Relationship with female best friend falling apart hard

>relationship with female best friend falling apart hard
>havent seen each other for months
>finally going to hang out today
>she cancels because it rained in the morning and she thought 'it could rain again'
>tfw weather dealt the final blow to the only relationship with another human I ever had

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Make a new fren?

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don't give up king, try for another day

Easier said than done. By the time you're in your late 20s to late 30s you should've already settled down, formed core friendships and relationships. Studies show you are socially "promiscuous" when you are in your teens making friends left and right and this dies down to 10-15 people, including acquaintances that you talk to and meet daily. Chances are if you haven't made friends by the time you're in your late 20s and 30s, you'll never make friends ever.

she used the bad weather as an excuse to not go out with you.

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>>relationship with female best friend falling apart hard
she's probably seeing some dude

I'm still 21 so I guess salvation is possible, I'm not good at making friends tho, I cant get past the 'formal' phase of meeting someone

Yeah I know that, but if it wasnt for it she would have had no excuse

She's been with the same guy since 2015, that was never the problem (if with guy you meant romantically wise)
She is indeed talking a lot to a "friend" (more like acquaintance) of mine, and I'd say he's her new best friend and it makes me so mad and jealous I cant sleep

Fuck. I guess I am fucked. Oh well.

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>female best friend
>implying men and women can have platonic friendships

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we could maintain a loving relationship for 4 months, and we had been close friends for 4 years before that
the dream has ended i guess

the virgin beta orbiter vs the chad shaman manipulating nature to fuck girls.

>Muh studies show whine, yuck, I can't

Those are averages and trends, not some fucking clockwork the world invariably ticks by, damn it.
Some people should simply not be allowed to read shit until they proven capable of handling it

>and we had been close friends for 4 years before that
you mean she has been using you as her emotional sponge or as someone to talk to when she's feeling down?

if you really care about you friendship with her, then hit her up again, true friends are always there for each other, but if she bails then you know she doesn't value you friendship, and you should just leave it at that.

I honestly dont feel like it's been like that

Lately I hit her up to watch anime / play vidya together like in old times and keeps saying she's busy or she forgot about it
I think she doesnt give a fuck about me anymore, and probably the best thing to do is to cut her out from my life but I remember the good times and feel like I must hold on until things go back to how they were before

>I honestly dont feel like it's been like that
You don't feel that, sure.
But maybe she's been using you like that, and you just haven't noticed it, perhaps?

>Those are averages and trends
That's the point nitwit. What makes you think you won't fall on the average and realize you aren't some special snowflake?

This. OP is probably that "let's just stay as friends" kind of guy that women talk to but never go beyond the next level.

Precision: 100%

"""""rain""""" makes her cancel
>implying your relationship, platonic or otherwise, ever existed in the first place

it did, but a lot of shit happened during the last months