>Want nothing in a girl except that she's virgin
>Get asked "What are you looking for in a girl?"
>Can never bring myself to tell the truth because it'd be offensive and taboo
How the fuck did we get here?
>Want nothing in a girl except that she's virgin
>Get asked "What are you looking for in a girl?"
>Can never bring myself to tell the truth because it'd be offensive and taboo
How the fuck did we get here?
Sex is fun mon negro.
Girls fuck strangers now and it's somehow our fault. I really don't understand anymore.
Exactly. Im the exact same way. Roasties get so mad cause i think theyre all insecure about it. Like when a girl shows interest in me, and has fucked niggers or she describes herself as a whore and i turn them down, they get infuriated. Also "but if youre not a virgin you dont deserve a virgin girl" fuck off men and women arent equal
>but if youre not a virgin you dont deserve a virgin girl
I hold this to be true and that's why I remain a virgin myself. What pisses me off is that if I can keep my pants on for 20+ years why can't any women?
Sexual "liberation", that's how.
> why can't any women?
They more easily give into pressure.
Re read my statement. Men and women arent equal. Thats not too say necessarily men are better than women, just different. Men are long term oriented, women are short term oriented, and their emotionally wired brains are very influential
I will rant and leave
I always thought I would loose my virginity to someone that loved and respected me. Even if we didnt last so many years but at least as a fond memory.
Years later and still no relationship, still no deep connection and a kissless virgin I am dying on the inside and lost hope
Im thinking of just having a one night with some guy and get over it desu
Women don't like it when their actions have consequences, all of feminism is about removing the consequences from women's choices
>Teehee it's not my fault I got raped I just went out in a crop top and thong
>Teehee it's not my fault my husband divorced me for fucking Tyrone better take the house and kids
>Teehee it's not my fault I've already ridden the cock carousel man up and buy me stuff beta
So, I get the initial appeal of wanting a virgin gf. No previous cocks in her, etc. But it seems a bit hypocritical to me. Maybe selfish. If the goal of getting a virgin gf is to be the first man to have sex with her, then wouldn't you be directly aiding in her being used goods after you two break up? What makes you any more special than some other guy to deflower her? I really don't see the point in having a virgin gf if you're just going to leave her a non-virgin afterwards without even marrying her first. And isn't marrying simply on the basis of her being a virgin kinda superficial? What if it turns out that you two get divorced? Maybe even leaving her to be a single mother? How would you be any better than Chad, reducing her to nothing but "leftover trash"?
Wait are you a girl or a fag? Either way keep holding out. You'll find someone.
Who said we'll fuck before marriage? Who said I'm choosing her solely because she's a virgin? And if she ends up being a single mother, it'd be her fault for cheating or whatever.
>without even marrying her first
I will not fuck her before marriage.
>What if it turns out that you two get divorced?
Marriage is useless when divorce is possible. There will be no divorce. This is not something I expect, this is something I will ensure by force if necessary.
Your entire argument is premised on the possibility of the relationship ending. That's always a possibility but the whole point of a relationship is that it isn't supposed to end.
>men and women arent equal
Keep saying yourself that, you manslut.
But it's true thot
Can you really blame me, with the skyrocketing divorce rate and infidelity these days?
>Can you really blame me
Yes, any more questions
No Im not a fag Im a woman.
Its kinda hard to build deep connections when all my life I never stayed in one place growing up. I blame this on those circumstances but also myself.
I always say Im just going to have a one night stand and call it a day but im a chicken shit and a naive romantic so yeah, Ill keep holding I suppose.
Ok then, what makes men and women equal?
They're not, but non-virgins don't deserve virgins.
How old are you? When did you start thinking about a one night stand as a "solution?" I hope you find someone who loves and respects you soon. Try going out more and meeting new people.
It's not a taboo in Muslim countries fag.
So im right. Now provide a reason for that statement
>mfw sharia law is the only solution to this degeneracy.
everything about this thread is pathetic. Which is more? The males pretending to be females or the men who are knowingly responding to gay men?
>whites adopt sharia law
>no more degeneracy
>women are put into their places
>fags thrown from roof
>nigger enslavement is back
Insh'Allah brother. Also, checked.
Im 21, will turn 22 soon.
Eh, Before when I was 17-18 I never gave it much thought desu but years pass and you meet new people and see relationships go by and you start to desire that. I guess it went the same way with sex. Thanks user, same to you
>How the fuck did we get here?
We live in a godless society full of hedonists. Even "religious" girls won't be virgins and see nothing wrong in that.
Then the normalfags and roasties will screech and howl if you go for a young wife that is still a virgin. You can't win trying to please normalfags, just disregard them.
A man's SMV is essentially unaffected if he sleeps with a woman. A woman's SMV is basically 0 if she has any premarital sex
well well well, you say it because of me user?
Happy early birthday. I thought you'd be a little older than that based on what you said t b h. I'm 22. Do you want to talk over email or discord? I don't have many people to talk to and I'm a bit depressed right now.
Insane how controversial it is, if you think about it. That's why these threads reach bump limit so often. And imagine the responses you would get on reddit if you expressed desire for a fellow virgin.
As long as you dont end up an annoying ass orbiter sure shoot it OP
Oh, I'm not op. was my first post. I won't orbit you, I promise.
[email protected]
Discord is better desu
Well I can give you my discord from the email. I don't want to post it here.
Alright. Sent a dumb smiley face email.
>isn't marrying simply on the basis of her being a virgin kinda superficial?
When virgins are less than 2% of the population, then no.