Should I reveal my money and power to Brooke so she can love me?
>t. Rich Asian fag
Should I reveal my money and power to Brooke so she can love me?
>t. Rich Asian fag
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posting camwhores that actively try to acquire orbiters here should be a bannable offense.
Anything for that poosi
stay within your own race you filthy degenerate bugman
Its okay if asians RICE latinas as long as they are Northeastern asians
Nope, it's never ok. You're just trowing everyone's genes down the shitter.
Latinos are already mixed anyways
Well you can pay for her therapy while she goes through withdrawals of no BBC, but once that doesn't work are you willing to let her have a bull keep her satisfied?
She can generate her own income,she doesnt care about your millions,plus she's most likely talking to higgus again kek.
Breh, they just friend
just noticed the nails,
jesus christ, I'm adding that shit to my red flags list.
She was younger back then,and today's zoomers are definitely not shy of being touchy towards eachother.
Switching over to Asian girls
>She was younger back
like a month ago?
Couple of years ago,back when she was somewhat social and lived close to friends.
I wan to believe, but she has a very bad track record of telling the truth.
That post is soooooo fake. Brooke will do literally anything to make people feel sorry for her, including doxxing herself and blaming others for it.
I'm legit switching over to Asian girls now. They deserve my money, not Brooke!
Put yourself in her shoes,ever since her first TIMESTAMP(I must remind you it wasn't a revealing bikini pic)people went nuts and a few days later started making daily threads about her with 300+ replies and then her private pictures popped up and people doxxed her a little everyday.Now tell me you wouldn't lie about stuff just to protect yourself.
>lived close to friends.
What's your excuse when she hasn't actually moved in years?
>when she was somewhat social
And you know her friends could've been the ones who moved right?Or they just lost contact.
then it's still the Asain who ruins his own genes moron
You do that asianon,think about this everytime you wanna make this thread:
>Brooke spends most of the time with blacks,since she's in a dominantly black area so she tends to like them more.
>Brooke was wronged and treated bad by white guys from here,so she'll crave dating white guys even more,girls are wired like that.
Her only relation to asians is liking kpop,and tho singers are on another level of lookism(surgeries,makeup),she will never really have a thing for average asians.
>nigger mom gets arrested
>nigger gets sent to orphanage
>Brooke has no BBC
>no one in her town wants to be associated with a coalburner
>Brooke is sad and depress
>Brook comes to Jow Forums to get attention from strangers
Sound about right.
Christ I wish I could castrate you.
Is this some insider information?Who are you exactly?Also what did you mean by:
>nigger gets sent to orphanage
Who is the 'nigger' in this story?And why was her mom arrested?
Yeah, really Asian user I don't get why you don't just go to your own ethnic country. You could definitely attract a 10/10 because you have money and access to the west, just need to avoid the gold diggers.
Why did she stop tripfagging?I miss her, lads.Her posts brightened up my day,as dumb as some of them were.Wish I could return the favor someday.
Asians are racial majority so it doesnt matter
Daily reminder that higgus has her nudes and still didn't share any of them.I guess she just has to make him mad over something,that guy is like a ticking bomb.
He isn't even Asian. He's larping.
Why larp as an asian out of all races?Especially when trying to get girls.
>most likely talking to higgus
>claims she wants nice guys,won't even look at jerks
>talks to the guy who had her as a side bitch and who made a thread revealing her personal info and bragging about the sexual stuff they did on vc
Keep self destructing brooke,I'm sure you'll find that nice boi one day.
who is this higgus fellow?
just when I thought Brooke couldn't go any lower
Some brittish e-celeb neet with quite a lore.He usually joins lots of discords,says some shit then leaves and repeats.People also claim he's a pedo.This guy literally gives 0 fucks about everything,not a care in the world.
used to play Overwatch with him. pretty fun dude if you get a chance to do shit with him. Too bad I'm too socially inept to keep friendships
lmao higgus
Yeah,I think he's inept as well,don't know how he managed to get brooke and play with her like that though.
wtf is Brooke talking to trash like this?
>literally changing his sleep schedule for e-girls
This guy was definitely serious about his e-dating.
because he's not inept. most likely a lazy shit with the heart of a Chad. Like all these e celeb "robots"
I guess he was there when nobody else was so she just kinda sticked with him.
It's a shame you guys have this misconception of Brooke-san. She's actually a very lovely girl.
makes sense.
o well.
I am Asian. And rich too. I can't help about the fem looking part. It's in the genes.
I keep hearing it and I really wanna get to know her.Too bad this place gave her massive trust issues.
Keep your money for yourself and do not be fooled by roasties.
Nice blurry black and white picture, you larping faggot. Here's bigfoot.
revolting. what a stupid bitch debasing herself like that. she's dirty now.
she's half black and she lives in a majoritary nigger area,why is it so hard to grasp that she will be surrounded by them because of her looks?
Brooke, we can be kissing rn, but you pushed me away. My money could've been yours as well.
Oh well...
From now on, I'm ONLY dating Asian girls.
No more whites or mixed!
a message from higgus and i
now stop causing drama
that's all a load of bullshit
dont come here crying when he posts god knows what about you again
>doesnt want drama
>continues to attention whore
dont tell me what to do thot
he is blackmailing her into dating him
Kek,she's just dumb as fuck,and if higgus will actually get her nudes she'll finally wake up when they will be everywhere.
he is forcing her to stay with him
>he is forcing her to stay with him
how so
Yeah that's why she's laughing like a druggie in that vocaroo lol.She's just a dumb self destructive hoe like every other girl.Wish that kid at her school grew the balls to show her parents everything.
he threatened her in a vc
Where is Brooke even from?
yeah you absolutelyy should. make that beetch love you.
>not being able to it's just brooke and higgus fucking with us
They'll start drama around this shithole again just for shits and giggles.
>Sexual stuff they did on vc
Well tell us more
Threatened with what?He's a neet living in another part of the globe.
He jerked off while she rubbed her nipples or some shit,it's archived somewhere,i'll see if i can find it.
big if true. If I'm not wrong brooke isnt even 18 yet
Sounds like ceep
did you jerk it listening?
I didnt hear it but higgus is a confirmed pedo,and he proved times and times again that he never hides shit when he's mad so there's definitely recodings of that.
he has all of her info and personal stories
You listen to that vocaroo and come back and tell me she's being blackmailed.
Where is this audio located
This is that thread.
>"we would sleep call, we "did stuff" once or twice where we would masturbate together but she had a troubled past so would just rub her nipples while i jacked off"
>"she is 16, her real name is grace miller and she lives in ohio
>she makes money from sugar daddies and femdom clients online through twitter and some other website where her username is "nfaubrey""
Slut confirmed
Findom has gotten popular in recent times.
I wonder what causes males to choose such lowest of degrading fetishes.
They don't even get sex out of it, just insults.
Is this the guy in the vocaroo?How fucking retarded is she?Kek.
Yes its the same guy, shes officially retarded and will have her nudes leaked for sure
jesus fucking christ you have such an annoying voice. sounds like a valley girl accent.
He told her if she did not want to be his gf again he would ruin her life.
SO why is she masturbating for him on vc
>inb4.higgus/brooke trolling
Post a screenshot or recording you faggot,how did you even get in their vc when it happened?
what's wrong with bbc brooke?
some user from two days ago found where she lives lol
You faggots fall for the same stupid shit every time stop orbiting these cunts
it was a massive server vc where he said that and repeated her address over and over
>dat nasty fucking garage
She probably stinks like cat shit desu.
She even talks like a stuck up whore.
Why does r9k give a fuck about her, again? Also, isnt posting her pics and attention whoring meant for soc?
The thing is no one really orbits her nor is she orbit worthy like muffy, ciara, kelly etc.
Brooke is just a meme amongst us and we have some fun
>b-but user you said you were going to orbit me forever!
Then wtf can he blackmail her with if he already revealed the adress like a dumbfuck?
some guy in another thread posted about giving her hundreds of dollars.
>be female
>attention whore on Jow Forums
a lot of guys say that but she has no handle to accept cash. She's not even old enough to use her own bank account yet
seriously the thread shoud've ended there, what is wrong with you fags?
Dude, Brooke posted that.
noice find m80 "never accepted money" lmao what bs
>actually believing the internet
Brooke said she was 5'10" and that girl is too short
She leaked that herself a few months ago
Said it was a "social experiment" and would actually give money to guys instead.