>look in mirror at home & at work
>decent 6/10
>whip out phone
>pull up selfie cam
>instantly 3-4ugly/10 tier
I don't get it.
When I look at other people they look the exact same whether I see them in a mirror, photo, or irl.
How am I supposed to know if I'm truly ugly or not..
Look in mirror at home & at work
Other urls found in this thread:
Go on soc and ask for a rate or ask a girl irl if she would smash or pass
I look 1/10 in the mirror and negative in everything else
My face in the mirror and in videos isn't even the same one that appears in pics. I can literally do a side by side of my face captured from a video and a pic and video face is symmetrical, thin and 8/10, but my picture face is fat as fuck and my nose looks like it's been broken 20 times
Something is fucked up about cameras, I just want to know which face everyone else sees out of the video/mirror chad and the disfigured pic fag
I'm too much of a social autist to have the balls to do either of those things.
Shit kind of ruined my day desu. I always thought I was pretty decent looking, certainly not ugly but after seeing myself on camera I look fucking revolting.
Same I want to know why everyone elses face is consistent when I see it but mine fucking changes shape and shit
The reason you think you look ugly in photos is because for your entire life you look at yourself via a mirror
But when you use a photo, the image is flipped around, so it seems off or unnatural, it subtly looks different than how you've come to know your own face in the mirror so you see it as ugly
It's not just flipped though. In pics my nose, eyes and jawline are an entirely different shape and position than on mirror and video and my face looks shorter and fatter in pics
I can literally screenshot videos of myself and side by side the face and see this difference
>tt subtly looks different than how you've come to know your own face in the mirror so you see it as ugly
So what do other people see, certainly not the mirror version right since that's only from one angle?
Phone cameras have shitty lenses that distort your image from up close.
Holy fuck same here. What the fuck is wrong with us? I swear to God I'm 8/10 in the mirror. But my pictures are fucking terrible. Also my mannerisms in videos are suicide inducing. Can't even imagine what other people are seeing. How do you overcome this? How do you become MirrorBoi?
its literally just your mind fucking with you because its different than normal, you can look up scientific studies into this phenomenon
People will see you basically the same as the mirror version, just flipped
The only reason its perceived as ugly by you is because its different from normal and seems off to you, but to everyone else that is their normal look of you so they dont experience that
Shitty simulation devs used your demo model in pics, never bothered to path this bug
Ok that's good to know.
That pic actually makes me kind feel better, on camera I looked the last two tier but much worse. I was ready to commit seppuku
People who make this kind of face when they look in the mirror are deeply neurotic
>all these uggos rating themselves 8/10
newsflash if you were an 8/10 you wouldn't be posting on this board, no you'd be balls deep in some hot girl right now
dw OP its camera distortion. especially with selfies because theyre so close to your face.
your mirror is more accurate
Except I've been with objective 10/10 girls
The only reason I'm on this board is because been a NEET gets boring after a while and there's nothing else to do all day but this and vidya
i'm not great looking in the mirror but i'm absolutely hideous in photos, i thought i was the only person with this problem. i think it may be the angles.
If you've seen alot of pictures or videos of your self your face looks the same as it does in the mirror
same with recording of your voice, hear your voice enough times it sounds like the one that you hear when you speak
your dick is normal bros
in porn the camera is alot closer to your pp than your eyes are so dicks look bigger
next time your in the bathroom and look at your dick in the mirror, it will look normal sized
notice how this guy goes from big nosed uggo to neckpilled slayer just by increasing the focal length? when you have your crappy phone camera jammed up against your face the angles are all fucked up.
>crappy phone camera
I have a IPhone XS Max sweety
>camera built by chinese kids is better than another camera built by chinses kids because it has an "i" in front of it
Why do instathots always look so good then when they take them?
>pose to pic
>look like shit
>someone takes my pic without me seeing
>look awesome
I wish people took my pictures naturally, instead of always asking to stop and fakesmile to the camera for seconds while my face tires and looks ridiculous in the final pic.
she looks like ducky from land before time though
Because you find them attractive, so you'll overlook any flaw.
That and lots and lots of pictures. I know an attention-whore like that, takes hundred of pics and carefully selects the best.
because you have low standards
she cute
to clarify, focal length is irrelevant, it's the distance from the camera that matters. focal length just helps you get a far away object in focus.
this girl would look much prettier if the camera was about 5 feet furher away, she's just pretty enough to still look good in a bad picture.
this is why selfie sticks are a thing--by holding the camera further away, your face does not look as distorted. you can try it yourself. take a pic of your face at arm's length, then from across the room using the camera's self timer. zoom the further away picture in so your face is the same size in both. your nose will look huge in the selfie compared to the far shot.
>implying that's a bad thing
user pls
We both know the things we would've done to Ducky
This thread is lifefuel. I hate when people take pics of me because I think I look like a fucking ugly retard. I look good on the mirror tho. My only problem is my deep nasolabial wrinkles which make me look a bit older
tons of makeup and perfect angles.
because daddy buys them the new iphone XXX for $5000 then they take 6 gorrillion photos only for you to overlook any of the distortion left
femanon here. she's blond. someone shoop some mousy brown hair on her and give her brown eyes and she'd look much more plain. she's still very pretty -- she has a quite symmetrical face. having a symmetrical face is the main thing that people find attractive. notice how her eyes are on an even plane. same with the corners of her mouth. this along with the slight angle of the camera makes this a good picture. also, again, she's very pretty naturally.
The main thing that every man and boy in this thread should remember is the following:
nah ninga
yo ugly ass is jus actly ugly
i aint gon lie
Thanks for the advice.
Based and red pilled.
>out drinking with my brother and my two cousins
>one of my cousins snap a picture of me, my brother and the other cousin
>I look like a goblin while the others look great
It's not fair
or am i missing something?
Just adding to what I said here:
Don't forget about makeup. Remember that we will literally pretend to be sick by making ourselves vomit before we are seen without makeup by males. Girls in their natural state are waaaaaaaaaay weirder looking than guys.. This is why I find men who take selfies unattractive.
There are two possibilities for male selfie takers:
>A) the selfie is good
this means that the man took 500 pictures and carefully selected the best one (who knows he could literally be wearing makeup and photoshopping himself these days). what's fucked up these days is that instagram encourages this behavior in men. women who are attracted to male selfie takers are actually attracted to his instagram followers (his status).
>B) the selfie is terrble and cringey
this means the guy is either delusional about himself, or that he doesn't have the ability to look at his selfie and call himself a faggot. this renders him unworthy of my love (and, thus, vagina).
this is why some girls like niggers -- niggers aren't going around taking selfies. we want men who literally aren't thinking about selfies. like ever. white dudes c'mon.
Girls have the same problem as OP except ten times worse. The time that you guys spend in your rooms on your computers, we spend looking in the mirror. Tens of thousands of hours throughout our lives, watching ourselves change from a girl (best years) into a teenager (suicide) into a woman (SUICIDE) into a used up "roastie" (S U I C I D E). thankfully i'm only at the early woman phase, so there is still hope of finding a guy who likes me. FINDING A MAN WHO FINDS YOU BEAUTIFUL IS THE ONLY CURE TO THIS. I would imagine it's the same for boys -- find a girl who adores you.. Even if she's ugly and fat.. She'll change her body at any cost to keep you... But again, it's super unattractive when men worry about stuff like this (so are all you "tranny" men, i will never date any man that has ever even considered "trannyhood").
I just removed my selfie from whatsapp. I will never fucking up one in my entire life.
But understand my logic. I have a really symmetric face, doesn't that appeal to women? I didn't upload it because I'm obsessed with my face, I uploaded it to show that I'm better looking than most other guys.
>femanon here
always such a quandary when retards say this shit on here, if you are actually a woman, your opinion is literally worthless dogshit and i can only assume you're some ugly, negative worth subhuman life-form to be a living, breathing female on Jow Forums - and r9k of all places - but if you're only some dude (99%) then you're just a faggot making shit up, because if you're autistic enough to lie about being a girl, you're autistic enough to fabricate two huge anecdotal posts about something with no merit in real life
what's the quandary then? it's my quandary, wondering what sort of neckbeard is on the other end of these trashcan posts - or if it's just some lazy shitposting robot
>he doen't have the ability to look at his selfie and call himself a faggot
why would you want someone who hates themself in that way but not in that he would take 500 pictures of himself to find a good one(and maybe wear makeup)? it's unattractive when women spend so much time on their appearance too, it's healthy to try to be presentable but with most it just looks like self hatred and insecurity, a plain or even ugly woman who has some form of respect for their natural state is better.
Happened to me for the first time when I was a child and saw a picture from some weird angle of myself, chronic fear from everything that records images, sometimes I just stare at myself and think about how disgusting I look. Make shit excuses anytime someone would like to take a picture with me out of paranoia that they want to see others how ugly I am.
It is probably all in my head.
Nope. You're not missing anything. Only girls should be taking pictures of ourselves. We shouldn't be doing it either, really. But we are vain and hormonal and insecure -- and nothing is going to change that in the near future. But men shouldn't be vain and hormonal and insecure. You guys need to be there to fill in the holes in our minds, bodies and souls. We are there to do the same for you. It's yin and yang.
i don't know if anyone gives a fuck about the source of the gif but here it is
most of a modern man's "manly" behavior exists because of vanity, insecurity, hormones(in puberty which effected their mental development). we're emotional creatures too as you can see on this board and it probably isn't going to change in the near future either. the idea that you need a man to fill in "holes" in your mind is as cringey as the robots that want a second mommy who will coddle them...or maybe this is bait, if so good job lol
A selfie isn't an accurate representation of how people see you because of how distorted the image comes out, but from a decent enough quality camera, including the back camera on most phones, that's how you look to everyone. If you find that you're ugly in candid photos that have been taken of you, then yeah, you're probably ugly.
I know this because I'm ugly and I've always hated seeing photos of myself.
I dont mind the sun sometimes; the images it shows; I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes; cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies; you never know just how you look through other peoples eyes.
Original... not original. Whatever.