I love Doggo- *POP* *POP* *BOOM*

i love Doggo- *POP* *POP* *BOOM*

i love pup- *BOOM* *BOOM* *POP*

Attached: boom boom.png (600x800, 375K)

Keep giving the faggots, roasties, & normies hell. THIS BOARD IS FOR ROBOTS!

Attached: 1536274143189.jpg (720x665, 47K)

I'm a femb-*BANG* *BANG*
we got her

Attached: 1542080529903.png (500x378, 243K)

Is this a cat thread now?

Attached: weird-news-oregon-police-alerted-to-cat-in-tree-armed-with-gun-shaped-stick-2.jpg (700x700, 125K)

i like that *BOOM* *BOOM* *POW*

Attached: pep22111.jpg (607x446, 42K)

If free shit is what they want, they can all have some rope on me.

Attached: 1541694742567.png (843x1200, 256K)



Another femoid destroyed

Attached: image.png (1442x960, 520K)

You guys are like heroes.
I still remember the intitial HAHAHA operation back around the first crystalcafe invasion.
Keep it up anons


Attached: 11209400.jpg (663x888, 173K)

>i have pets-
>animals are fu-
>love my ca-

>love my do-

Attached: PepeGun.gif (398x384, 268K)

Lots of femoids slayed today. Showing off my collection of scalps.

Attached: 1541697696816.jpg (500x495, 88K)


ROBOTS, to which boards have you spread this new and majestic meem

Attached: payne.jpg (1600x1200, 158K)


34 kills confirmed.

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woah there pal if you are shooting dogs we're gonna have a big problem

cats are cool too I just like animals

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Chad here fags, Im here to end your pathetic empty to rebel. Accept that this is now a normie board and Pepe is now a chad frog

Attached: 1541701570717.jpg (236x236, 14K)

These threads are the epitome of cringe

Attached: 1540882379776.jpg (1487x1980, 262K)

>These threads are the epitome of cringe

In that case,


Attached: 1527651937050.gif (499x499, 1.02M)

Guys get in here and report and spam the shit out of this cunt thot

>oo- "BRRT BRRT*
>yik- "GRAT GRAT"'

>These threads are the epito

Attached: dsdas.jpg (640x448, 35K)

I didnt hear you over the guns going off, oh well, probably nothing *kashnk* *bang bang*

Attached: C27A64FDE9094938B2E3E4B376692871.jpg (399x384, 19K)