Arab men having anal sex with their daughters

How common is this? My girlfriend has an arab girl as a friend, and she has told her she used to have anal sex with her own father weekly when she still lived at home. It was seen as a form of gratitude. Everyone knew about it, but didn't talk. For the most part she was required to lay on her side on his bed and let him have is way. The girl claims it is rather common practice in that culture. Is that really true?

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how they make sure no poo gets on penis? i have a hard time believing anyone who regularly has anal sex cleans out their ass perfectly every single time. I shit like 5 times a day because I love black beans, there is not way I could keep that under control.

Be my poop gf please

Not sure if it's true, but it does sound like something they would do.
I don't get the laying on side part though. You'd think doggy/prone bone is a lot more comfy for anal.

Surely there must be muslims/arabs who can answer.

>I shit like 5 times a day
I doubt the average person shits that much, and I don't think most people shit at night either.
By then I'm sure the girls ass is empty and relatively clean enough to where you'll only have to deal with a a few streaks or two at most.

in the arab world being a virgin is a big thing. if a girl gets banged in the ass she can still pretend to be virgin on here wedding.

doesn't really count as sex so i don't see why not. religious kids start doing anal in the west at like 12 or 13.

Ive heard saudi girls in the us take it only in the ass to keep their virginity. This was from a Saudi in the us. But all the saudi guys, like 8 or 10. Never could get any girls. Theyre way too stalker/creepy for American standards. Ive never came across Saudi girl so who knows. I imagine its true for many

As far as I know, no this isn't normal. Too degenerate even for the Arabs.

Incest isn't really condemned in the Arab world, nor in Islam. Here's a study that found that like 80% of the Arab world is at least slightly inbred. Like 25 % of their marriages are to their cousins (kek). Obviously they aren't all mentally retarded, but it seems to be a really widespread thing.. As for the anal sex: arabs think that having anal sex doesn't count as taking a girl's virginity.. I've heard anons who have lived/worked in the ME claim that you can have anal sex with Arab qt22/7's all the time -- it's how they fool around without getting stoned to death. It's not "open" or "condoned", but, like you said, it's happening all the time and everyone knows.

Anyways here's the study:

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white, but grew up in saudi
not normal.

Been raised by muslim parents and I can say that this is bullshit. Incest is considered as one of the worst sin you can do.

Everyone in this thread is talking about religious girls getting fucked in the ass and not about the part where OP claims she was fucked in the ass by her father. I think the father part is what he was asking about, not if Muslims do anal.

Dude, they do the same thing with their sons, but they "fuck" their thighs instead. Or both thighs and anal. Most regular pedos were abused themselves as children, that's well-documented, and in Muslim culture the logic just goes that "Well my dad did it to me, so I deserve to do it to my son."

>wait at least 2 hours after bm
>but not long before next poopoo come
>use designated douche for rectum
>lube finger
>lube anus
>sick finger in butt
>insert foreign object
>angle it so that it points to your front
>slide it up and down
i assume girls do the same

slightly off topic but in Afghanistan its tradition to fuck little boys.

It's not even the dad doing it in that part of the world, it's literally and I mean LITERALLY rape gangs who rape and sodomize little boys as a sign that they are macho and manly to their peers. The dominant is the masculine while the submissive one is the bitch. Their society is like one big prison. It's probably one of the reasons too why Arab men beat their wives. It's the only way to vent their frustrations in the real world.

Anal doesn't have to be incest though. Muslims have a lot of weird traditions. They don't like gay stuff but the guys will wash each other and sleep with each other naked for fun.

arabs love homosexuality, same as Christianity and sex you know.

Anal is also considered to be a sin so this is not valid.

Haha loser shut the fuck up
You weren't "raised my muslim parents" or else you would be muslim or honor killed you loser
Stop lying on the internet like this guy

ofc the moslems also practice taqiya, so they will never tell you the truth either
which is why they lie here when they say that anal and incest is a lie and therefore they would never do it
the lie is that they will and they do
see "bacha bazi", for instance, like the other user posted


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