to pay, then grab the bag and fucking run

You are delusional if you think the public is going to buy into this and just not buy goods that they want. ESPECIALLY in the internet age with online shopping...

>the public can take that away by simply not engaging with it
That's what the public does already. Are you always deluded enough to think that whatever opinion is yours is also that of the public's?

Him and his group of friends have a history of dining and dashing at Chipotle and at multiple other places.
The worker was just doing her job.

>Society can go fuck itself.
You have a point there.

>have the public review their performance at the end of any given month
>have active voting at the end of every month
>have special councils appointed by the people who can monitor them and get a say on their performance
>have independent people in charge of making sure they do a good job with the power to remove them by special vote

there are so many ways. and this is coming from me. I'm not especially smart. a smarter person could figure out a billion better ways to hold t he government accountable.

Absolute bullshit. As long as you have billionaires with billions of dollars they can essentially bully their way into the market and force people to use whatever product they want. And then prevent any real competition. Capitalism is a joke.

She just wanted to get blacked.

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What a fucking nigger? He admits it!

>I'm not especially smart.
Exactly, which is why you're forgetting one key factor: apathy.
Do you really think the public gives a shit about what each and every politician does every month?
Do you really expect your John Smiths and your Joe Bloggs to go out there and mark a tick on a piece of paper every month?
Do you really believe that these so-called "special" councils aren't just the Upper House system you see in most parliamentary democracies?
You're delusional to say that the average person will care about any of these measures, especially with local government elections in the UK having incredibly poor turnouts.
And who do you think will uphold and enforce the result of these elections? If it's an anarchist society, why are people expected to not only waste their time voting for a politician, but are also expected to listen to these people when they have the freedom to tell these pompous bureaucrats to go fuck themselves?
Take it from both history and modern politics, your ideas are either already from an existing political system, or just flat-out won't work.

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>billionaires with billions of dollars
You act like they won't thrive in an anarchist society, even more so without government-enforced anti-trust laws.

It's phenomenally stupid to assume people won't be willing to vote for their local politician if he's doing something they absolutely hate in any given month.

>And who do you think will uphold and enforce the result of these elections?
A people's militia I guess. Marx wanted everyone in a communist society to be armed at all times, but even then you can have a job called the people's militia. People who are willing to do it for a pay and enforce the will of the people.

How would they thrive without any of the money and private institutions they owned beforehand? And their total inability to own anything for profit in the current society?

>It's phenomenally stupid to assume people won't be willing to vote for their local politician if he's doing something they absolutely hate in any given month.
It's neither stupid nor an assumption, local council elections are notorious for their low turnout rates. In the 2017 Scottish Council elections, only 9 out of the 32 council areas had a turnout rate of above 50%, and most people don't even know who their local councillors are.
>People who are willing to do it for a pay and enforce the will of the people.
What are you going to do when the benefits of just straight-up taking over society outweigh the pay they get at the end of each day, and how is that different from a police force, funded by the government, elected by the people? You seriously have to stop sniffing your own farts mate.

>And their total inability to own anything for profit in the current society?
Under whose authority?

How are they not going to have money? Sure sure you'll take it lmao, but any billionaire would have tons of money in hidden and offshore bank accounts, gold, guns and probably a private army if it looked like the plebs were going to steal their shit.

sounds about par. love how the mainstream has L I T E R A L L Y equated themselves to thieves by siding with these hooligans. very poignant.

>It's neither stupid nor an assumption, local council elections are notorious for their low turnout rates. In the 2017 Scottish Council elections, only 9 out of the 32 council areas had a turnout rate of above 50%, and most people don't even know who their local councillors are.
It's not hard to educate your citizens on the actions currently being undertaken by their representatives, especially when it's not a nightmare of a clusterfuck like all of western bureaucracy is and is being displayed to them honestly and plainly. Once you level with people and explain things to them in an easy to understand format they will absolutely vote, especially if you find ways to make voting more accessible. The current systems are literally setup in a way for the people in power to benefit from lower voter turnout.

>What are you going to do when the benefits of just straight-up taking over society outweigh the pay they get at the end of each day, and how is that different from a police force, funded by the government, elected by the people?

Never allow that to happen in the first place? If you give people a baseline level of comfort they will be happy. Most people are not maniacal retards seeking to disrupt society if they are happy. In modern day society people have no way of affecting who serves on the police force. That's the answer to your second question. Have a people's militia that is responsible to the people.

>The current systems are literally setup in a way for the people in power to benefit from lower voter turnout.
Except it's not, unlike what you may think, Scottish local elections are held under the Single Transferable Vote system, which makes the results far more proportionate to other systems such as First Past the Post.
Regardless of voter turnout, this system will still produce a result more or less proportional to what the people actually voted for.
>Most people are not maniacal retards seeking to disrupt society if they are happy.
How do you make sure that they are happy? Outside of your perfect little world, your proposal is more akin to that of a private militia owned by billionaires (like what the other user mentioned), or guards to a tyrannical dictator.
>Have a people's militia that is responsible to the people.
What are they going to do? Drop their guns and surrender when someone marks a shitty little 'X' on a meaningless piece of paper? Most people always strive for a better life, unlike pathetic bootlickers like yourself who would rather play the role of an Ukrainian guard at Sobibor.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but only when used for propaganda, not the ballot.

>How do you make sure that they are happy?
I just established that. I feel like you're just arguing in a vacuum. You have frequent elections and you give people all the info. If they're happy they won't vote anyone out.
> Outside of your perfect little world, your proposal is more akin to that of a private militia owned by billionaires (like what the other user mentioned), or guards to a tyrannical dictator.
what the fuck are you talking about? I'm talking about a militia of volunteers that only get paid what society as a whole agrees they should be paid and is totally susceptible to the influence of the people. you're just terrible at arguing. you're constantly on the offensive and never give your opponent any sort of valid interpretation. get a grip motherfucker.
>What are they going to do? Drop their guns and surrender when someone marks a shitty little 'X' on a meaningless piece of paper?
We literally just established all of society would be armed. Why wouldn't these people wanna drop their arms if everyone, including their fellow comrades deemed it worthy?
>Most people always strive for a better life, unlike pathetic bootlickers like yourself who would rather play the role of an Ukrainian guard at Sobibor.
And my goal is to give everyone a better life. Calling me a bootlicker is hilarious. I'm advocating for a society with no absolute power. You're triple doubting me cause you're presumably a reactionary shithead looking to score points online. End your life my guy. You are the enemy of the people.

You need to go back you brain dead NPC.

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>You have frequent elections and you give people all the info. If they're happy they won't vote anyone out.
I don't believe I needed to clarify this; how do you keep the militia happy?
>I'm talking about a militia of volunteers that only get paid what society as a whole agrees they should be paid
What 'society' agrees differs depending on the individual, and you can bet your virginity that for such an important job what they think they should be paid will be consistently higher than what society thinks.
>We literally just established all of society would be armed.
Yes, and history has established that not everybody thinks the same way, you will always find the one man who wants to gain power over everyone else, and all it takes it one man for shit to hit the fan.
>And my goal is to give everyone a better life. Calling me a bootlicker is hilarious.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
>I'm advocating for a society with no absolute power.
And I'm calling your ideas delusional.