I want to cry and scream like an autistic kid, but its 4:40 am

I want to cry and scream like an autistic kid, but its 4:40 am.
Never really considered suicide up to this point.
Fucking hell.

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what the hell is this 4channel bullshit whos idea was this

holy shit, NSFW Jow Forums is going down in flames because it doesn't have nearly enough content to stay trending

Hopefully they'll make r/4channel and leave us alone, but doubt it'll happen

Newmoot. He did show his true colors this time.

That fucking kike gook

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>blue boards will last a millennia longer than the rest of the site while /b/ and Jow Forums get raped and pillaged
I'm ok with this

I'm not sure I'd continue posting on a site that's mostly dedicated to porn.

Attached: displeasedneckbeard.png (300x300, 13K)

there is one possibility for NSFW Jow Forums to stay relevant but it would require making a lot more adult-themed boards to even compete with the alternative
I think we're fucked lads


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It literally doesn't matter.

All boards will still be present on Jow Forums.org.

I don't see what the problem here is.

g00k makes more money so we get more boards. Heat gets taken off of Jow Forums and Jow Forums as 4channel trends higher than Jow Forums but because the sites are still linked we will still be driving board culture, this time from an unseen vantage point. You are all just insecure faggots afraid of change.

>more boards is somehow a good thing
>wants heat taken off of Jow Forums

kill yourself redditor, good god this entire post reeks of 2016 reddit invasion

nothing ever really dies though your soul migrates to a new body while your body either decomposes to become part of the earth or turns to ashes (and maybe becomes part of the atemosphere)
you're part of this universe whether you like it or not

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Hiroshima already confirmed that Jow Forums.org will still host all the boards but the new 4channel.org will only host the SFW boards. It's nothing more than a gimmick to try and rake in more ad revenue since Jow Forums.org is blacklisted by most advertisers. Everyone has just been misinterpreting Hiroshima's English.

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But for what purpose? To what end?

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I've been posting here since 2004 faggot. Jow Forums haters and secret clubbers are in fact the true redditor newfags.

Change is healthy. I've seen this place go through dozens of changes. Your fear of change is probably why you're a resentful incel desu

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>I've been posting here since 2004 faggot.
Yeah bruh, and I was friends with moot himself.

Greed, user. The tojo son of a bitch sold us out for profit.
Two nukes was not enough

it's painfully clear you haven't been here since 2004, so you can just stop trying immediately
Jow Forumseddit deserves to suffer as much as possible for the damage they caused to this site

your unironic usage of the term "incel" is not helping you in any way whatsoever, btw

>incel normies BTFO

you type like a fucking tranny faggot and i bet every single discord account you have has an anime girl as a profile picture

>weeaboo twinks BTFO

>make retarded bluff
>get called out
>IMMEDIATELY starts deflecting

not the guy youre even talking to you faggot


What you view as damage I view as evolution.

Did you really want to sit around for decades posting the same sad anime pictures over and over again? Like it or not this place is more public now. It's put up or shut up. We either indoctrinate the normies that come here or they change us to be like them. I'd prefer to be on the winning side.

But by all means, be a reactionary little faggot who spits tepid diarrhea insults and tells everyone with a political opinion that they and the rest of Jow Forums don't belong here.

That wasn't even me, faggot.

nice reddit spacing lmao, why not do a 180 and go back there while you're at it?

Your post had the exact same spacing as mine shitspout.

And it's turn 360 degrees and walk away, newfag

You dense fucking faggot.
They infect everything they touch. Just as well that this site is going belly up because gookmoot is a retarded nigger, take them all down with it.

>has to resort to samefagging

>he doesn't know what reddit spacing is
god you're retarded, stop embarassing yourself

>it c-could only be o-one guy calling me a f-faggot

your brain on sissy hypno

not even that guy that you replied you, just found your deflection and samefagging pathetic. For le ebin oldfag you claimed to be, you sure are bad at damage control. kek

when is the new domain gonna start?

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>he uses the phrase reddit spacing incorrectly
That's a big yikes from me.

I'm actually the guy you think he is I've been arguing with while you accuse him of being me.

kind of embarrassing desu

lmao getting desperate here aren't you?

>it doesn't have nearly enough content to stay trending
pretty sure b and pol are the most popular boards, r9k is very high up too.

based gookmoot using kike tactics, good job

fuck off back to fucking reddit already retard

Maybe I'm retarded but I don't understand. How does splitting the site in 2 make more profit?

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Jow Forums is a scary icky place in most people's eyes. Doesn't help that there's porn all over the place. Because of that, most companies don't want to advertise in such unreputable places. But not all boards allow porn. So by splitting the site, we now have the gross icky places of ill repute separate from the "wholesome" or more acceptable boards. Thus, the idea is to make it more acceptable for those companies to advertise here. That means Jow Forums's adspace value increases since it has high traffic and is suddenly reputable again, which means more money for gookmoot.

current Jow Forums is black listed by advertisers because of nsfw/questionable content. gookmoot wont get money because of no advertisers.

a separate domain for sfw content would allow advertisers to advertise without being associated with porn, racism, etc etc etc and get money for gook moot

Yes I think this is the end, my friend. Not today maybe, but soon I'll walk away and turn my focus to something else

I can't believe there is a human brain that thinks like this

also yeah it's over op

>suddenly reputable again
how long have you been here mate 'cuase you're talking bollocks

This guy knows. since 07 right here.


Aaah... Rome, the eternal city...

(((this))) change is healthy goyim you'll like being a porn site

Its not a "new domain" its been 4chins property since forever. As of right now, it should be just a mirror of chan.

Holy fucking shit lmao when was this announced? I literally just last night made a bait thread about this topic without any knowledge of it:
I hope Hiro's mom gets sodomized by BWC.

you mean the opposite

blue boards have nothing. Nothing!

That slant eyed kike wants to sell us as slaves to corporations.

Nsfw means more than porn but ok


You'd have to be a fucking idiot to openly brows Jow Forums while at work. Almost every single board has fucked up shit.

don't care really since my homeboard is NSFW

>implying that faggot had friends