Attention: All work safe boards are soon going to be on the domain

>Attention: All work safe boards are soon going to be on the domain.

But what about all the other boards? What are they planning?

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it's coming to an end bud, we had a good ride.

We will stand will Jow Forums and begin the true /pol9k/ alliance. Fight against the tranny thread hordes

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pol-r9k are the cancer killing Jow Forums. Best to cut them off.

I'd like to see a SFW Jow Forums.

What is happening. Why are they moving them to a new domain?

Advertisers only want NSFW boards
Jow will have porn and malware ads will have generic ads that pay more

shit's dumb
hitomoot just wants to move the worksafe to a new domain, so that he can get advertisers on the proper places
rn its very hard for him to find advertisers for here, as theres lots of nsfw boards - hence, only porn ads appear because those are the only ones deperate enough
if hiromoot splits it into two domains, one NSFW and one SFW, then he can keep the porn advertisers on Jow, but get far better and more-paying ads on, as it'll be more advertiser-friendly
tl;dr: it makes the SFW boards pay more and have better ads

This. It makes sense in terms of making enough to keep the site running. As long as there's no censorship on the NSFW boards it shouldn't be an issue.

Why would they want to advertise on NSFW boards? I get that most of the traffic comes from Jow Forums and porn boards but wouldn't the shit anons post there make any advertiser run away in fear?

My bad. I meant to write
most advertisers want SFW boards

NSFW boards only get porn & sketchy malware ads that don't pay well

the name is shit, should change it to 4ch or 4chan2 maybe

Holy shit you are fucking retarded.
Jow Forums is literally short for 4channel

really I think people might be overestimating things. nsfw boards even now have redtube tier porn ads, people only cried about it the first few days untill everyone was smart enough to block them. Also with the absolute state of jannies and moderators on blue boards right now, how would they even be capable of censoring content enough to be advertisement friendly?

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2ch is the name of the japanese site newfag

NSFW will keep Redtube ads and the like
SFW boards can have Google ads

And what do you think that is short for faggot

no theres a 2ch and 2chan(futaba). how the fuck do you not know that

This is either retardation at its peak or Poes law in action

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stop playing. you arent funny fuck off

It's OK to be wrong user.
There is no need to get angry.
You're a spastic and that's ok

those boards are the most fun to be honest , whould be better without the shill spam though.

Advertisers would be ok advertising on pretty much all boards aside from r9k, pol, b, and the porn boards. Gook moot is thus dividing the site so he can sell ads.

Jow Forums is based on Futaba Channel (2chan), not 2channel (2ch). Fucking moron.

Why do advertisers care about the domain name? Can't they just advertise exclusively on SFW boards right now? The new domains are probably gonna link to each other anyway.

probably much more similar to original Jow Forums

They can't. The owner could still put their ads on NSFW boards.