/drugfeels/ Binge Edition

How long you been going at it, lads?

I haven't slept since Thursday. Still feeling pretty good though. Looking forward to a nice Sunday evening 20 hour crash, but /drugfeels/ never sleeps.

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Why does weed make me feel like shit but not psychs

>out of fun drugs
>drinking screwdrivers, chasing them with beer
>fuckin head hurts, depressed, feel like shit mentally and physically
Why do regular people like alcohol again? Its just poisoning and dehydrating your brain so that it doesnt work right. Fuck id rather just use heroin or weed or something more comfy. But naturally i dont have anything fun

I'm a former degenerate drug addict (meth, xanax, cocaine) who got sober. I'm more functional now than I was then, but I kinda miss the fun times. I come here every now and then to relive the good old days. I think I need to stop, though, because these threads trigger euphoric recall.

Something I'm realizing about recreational drug use is that it's not JUST about the direct feeling of taking the drugs. I mean, yes, that's the main reason you do it, but it's not the only one. A really big reason I think drugs appealed to me was that they gave me an obvious sense of purpose in life: my reason to stay alive was to score drugs to get high with, and as long as I could do that, I felt I was doing everything I needed to. As a sober person it's much harder to feel like your life has an obvious goal or purpose to it. In school, they try to teach us that life has some a really obvious narrative and a goal we're all moving toward, but once you become an adult, you realize that it's not really the case. Or at least not quite that simple.

Anyway, sorry if this post kills anyone's buzz. It's kinda dawning on me that a really long period of heavy drug use is something that stays with you forever. "You can check out but you never leave" and all that.

Alcohol is such an ancient drug all over the world that it has evolved as humanity's drug of choice. It's part of the culture. It's easy to make, (sort of) well tolerated by the body, and in the west at least it's the easiest drug by far to get. And it's a social thing, normies dig that shit.

Of course it's also endorsed by governments for tax money and complacent citizens. Just addictive enough, just shitty and poisonous enough.

funny eh ? "its jus weed breeh"

anybody know how i can expand posts on Jow Forums x ? i seem to be rretarded and made everything contract

Holy shit boys, I had shot some meth earlier and chased it with a shot of suboxone and I was already feeling pretty fucking good, then my buddy decided to hang out out of the blue and we went and shot some more meth and smoked bong rips and took valium. I'm back at home now having some food and then I have to decide if I want to drink some fucking booze or shoot some more subs or what

I've heard about shooting a small amount of DPH in a shot with subs can surprisingly be a fucking incredible experience, has anyone here tried it and if so how was it?

Used up all my drugs last night

Stuck with lame alcohol. But it will do.

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guyse what the fuck, i just had the weirdest dream, i cant even

i "came to me" totally fucked up and in a haze, standing in a supermarket of sorts. my legs and arms felt numb. i could barely walk. i kept saying "what did i take what the fuck did i take" i then faceplanted and a white light filled my brain.

then i awoke at a table. i was still fucked up but a little more conscious. a character clearly inspired by hunter thompson kept rubbing my legs as if to increase blood flow. i was sure i had somehow gone on some insane binge and i was in for the comedown of a lifetime. i asked "where the fuck am i" and he seemed confused. i told him i had no idea what even happened to which he responded with shaking his head and saying your pretty out of it. he then took me to a table with all sorts of trash glasses and drugs where he showed me some sheets. they looked normal enough but upon closer inspection they revealed crystals on them which made me think it was benzos and not lsd. i was now fully sure i had a major binge.

i proceed to take some acid and then it all went mad. this post is long enough but interestingly it all had a theme park look, furthering the fear and loathing feel (havent watched the movie in a year or so)

easily one of the weirdest experiences of my life and the most realistic dream i ever had

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I'm a former poly addict who's tried everything except for some RCs. You know, in the grand scheme or things, alcohol isn't THAT bad of a drug. I particularly like the feeling early into a night of drinking, when you're just 4-5 beer deep, it kinda feels like a nice weight off your shoulders or something. The later, sloppy stages of being drunk aren't quite as good, but there are still some enjoyable things to do even then. I find that music sounds a lot better when stupidly drunk, for example.

Weed used to calm me down but now it makes me anxious.

I smoked weed for a year on and off but something changed and recently whenever I get high I start getting anxious, heartrate increases and I feel bad and overthink my life and every decision ever. I just can't enjoy it anymore. But I have switched to CBD which is decent and a bit more chill

>Weed used to calm me down but now it makes me anxious.

I only liked weed the first like 2 or 3 times I tried it. It started making me anxious very quickly. And it's a much worse anxiety than I get on other anxiety-causing drugs like stims or even psychs. I'm not just worried, I feel like my whole life is about to come crashing down in short order. It's a thoroughly unpleasant feeling and the other fun aspects of being high aren't worth it. I think in order to enjoy weed I'd need to have literally every single thing in my life going absolutely perfectly in every possible way. If there's even one tiny little thing to worry about, I'll make it out to be the end of the world.

Any particular reason this drugfeels thread didn't take off? Posted too late?

Ah fuck alcohol. The liquor store closed so i been fucking sweet ass wine for hours. It's nasty and i threw up once. Feeling it now by alcohol is the worst drug ever. Gonna get some moe hydros tomorrow.

>had edibles for the first time two weeks ago
>had the most surreal experience I've ever had
>felt like I was in a fucking cartoon at times thanks to an eccentric friend who was with me at the time

Anyone else get that fairy tale or cartoon feeling while high? What was it like for you?

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It's doing fine but they die off every now and then. The tweakers have to sleep sometimes and the junkies need a good nod. And I hope people tripping are up to other things besides Jow Forums. I'm on speed so I've been keeping the threads alive for a few days. Often one user who is stimming on something keeps these threads going at a steady pace. Never the meth heads though, they only show up briefly between all the... meth projects.

I do feel bad about how much time I've been wasting on these threads or fapping. I need to get writing done and my room is at suboptimal levels of clean. It's been a weird and kind of useless binge.

SO What's your poison!?

>my room is at suboptimal levels of clean
haha thanks for the chuckle user

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>Anyone else get that fairy tale or cartoon feeling while high?
Only once while playing mario galaxy on acid, bing bing wahooing through space

I'm the guy you're replying to. Back when I was into drugs I was a meth and cokehead. Also did quite a bit of Xanax for comedowns. Right at this moment, literally nothing.

Fiending via imageboard. I'm sorry soberbro I know it's hard but sometimes you gotta do it.

I do meth occasionally but I try to get small amounts to avoid addiction. I could never get into coke. It's great don't get me wrong but between the amphetamines, chain smoking, diet comprised entirely of sodium, etc, a coke habit would make me way too paranoid about my heart.

What do you do while recovering? Finishing up a week long bender and my dopamine is completely depleted so I don't enjoy anything rn.

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Sleep for 15 hours a day and eat big piles of kratom. I'm horribly depressed but that's nothing new, what really fucks with me is how you lose all sense of coordination. It gets to the point where I can barely figure out how to put one foot in front of the other.

Take something to get the dopamine going.

update I just did the DPH/subs combo shot and while it was no heroin rush, it was definitely enormously pleasant and I am feeling some intensely powerful euphoria, far more than off subs alone

Been planning on tripping with a friend on friday this coming week and now it seems the plans have been cancelled. I'm feeling frustrated and sad and I'll probably not trip on my own. Psychedelics somehow increase my motivation and make me a better person but now that it's called off I'll just get fucked up on benzos or tramadol this week which is less than optimal.

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fuck man why is it whenever I do any kind of downer drug that actually gives decent euphoria, all I want to do is message random people I sort of know and tell them how much I love them and message people from the past I lost contact with without having proper closure and get that final closure

Even when I do meth I don't have these dumb fucking urges but with any opioids or booze it is almost impossible to restrain myself

Means you're soft.

I know I am a soft ass nigga, outwardly I act callous as fuck and give the impression I don't give a shit about anything, often to the point of seeming like a harsh bastard, but in reality every little thing fucking tears me up and I can never express it to anyone because I have this paralyzing fear of showing any bit of vulnerability

drugged up messaging is the best
Tell your friends you love them, frighten and disgust your exes, pick random strangers on social media and tell them they look interesting. Fuck it, none of this matters.

Oh yeah and if your messages are weird enough they hardly ever reply. So go nuts.

I am seriously considering doing so but now it comes down to it I don't know who I'd message, the one obvious choice involves a pretty complicated backstory and I am way too fucked up to be able to write up anything to send to her that would sufficiently express what I want to say

I really want to fucking have some closure in that particular case, I know she turned out to have been completely fucking me over by betraying my trust and abandoning me at my lowest point but I really felt so much love for her (platonic that is, I have no interest whatsoever in dating or sex with anyone) and it fucks me up so much that I'll likely never get any closure or have one last conversation with her

i hope you make it user. never let them kill that light

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Just watched Belladonna of Sadness while high as the stars, any other arthouse atmospheric Anime you'd recommend?

The Garden of Words if you like feet

day 12 of month long cannabis break

life is just better with weed

pot. smoke pot and watch Sam Hyde or Charls Carroll

But it's way better when you don't have a tolerence. If I'm smoking daily, 12 bowls taken quickly won't get me as high as one hit without a tolerence.

On Friday, I drank a whole bottle of wine to myself because I ran out of pot. I wish I had pot and I still don't. All I have is my nicotine gum, not even cigarettes. My dexedrine script refills today but the pharmacy is closed for the sabbath, fuck me.
>t. polyaddict with almost no drugs

watched that on lsd once, amazing, Angel's Egg just finished downloading so i'll watch than now

>feet on lsd

peak patrician

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i feel ya dude. im poly too and weed is my go to (i cant into stimulants)

i hate running out so goddamn much. nicotine and alcohol suck immense balls. and lsd is more of a experience than a high, considering you arent even remotely the same person after dropping- its not you getting high, its you changing into another being

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masturbating to my waifu's feet on LSD, omg that was amazing, it's like she was real and I was having astral sex with her

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the best. it really is nothing short fucking astral sex. try looking in the mirror next time, i was able to project my waifus face onto mine like in blade runner, truly a crazy experience. i can also jerk it like 20 times on lsd

aaaand I think that's my last bump. 220mg of dexedrine over 3 days isn't bad at all. babby doses really. Been abusing the stuff for months but my tolerance has stayed remarkably low. I can't imagine how people get up to grams a day of this shit.

My poor pill bottle is getting low though.

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that pic shows how we all lost our innocence. the western dream is dead and it suffocated itself

My heart is finally starting to get mad at me though. It should quit complaining, it gets plenty of xanax. Feel fine mentally, little bits of light and a shadow here and there so only minor hallucinations.

Euphoria: 8/10
Faps: 4/10
Productivity: 6/10

Not great but not bad. A middling, yet competent binge.

Can i get recommend something that will just take the edge off, but I still need to function

man, arthouse is such a good genre of anime, watching belladonna of sadness and angel's egg is mindblowing
1 xanax bar my dude

Low dose benzo's (under 1mg), kratom around like 3ish grams, drink a beer, smoke a bit of reefer, low doses of opiates or shit dude, just take a few deep breaths.
Weed is also my go to. What drugs do you alternate on and why don't you like stims? My stash in order of frequency of use is
>pot, daily
>dextroamphetamine, daily
>caffeine, daily
>nic gum but preferably cigs, daily
>ativan/etiz/klonopin every few days
>codeine, usually weekly
>alcohol, usually weekly
>nitrous like once a month
>ETH-LAD, AL-LAD or LSD usually once yearly

Are you also stimulant+benzo script masterrace?

>i hate running out so goddamn much
this so much
my whole life experience with weed has been never having enough, always worrying about running out, doing everything I can to conserve and be efficient.
It's unhealthy to need it so much, sure, but it's killing me less than most other things in my life and I do, fucking need it.
in some places people can walk into a store and buy it just like buying food. wild.

>tfw this is me but I still smoke every day because I'm an addict

I loved this. lost a couple of friends and got a bad reputation over it in a previous life so I stopped doing it.
kinda I want to get fucked up and just walk the streets and say things to strangers (the internet is too dangerous) to get that feeling back.

Kratom is a great safe alternative to benzos for coming down from amphetamines

Tell me about your experiences with pregabalin (Lyrica) and alcohol. Dozes and such.. Fyi I know combining these 2 is a bad idea to begin with but i am not planning on taking a shitload and getting absolutely fucked.

Nice, monthly 1mg xanax(x15), 30mg adderall(x30), and 10/325 hydrocodone(x10) master race here

upper/downer script masterrace reporting in.
>Dexedrine 90x per month
>Ativan 15x per month
and pots legal here lol

Anyone remember methoxetamine? How about 3-MeO-PCP? Been a NY minute since I had the hookup on dissos man what I wouldn't give for a little pre-ban..

pregab is pretty lightweight. Obviously don't go insane with it, but it's really not too scary of a drug

I'm high right now, been smoking all day

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>want to psychs been more than a year
>my mental health is going down the drain right now and I'll probably end up in some existential hell hole

guess it's a bit of weed for me lads

Yup. I have a 300mg pill of it. Dunno if i should take full 300 with alcohol or perhaps a lower doze with alcohol.

dude I've taken like 3g of gabapentin. You're fine. If you're worried, drink a bit more slowly

How do I get started with opioids? Any RCs maybe?

The only disso's I've had are DXM and nitrous. DXM was probably my least favourite drug (nausea, sweating while freezing, bad vertigo, dsyphoria, shit visuals). Nitrous however is very fun and relaxing. Whenever I did it, I would get an out-of-body experience and basically just go third person for a minute. The comedown was always like being told the funniest thing ever, too. I want whippits.
anyways, what are you favourite disso's? I'd like to try ketamine and MXE, but finding MXE doesn't seem too fucking likely.

How can people say God isn't real when you can literally take DMT and meet it/them(you)?

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What is a good dose of alcohol?

There's no straight answer to that, just however much you need. Drink until you feel you've had enough. Alcohol dose is very weight dependent.

Don't. Opioid addiction is like being dead. You don't shit for days at a time and always want to die when you're without them. I've OD'd a few times.

That said, OTC Codeine pills usually have;
>8mg codeine phosphate
>325mg tylenol
>15mg caffeine
You don't want the tylenol (it'll kill ya), so what you're going to do is;
>get about 100-150ml of cold (near freezing) water in a cup
>crush as many pills as you need to get fucked up, without tolerance that's like 15-20 pills
>put the powder in the water, wait half an hour and stir maybe three/four times
>strain that water through a coffee filter into another glass
>drink (probably gag too, it's bitter as fuck)
>warmth and love
but don't do it. that's the way I used to take opioids in highschool before I met my morph/oxy dealer, after that I only used codeine for withdrawals. Depends what you want. One to three drinks for a relaxing night and a little stress relief. Four to six for a very exciting night and a bit of debauchery. After six, you're probably not drinking because you're enthusiastic about it. So, if you plan on having more than several drinks; I'd recommend therapy instead.

I get that, I think it's called derealization. For me it's more like a TV show though.

Should I intentionally kill myself with fentanyl from pressed xans? How would a fentanyl overdose feel? Would I be in pain or too out of it to notice anything?

What was the appeal in opiates for you? They always make me feel sick

I thought it was bullshit but weed is now extremely psychedelic after having done psychs. On high enough doses I can literally get CEVs

Got 10 tabs of acid and im thinking of doing a high dosr it this week. I have taken LSD before but im slightly worried a high dose may turn me schizo.

Same man, LSD and DMT has RUINED weed for me. I get open eye visuals like pronounced tracers, and even entity contact and hyper-dimensional travel. I hate it man, I just wanna get high. I haven't smoked weed in weeks because of this. Gonna do some tonight and see how it is. I can only do 0.1g at a time. Heroin has also become psychedelic for me and I get visuals on it

That's not how it works, but now that you're worried about it, you'll probably end up tricking yourself into thinking that you're going crazy while tripping and end up having a bad time. There was a study from the 70s that tracked the rates of "bad trips" among LSD users through the 60s and they found that the number of bad trips correlated with the number of scare stories and government propaganda, not the number of people using (which increased while the number of bad trips decreased an the very end of the 60s and into the early 70s).

let go your eggo there is nothing to fear 'you' are never in danger

Overdoses are very unreliable for suicide, sorry user. Not to mention you actually can't tell beforehand how peaceful it will be. I've seen semi-conscious people choking on vomit, writhing in agony and I've also seen the 'sleepless dream' type OD. So, no. Also, you should probably get therapy.
I only ever got dopesick once and it was the only time I smoked heroin. Otherwise, I'd take it and in 5-15 minutes I'd feel a chill down my back comparably to music euphoria or a good nut. Then the love. It was like being in love with someone who loves you. Warmth, comfort, content, tranquility, bliss and a bunch of other adjectives that mean it's basically the coziest thing ever. If I snorted, plugged or smoked them I'd sometimes moan because it felt so good. kek, it was kinda funny. ALSO THE DREAMS. Opioid nods ALWAYS made me have waking dreams. Basically, I close my eyes for ten seconds and I'm already dreaming and in a new place. It was a lot more vivid than DXM or Nitrous because I would just be in this new place in an instant.

>Opioid nods ALWAYS made me have waking dreams. Basically, I close my eyes for ten seconds and I'm already dreaming and in a new place.
I got this too, sometimes I would be in two realities at once. But it gave me flashback to bad lsd trips and freaked me out and wasn't good

tfw unironically addicted to benzedrex
This shit is going to give me a heart attack.

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Bad trips always spawn from negative thoughts. Go in with a positive mindset and let go and you cant go wrong.

I know this is true because when I first tried acid I did 3 tabs and while it was intense as fuck for me and my friend at times I just kept saying "Its all good let's just stay positive it's no big deal man" and if we got a bad vibe from a certain room we'd go to another or we'd go outside. Always trip in a good setting too. Never one you're not comfortable in and always be with people you're close to. I've tripped around people I didnt know too well and the vibe was quite weird.

I do try to go into it with a positive mindset and it might all be fine for a while, but when I see an entity looking at me or even interacting with me it's too intense and the trip turns bad

Yeah that unfortunately seems to be the issue with psychedelics. I love them more than anything, but they don't always do what you want them to. Have you looked into many "harm reduction" practices? I never really did, but I read a few off the psychonaut wiki and they were actually pretty clever tricks (such as having a piece of clothing you only wear while tripping so that you associate it with tripping).

Good idea I'll look into them

This comic is basically underage pleb
The comic
>Huur everything that isn't overly sugary and sweet tastes bad, bitter flavours hurt my delicate tongue

XKCD is absolute pseudo-intellectual normie garbage anyways, so it makes sense.

I do hard drugs like heroin and meth but I have never done alcohol or tobacco and never will. My brain views them as very bad and unacceptable to use because of all the shilling about how bad it was that I was exposed to in school. Anyone else like it?

What the fuck the earth is actually alive, the planets are living things

At one point when I was tripping on 3 tabs, I got anxious when my friends and I went walking outside in public so I said I had to get back so I could have a blanket to hold.

Lol embarassing but whatever the blanket was comfy.

Then you propably understand that the risk factor starts growing alot when mixed with other depressants e.q alcohol

Vaping some of this Shark Shock CBD strain I got from OCS here in Canada.

Very chill, comfy strain. Makes me feel like I'm on a puffy cloud. Not too heady, very chill. I feel like I could nap on this stuff for sure. Highly rec to anyone with anxiety. I don't like strains with too much THC so it's for me.

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It's becoming increasingly apparent that ecosystems are much more intricately linked than we previously thought. Mycelium networks (mushroom roots), for example, actually regulate the types of bacteria in the soil they inhabit. Different species choose different bacterial distributions. They can also spread out for miles, thus modifying their environment. If we're made up of constituent organisms (our cells and the bacteria that we coexist with), then surely we can consider living things to be the constituent organisms of the ecosystem organs that make up the planetary animal.

Thats exactly it, you've hit the nail right on the head better than I could articulate it.

You should look up paul stamets and dennis mckenna (he's more credible than his brother, terrance). They both seem to talk about this type of stuff a lot.

video related: youtube.com/watch?v=M8AXSBvSkCQ

After psychedelic, disassociate and other drug use I really feel these existential thoughts sometimes. Like it's bizarre... life. It's wild that we're here. The fact that we're all on a spinning planet in space. But despite it being rough at times, it can be pretty cool too. Yes I'm high typing this. But man, thank god for weed and it's great feeling it helps with the depression and anxiety. So fuck it, enjoy the moment I guess. Good vibes to y'all. Listening to some Boards of Canada, highly recommend to anyone who likes chill down-tempo music. Here's a favorite of mine: youtube.com/watch?v=A2zKARkpDW4

What vape do you use and how much does it smell? Just got this for starters, hoping to be able to vape in my room without setting the alarm or anyone off

I'm also a low-THC fan (5-9%). Took a huge bong rip off some blueberry kush (like 20% THC) the other day to see if anything changed in recent years, felt like I was pumping my heart manually and put together a mental plan to fix my life. Nope back to CBD lol

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anxious gives it such a bad taste. i wish i knew what i meant to be chill, my heads just more screwed on in another sense if i do the deedleweed but anxiety is non stop rampant all the time my nigga. i tell myself there will be a last bastion of comedy within there but im a faggot that doesnt know shit

I use the Arizer Air. I've had it for over a year now and I really enjoy it. The smell only hangs around for a short time but it never stays. Whenever I have a vape sesh and my friend comes over they can never tell. So it's not bad I would say.

That vape looks neat, I think I've seen it mentioned. Hopefully it's discreet enough for you, user.

And yeah, I used to smoke shit from a dealer but it was always really high THC stuff generally which gave me some fun times but eventually (especially after doing psychedelics) I found the high THC stuff would usually make me get anxious/on edge/headaches and yep, the heartrate increase would always sketch me out, even ended up in the ER once because I had a panic attack and thought I was dying. (The paramedics laughed at me and I was sat in a room for a while as I came down and felt like an idiot. Though the panic was because I took some very high (50%) hash oil and put too much on a hot pocket lol)

Anyway, yeah I definitely understand how it is, friend. I tried going back to the high THC stuff too and it generally doesn't end well unless I only have a small hit.

CBD is a god send. Way more chill and relaxing.

Btw, sorry this took a while to type. I'm pretty high atm lol but enjoying some shoegaze.


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Why do psychedelics permanently change weed?

>Weed used to calm me down but now it makes me anxious.

So many people are reporting this. It happened to me, too. What the actual fuck changed? I distinctly remember good highs back when I was 14-17 without any of the anxiety or paranoia bullshit. Like, at all. I remember mooching off a friend after school and then chilling for exactly 15 minutes (what I thought was a socially acceptable time after someone blazed you) and running home in the winter while it was snowing so I could enjoy a hot shower and playing WoW while high back in the 2000s. It was honestly good feels. Then all of a sudden it became "why am I 21 and living with my parents and jacking it to porn and shit", and when I moved out worrying about my job and debts and finances, etc.

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