Dance monkey, dance, amuse the crowd.
Dance monkey, dance, amuse the crowd
A window works in two directions, ofc.
Yeah, but my mom always told me not to stare at retards.
this is true. r*dditors secretly wish they were as funny as us but they know they'll never have the chops. when one of us looks at the crowd of slackjawed tourists taking pictures they tend to shy away and lower the camera. then we go back to fighting and laughing amongst ourselves while they wish they could have that much fun just once.
Reminder that no matter how pathetic you are browsing this website, you will never be as pathetic as those that browse it hoping for a funny screenshot to earn internet points.
I mean someone took their time to screenshot, crop, upload and title that thing, why cant these people just enjoy the post in the moment? are they so desperate for a pathetic upvote-fueled dopamine rush? Do they believe they are doing a public service, gaining self satisfaction as heroes sifting through the shit on this board, bringing only the "best" to their sub. I actually cannot understand why these people do this, there is no benefit to themselves at all.
Imagine, someone out there in the world had nothing else to do with their time but browse this board for the purpose of discovering a funny post to earn internet points. Really puts you're into life in perspective.
Oh man so that guy was right, I thought it was only lolcow boards and similars but this takes it to a new level.
>Imagine, someone out there in the world had nothing else to do with their time but browse this board for the purpose of discovering a funny post to earn internet points. Really puts you're into life in perspective.
this is exactly the mentality of a normie. i mean from a plebbitor's perspective. they don't produce. they don't create. they are not unique. everything is a show. every interaction is an exchange of media and commonly held beliefs, affirmation of ego, distracting oneself for its own sake. they know this to an extent but the highly socialized brain is very different from the under-socialized brain. you begin to do things "just because," just because it validates your social status, just because it gives someone a quick laugh, just because it makes you feel good for 5 minutes.
They only take "noteworthy" posts. I've had 2 of my posts screencapped and posted on there, and they have been the most stereotypical posts possible. Just lazy shit.
Mytheory is that most of those are just redditors who come onto Jow Forums, post something they think will get a lot of likes, and then screenshot it and act like it was something they organically found "in the wild" on Jow Forums.
So pathetic, how could this be? How is this real?
>they think they're reel 4chinners
>posted in r/Jow Forums
you need to fuck off too buddy boy
This coming from a mod that actively pins meatspin-tier gifs to the entirety of their 900k+ sub count base and barely hits 50 upvotes lmao.
im actually laughing rn, you're all mad at us for reposting your shit in reddit while Jow Forums is literally a fucking circus to the whole world. everything you post here PROBRABLY gets posted in reddit, be butthurt all you want it doesn't matter. I just found this guy funny and got 1.9K upvotes for this shit, cringe how yall are mad at it while i can laugh my ass off :D
Im not so holier than thou enough to have the retarded mentality that social media is too normie. Youre a faggot if you think as such. Reddit is no different from this place if you dont post your personal information, same with twitter or literally any other social media. Say what you will, Jow Forums is no different than anything else
(its me the redditfag here again) i have to give props to you guys, i see SHITTON of pepes ive never seen before
>zoomer comes in and actually posts pepes
this is some tungsten cringe, lads
Don't reply to bait you mongoloid; you're only doing as the OP describes.
high iq post
dance monkeys, dance. you guys are such a circus for redditfags
oh dont worry im not giving him a (You) as much as he wants it
>>Rule number 4: Do NOT act like a basic reddit bitch. This includes cliche reddit phrases, subreddit mentions, puns, song lyrics, novelty accounts, getting lots of karma on a single post, and other dummy things that make you a manchild. E.g. not my proudest fap, Jow Forumstheydidthemath, I did nazi that coming, is this the real life, /u/[somethingstupid], 1000 upvotes, etc.
>this is real
Lmfao fuck that sub. They believe they are superior to both Jow Forums and reddit despite absorbing the worst traits of both websites.
>the maniac has arrived
Yeah nope, they just think they're better than us, mainly because of political differences.
oh yes baby I HAVE ARRIVED!
that's just the mask, they're jealous of us because we don't wear one
no im actually here for the content and pepes
>no difference
You're delusional. I browsed reddit for years, the website is fundamentally flawed.
so how big is your pepe collection
Fuk shit shit cunt mother fucking heck my mom ate my spaghetti so I shat on her pillow shit shit shit she found out and now I can't have my Xbox 360 fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fukf uk so I screamed and yelled like any normal person would but she said that a 40 year old man shouldn't be acting like that and took my psp as well cunt cun t cunt cunt fucking cunt she should just die so I started screaming like a mother fucking monkey and threw the whole god damn table at her causing her to have her brain cracked open shit shit shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuk I can't drive so I went to the neighbors I told them I needed them to drive my mom to the hospital and they asked why I told them she fell down the stairs and they believed it yes ye yes yes they helped her to the hospital and they told us she'd lost her memory yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I told her she fell down the stairs after she promised me a ps3 and she's buying me it #blessed
hAh true to an extent
I never said reddit wasnt dogshit. Its worse than this place thats for sure. Im saying more of you are on there than you might be led to believe. And the fact that you (((used to))) browse reddit, whatever the fuck that means, proves my point
>truth bomb - a lot of people use both and it's not just plebs and newfags. They're on both because they serve different flunctions. The real cringe is still believing Jow Forums is a secret exclusive club in the current year
Mega based truth bomb
but user,
ps3 has no games
dont care if am cringe or not, even more cringe is how you act like we sin for reposting the mediocre/good content from usual porn/good rare greentext these boards have
Nah, everyone acts vastly different, on Jow Forums it isn't sucking up to the public opinion, but it's the other way around say whatever you want it doesn't matter, and the politics is definitely what cuts it for most people, while Reddit is libtard tragh, Jow Forums is conservative & the most offensive piece you can find.
Dang, it really be like that doe... : pensive:
im betting that this thread has been posted on r/Jow Forums already. the fuckers are so retarded they need to steal peoples posts bc they cant make their own. if they like the shit so much they might as well post here, the whole board is shit already.
I might post this there, who knows. I'm still banned there for having too many upvotes though, so I can't, yet.
You're talking about the default subs both in attitude and political leaning, though. The more populated the subreddit, the more garbage it becomes. While reddit leans left especially on Jow Forumsworldnews and Jow Forumspolitics, there are plenty of right leaners too, Jow Forumsthe_donald has over 690k members. And Jow Forums has been left leaning for most of its history, as primarily reactionary against a dominant mainstream. It's more of a blend now, since none of the new generation understands satire and pol has morphed into legitimate beliefs for a lot of people.
It's almost like the people you see that photograph/record everything, be it a street performance, historical location, nice meal, or some other thing. Disgusting. Absolutely repulsive. If any redditors are reading this, screencap me, like the subhuman filth that you are.
Youre the generic shit stain Jow Forums hates. Youre the generic shit stain even the same subs you post to CLAIM to hate. Youre literally reposting your low effort dogshit ebin funneee (((greentext))) to reddit for upvotes. Youre the definition of a cuck suckling at the system trying to get your validation.
The original purpose of r/Jow Forums and r/greentext was to post cream of the crop content from this dogshit wasteland. Instead niggers like you come here and shit in 12 year old edgy kids mouths back on reddit and they eat it up like candy
Jow Forums has always been about freedom of expression and lulz. The only thing that changed was the reference point of the outside world. Additionally, /b/ used to have daily nazi threads.
Well hey, the system works that way. + on the insult though, I like the term "cuck suckling". Made me lol
Sure, i'm just objecting to Jow Forums being conservative as if it's a simple fact.
lol hey if any of you budding young autists posting on reddit want to make the move to Jow Forums but aren't sure how to blend in, just read this thread through and say the exact opposite of everything that zoomer says
what's a "zoomer"? :D
The implication that "Jow Forums used to be liberal" is bullshit, though. Feel free to call Jow Forums apolytical all you want, but don't try to revise history and claim shit that never happened, newfag.
Gen z, pretty much everyone 13-15 currently
make another account you fucking subhuman
If you think this is anything new, then you're a newfag. Jow Forums memes/greentexts have been reposted to other sites and beaten to death since the start.
why would I? this shits too much fun
>wants to post shit but is banned
>won't make a new account to post
why are redditfags so stupid?
I didn't say liberal, i mean leaning somewhat toward what used to be left values like freedom of expression, individualist creativity and so on. I don't mean to imply everyone was voting for the democrats. You're right in that it was definitely more apolitical before, and now things are much more polarised.
>why are redditfags so stupid?
its a mystery to us all
oooh hahahaha, nah i wont. i want that sweet sweet karma for me account
saw this thread earlier today
>thought it was a pathetic attempt by a redditfag to get more karma
>redditors actually ate this shit up
>tfw reddit really is this pathetic
You can throw them anything and they will eat it.
>i mean leaning somewhat toward what used to be left values like freedom of expression
I am getting the impression that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what mid 2000's Jow Forums was. /b/ was the beating heart of the site at the time, and the only things that mattered was lulz and good content. There was no agenda or political affiliation that required people to "lean" one way or the other, nor would there even be a point to doing so if there were, as it's impossible to virtue signal without an identity. The values that you're referencing are post hoc description of group behavior and action, not "mission statements." /b/ simply was.
>zoomer downloaded all his pepes within the last day
>comes to spam them on Jow Forums
>is literally a day old newfag
THATS A LIE! Im 2 days old newfag, don't jump to conclusions you oldfag!
Saw this on iFunny and it finally convinced me to go to the source
here's your (You) man, you earned it
>has been on Jow Forums for one day because he got banned from reddit
now that's fucking funny
thanks for the laugh
Actually, no. I was here before I got banned. I actually got banned for the original post that this thread was based upon ;)
His reddit account is a fucking dumpster fire. When he tries to post anything meaningful, he gets ignored so now hes lashing out on reddit AND Jow Forums. Degenerate zoomed confirmed, no older than 15 I surmise
dang. feel kind of bad for him, but what can you do?
why would you feel bad about some newfag redditfag lmao
the feeling of being ostracized from two communities at once and then voluntarily going to the one that actually hates you must be terrible. especially at such a tender age, you know?
Aha, are you trying to make me feel sad or what? because its not working out. I've been laughing instead of being sad over you guys "roasting" me
no, just getting a feel for who you are, and the picture that was painted seems rather sad
>Im not crying Im laughing
we should give this kid a free shirt
Yeah, that was entirely other case my dude, nice to see I have a few fans who are willing to check my reddit profile though ;)
If EVER there was a living embodiment of pic related, itd be you nigger. Have fun visiting newfag
I've seen my own post on /4gag before
Absolutely disgusting. This is why I so sparingly share my own screencaps that I've taken because these dirty norms will just steal them.
rules 1 and 2
Yeah, that's probrably me lol ;)
hey man, you poked the beehive, you got psyopped, we found out a lot more about you than you'll ever know about us. next time you post a screencap just remember, you're no better than the anons you make fun of. and we understand you a lot better than your upboating reddit "friends" ever will.
If you changed the pic, I could've actually fallen for the bait
Yeah, except you really did not find out anything. Oh well, it was fun arguing with you guys :D
>come to Jow Forums to laugh at the zoo animals
>tfw no Jow Forums, I am the zoo animal
We know enough about your weak mental instability and inability to grow a pair of testicles and get fucking worked up about a Reddit post and how the normies shit on your life on subreddits.
>I dont care that Im cringe haha lol ;)
Get out faggot
no i wont get out