Asian girls instinctively know when you have yellow fever

>asian girls instinctively know when you have yellow fever

Please tell me this isn't true

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You are thinking about this too hard

its true, but honestly you should forget about and just work your way up to getting a hit Asian girl. Start talking to girls

It is. My wife works at a japanese restaurant and she says she can spot asian fetishists from a mile away and is very aware of the looks she gets from boomers with yellow fever who have been to bali and thailand a couple of times and now unironically think every asian girl is super into them

yeah they have this thing called spidey sense

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Does it really matter though?

At least, it doesn't if you're chad enough. They'd be thrilled if Chad said he liked asian girls.

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based ku

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how do you stop it? i don't want women to think i'm a creep

So just old sex tourist looking guys? What about a young, average looking white guy?

Idk, hitting on girls at their work is an obvious no because they get it all the time and don't even see customers as people for the most part. Beyond that just try not to look at them too much because they pick up on it very easily and if you're going to hit on them avoid any topic that has to do with their heritage like the plague. They're probably still going to assume you have yellow fever though.
If you look anything like the stereotypical soya boys they will know. If you're looking at the ground too much they will know. If you quickly look away when your eyes meet they will know. If you're too polite/timid around them they will know, but also if you're too confident because you think all asian girls have a white fetish (not completely untrue but they most likely don't have it for you)

in summary:

>if you exist they assume you have yellow fever

gas all roasties

No. If you're Chad and you don't care about what they think they won't think you have yellow fever. Or if you're in the company of white women other than your mom (doesn't have to be romantic). But keep in mind Chad is actually confident and not fake confident so he doesn't need to parade around flexing like an idiot.

>If you quickly look away when your eyes meet they will know.
I reflexively do this every time this happens with a chick on transit; even if our eyes meet through the reflection of a window (happened tonight with a 5/10 AF who was stuffing her face with chips on the train without a care in the world)

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What if you look at them right in the eyes but when you talk to them, you keep everything short and choppy and speak with a deep monotonous voice?

I've noticed that I tend to be like that around fobs

If you don't look at an Asian in DISGUST, then you have yellow fever. Most Asians look like overgrown little boys

you look like an overgrown little boy.

No, but there are clear signs of race fetishism that yellow feverers display.

elaborate pls so i can flex

>round eye see squint eye
>round eye go VERY round

this is race fetish

this makes no sense a white australian girl is literally so much cooler then any gook girl in any given social setting or situation

>vocabulary like a drunk brit construction worker
>hyper masculine compared to white females from nearly everywhere else
>bushfires, not rugburn

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real life isn't just memes user.

>Yellow fever is difficult to diagnose, especially during the early stages. A more severe case can be confused with severe malaria, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis (especially fulminant forms), other haemorrhagic fevers, infection with other flaviviruses (such as dengue haemorrhagic fever), and poisoning.

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if you talk about anime/ video games/ show interest in asain culture/ mention anything about her being asain/ are specifically thristy around asains

these are only a few of the igns that scream yellow fever

>tfw we live in an era when you have to explain yourself for liking asian women but nobody bats an eye when you want to fuck other men in the ass

When you phrase it like that it's unsettling.

its not. its a brilliant label by them to force out non-chads

no they dont
dated some asian girls before (mainly chinese and japanese) and I was able to hide it pretty well.

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what about smelly asians

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The underlying reasons explain the stigma

Umad ez

Australian women have the appearance of British women with the personalities of southern california women

Change my mind

Praise be to allah that i have sworn off the kuffar whores

>tfw incurable yellow fever
i blame all the mommy doujins i've read

The underlying reason is retarded, why shouldn't you like them?

you can find Asian girls that are as into white guys, but odds are they wouldn't be interested in you.

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>If you look anything like the stereotypical soya boys they will know. If you're looking at the ground too much they will know. If you quickly look away when your eyes meet they will know. If you're too polite/timid around them they will know, but also if you're too confident because you think all asian girls have a white fetish (not completely untrue but they most likely don't have it for you)
This is just fucking ridiculous. Fellow Asianfeverfag here. Embrace it. Become the boomer and don't be ashamed of liking certain types of girls. If you're not hitting on them and they still think you're a creep, they're a garbage human and are not worth trying to please to begin with, especially if they're some random bitch of a waitress like this guy's wife.
It's not all bad that they can tell, either. Some girls like to be validated by that attraction and a lot of asians have white fever.

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based as fk
literally made for white cock

based frog poster. I was hoping for somebody to make this joke soon enough.

but that would require being attracted to asians and we all know that is a reach

There's nothing wrong with liking them. What is annoying are yellow fever weebs who think good looking Asian women are somehow different from all other good looking women from other races and will fall madly in love with you once they find out your an anime pro.

>tfw the only girls who have ever shown interest in me have been Asian
>tfw I don't have yellow fever and just want a white gf


it's true. just some of them don't really care
t. asian girl with asian female friends

>tfw God curses you to look like a stereotypical basedboy but all you want is a qt white gf and children

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>If you quickly look away when your eyes meet they will know.
So i keep the eye contact ?

How do you know it ?

>If you quickly look away when your eyes meet they will know.
In my culture, it's fucking awkward to make eye contact with anyone, men or women.

They think its super cringy

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How many levels of irony are you on my dude?


>throwing away a great gift to get with shitty white women

jesus wept

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Maybe it's better for her not to have kids if she can't even iron a t-shirt