Imagine thinking there is a better videogame than this...

Imagine thinking there is a better videogame than this. The greatest technical and storytelling accomplishment in video game history.

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Under 18's aren't allowed to be here

LenNY! I fOuNd yoU LENnyY

>there is a better videogame than this

it's called fortnite

I don't need to imagine it. There already is


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seeLennAH Mah BoY

i dont have it yet but ill get it come december. im glad i decided not to get fallout 76 (is it even considered a game?)

Horse riding simulator

You're playing a movie and calling it a video game

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>Tank controls
>Boring setting
>Missions involve saving a race mixing couple

I'm honestly considering getting a PS4 just for the exclusives at this point. This getting ridiculous.

>being a racist dumbfuck in the year 2018

what did arthur fight for you fucking clown

The PS4 version is trash. The Xbox One X version is the best looking game in existence.

>I mean, come on, it's [CURRENT YEAR]

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Agreed. Race mixing is wrong

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you can't handwave a valid point away by posting a dumb meme enjoyed by low iq animals

>best looking game in existance


Also, how the fuck am I supposed to play weebgames and Bloodborne on an xbox? PS4 just has better exclusives

I'll let you know if its a good game when it comes to PC

Of all the consoles Xbox has the most power. Deal with it, sonypony. PS4pro is trash.


Xbox One X is fucking amazing and Rockstar went above and beyond in making their already mindblowing game look even better on it

>Valid point
Your argument was a fictional character fights against racism. Lemme guess you compare Trump to Voldemort whenever you can, right?

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>story telling
I'm enjoying this game but this is the worst story of all time. The characters are forgettable and all the dialogue that isn't just liberal agenda bullshit is still fucking boring and surface level, I tuned out of every horse ride conversation. Overall it's worth the money for the gameplay though.

Trump is a cartoon tier celebrity who's brain revolves around public appearance. If you like that glorified clown you have no right to call out anyone for being superficial or shallow, you subhuman asshat.

Arthur was heavily right wing

The what are you upset about? He was a right wing cowboy who hates racists, robs the rich, hates the government, etc.

Liking him or not wasn't the point at all. And by the way you can't handwave my other points by cherry picking the one you disagree with the most or upsets you. RDR still controls like ass, only Rockstar fanboys pretend riding horseback through barren deserts to missions and towns is any fun. It'll be mostly forgotten.

Nah it's an amazing game. Open world games get a pass for having subpar gameplay. Obviously it doesn't play like Gears of War or Horse Simulator 2019 but as a complete package it's honestly hard to expect something more than this. It can always be improved, but demanding perfection is stupid when this game already gives you so much and goes above and beyond pretty much everything else.

>Implying KOTOR 2 didn't exist

I want to play this game.. my mother bought me the special ed. without knowing I don't have an Xbox one. I offered 200 to my brother so he can upgrade to the new Xbox and give me his so I can play this game. Fuuuccckkk it's suck a cock tease just sitting on my shelf

I bought it. Haven't played it too much, though. It's like a little *too* big.
I've been playing pic related.

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>The greatest technical and storytelling accomplishment in video game history.
not even close babey

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Okay reddit fag go back to your little nerdboi site we don't want you here

Then i'll let you know that arthur dies of tuberculosis and that micah is a rat

Don't forget that you play as John Marston and have to sit through a three hour prolog to continue enjoying the game

They should have spent less time detailing footsteps in mud that fill with water as it rains and more time making it not control like shit.

i don't know what the best game of all time is, but it sure as hell ain't RDR2

This isn't a game its a average movie, games should be games, reveiwers just want games that say something to validate thier carreers but game should just be fun for the sake of it, like they always have been, western AAA developers don't understand this + realistic graphics are a mistake and its costing the industry too much for such little gain of just looking good for 2 years rather than having good art direction that will last a lifetime

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This, all I basically play now is small indie stuff that feels good to play. Fuck sitting there watching videos in 'games'

*Blockiert deinen Weg*
just how was that not original?

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dont have to imagine :)

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Same based user, making my way through hollow knight rn, should check out minit, really good game for what it is

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Hollow Knight is God tier, playing through Celeste and Binding of Issac. I know BoI is really old but I only recently got it and it is really addictive.

>threading your own post with a shit comment

I couldn't even finish that boring tryhard garbage. Only tween girls and autists like that game.

Based and Red Dead Redemption II pilled