Tfw broke up with my ex after like 3 years

>tfw broke up with my ex after like 3 years
>not talk in a long while

>turns out she was in a mental ward and not doing well at all
>lost her job
>nearly dropping out of school
>get this message today

Should I go for it? I feel so guilty like this is my fault and I feel like if I dont do it things will get a lot worse

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Why was she in a mental ward OP?

why did you break up with?

Why the fuck are you even here in the first place? What do you hope to get out of asking people who've never had a girlfriend in their lives for relationship advice? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>mental ward
> innocence

Avoid that like a house on fire OP.

because we broke up

im a really unstable individual who picked fights with her for no reason i recognized im too toxic to be in a relationship

she'll cut your dick off because she had a dream where you cheated lmao

were not that bad!

I agree. not a good sign at all.

she means im her first boyfriend

you're a fucking idiot. we can all see she's nuts just from this post. probably wasn't even in a mental ward. go away

she has stockholm syndrome if she wants to stay with your deranged ass
don't stick your dick in crazy a second time

Solid 27% chance she's going to knife the shit out of him.

That's even worse if she didn't mean sex.

You fucked up and hurt her so be a man for once and do anything you can to help her. Don't be a faggot loser your entire life and take charge in a situation towards actually having a successful life with someone who clearly loves you.

>you hurt her
>now, years later, you have to go back and fix it

Boy, you read to many romance books. This isn't the wild fucking west or Narnia. People disappear from your life instantly for no reason sometimes, fuck her. Especially when she's dripping crazy.

maybe so

she was i can 100% confirm it

i suppose thats the right choice

shes an arab girl from a muslim culture where it is ths highest honor you are considered useless if you are a non virgin

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i wish i could but im not fully mentally sound either

thread should have died after this post. this place turned into a fucking sewing circle reddit colony

>abused and pump n dump'ed a barbarian
based and redpilled

So being her first boyfriend is equal to taking her virginity in the US?

God that's a repressed culture.

Also, I'm sure you know the warnings about sticking with a girl that you take the virginity of. Really not worth it man.

I agree, to a point. But I'd rather some spastic with no social awareness and a complete inability to detect crazy got advice here vs. some normie in-group board like that.

I think this is not a good place to ask as many people here are desperate for a connection to other humans and increased social contact. If you broke up with her because you were causing her harm, you should make her understand that she is seeking something bad because it is familiar and this is addictive behavior. Feeding it would not be a good idea, but in the end humans always make silly choices so good luck!


You've read 4 lines from a Jow Forums greentext about her and seen 3 messages where she wants to graduate and work to be with the guys she cares about. Shes clearly lonely and hurt and needs someone by her side right now. None of you dipshits seem to have ever dealth with a situation like this before and have no fair judgement in this. OP should hear her out and try to work things out with her.

thank you yes I tried to explain this to her as well but it feels so hard and I feel so guilty because of the way i treated her

No one will ever be perfect enough to deserve another persons love. No one ever will be, but those that are willing to be around you despite your instability, can help you see what you need to be stable and to help you stabilize them. That's what a relationship is supposed to be about.

You can atone for your guilt in your own time, but prolonging suffering or trying to engage with her because you think it will ease something in her is the wrong move.

Try to explain that you broke up with her because you appreciate her value and want her to love herself, and part of that is her valuing herself enough to not put herself in bad situations.

The people who are desperate for a connection don't comment on posts like this, as they fear and hate them. And when they do, you can smell them from a mile away. There are also normal people here who are/were/etc. robots, who can give good advice from that unique perspective.

>3 years later

Yeah, ok bud. Or budette, most likely, as you sound like a woman. It is absolutely not worth it to get back into this. End results are 1. getting stabbed, 2. having a shallow empty relationship based on old interest and desires that have more than likely changed extensively as people do from 15-25, 3. Not possible to to begin with because people usually move after graduating high school.

And 4, useless baggage of a woman who's obviously crazy, will do crazy shit to you, and has no worth with no education and no value in the workplace.

All around a no there, chief.

thank you guys but honestly im afraid of myself I feel like if i stick around ill be abusive again I just dont know how to control my emotions and thats why I have been single since

Step aside fuckers, educated opinion coming through

I've been very close to your scenario m8. Dated a girl a long time ago, broke her heart, years later we reconnect and i find out that she has been struggling VERY hard in life.

I fully understand this. Fuck that, though. Here's exactly what is going to happen.
>the same fucking shit that happened last time you guys dated
>except now she's gonna need more of your money, and more of your emotional support
>you will break up and she will go right back to the institution
>she will threaten to kill herself if you break up with her
>you stay with her forever
>or she kills herself

> prolonging suffering or trying to engage with her --- is the wrong move.

One of the few real comments in this thread. Remember how women always do the "nice" let downs, etc. that just keeps stringing you along? Fuck that and fuck them, cut her off.

OP, normal women don't have a mental breakdown over a simple fucking breakup. She's crazy as bird shit.

ive been with her for 3 years we broke up 3~ months ago

Option 2. confirmed.

You don't seem to have ever been in a relationship with a damaged woman before and don't seem to understand that connection and love that can build when two people have to work through and trust one another with their emotional baggage. It can make 3 weeks feel like months or years of time depends on how they are spent exploring this other persons heart.

OP, think about it this way: IF it was you in her place, would she do the same for you, or would she be interested in finding "something better"?

Would you even have anyone, apart from her, who would do the same?

Act accordingly.

Oh dang, my bad. Still fresh enough that it's possible she's still feeling the hurt of a relationship ending, which is amazing for a woman. Still, if you know it was best to break up, stick with yoru guns, man.

I have, and I ended it within a month because fuck that noise, it's no where near the effort, pain, and pure annoyance a "damaged woman" has built into her. I'm happy with what I've had and what I've ended up with. Thanks.

You sound like a massive bleeding heart faggot, though. Or, like I said, a woman. So you do you. Hopefully life won't hit you too hard when you inevitably get ran over with her suicide or cheating because you can't give enough love to fill her void.

thanks for your point of view

yeah thanks i just feel horrible and the guilt is killing me she is only 90 lbs now and look completely fucked up and I cant help but feel like this is my fault

It's not. You are two separate people. If it were anyone else that was in your spot and did the same thing, she's be in the same condition. You might have made it a bit worse with the abuse, etc. but the best thing you can do is make sure that she absolutely understands that there is no more room for you two, and only then will she be able to start healing. Right now she's just wasting away waiting.

Also, all the more reason to avoid her. "True love" and other bullshit like that doesn't exist in this world. She's got some mental issues that are doing this to her and it's best to either let her sort them out or avoid it completely.

thanks for all the posts guys Im really socially autistic and i dont really have anyone to talk about this we met in a circle clicking game so yeah...

yeah thats fair I hope she will be okay ill tell her these things tomorrow and hope she can manage it

Are you strong enough to deal with the "I"m going to kill myself" possible reply? Or the rebound hookup, or whatever outcome's going to happen, WITHOUT going back into her life?

>shes an arab girl from a muslim culture
where did you two meet? i also want an arab looking girl, doesn't have to be muslim.

she never threatened suicide so that would be weird

she tried to kill herself after we broke up but never mentioned it to me i found out from a friend

from a game called osu!

Still. Gerd thine loins.

how do you meet people from osu?
also what you should do depends if your relationship was physical in the sense did you live together or was in merely an online relationship.

online for 1 year and we lived together for 2

you can press "f9" and click on nearby which allows you to talk to players in your state/country

Doctor up an image of you with some super sexy bitch and say you are having the time of your life. You sent her to the hospital the first time. This time send that bitch to the grave.

keep her as a gf but stay distant so you dont get annoyed, she wont leave you and you get the benefit of a fuck toy.

op you are disgusting just love her and marry her

Girl here. i can tell im needed. Why did u break up to start with?

>discord relationship e-drama
come the fuck on
how did this board fall so fucking hard

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Post tits or gtfo. You know the rules

You never fucked her?

we lived together for 2 years of course I have


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Is she cute?
Was she raised properly with Muslim-like attitude towards husbands?
Was she good and caring when you two dated?
If all of the above checks out, then go for it or at least try to meet her and sort things out. Like she said, you took her innocence, which is important to her, so be a bit responsible for once, you worthless fag. Faggots here constantly whine about whores without realizing that whores are a product of male behavior. That's a whore in the making right there, fucked, abused and abandoned. Don't abandon another human like that. Try to be someone for once.

lmao she sounds like a fgt, screw her and keep banging anime girls my man

You have male BPD. It'll be difficult for her to leave you because she's caught in a toxic relationship.
I say this all the time BPD whores should kill themselves for all the damage you've caused. You're a male and no different.