i want to be comfy tonight and to have a comfy thread. please join me, anons, in being comfy. what's on everyone;s mind tonight? what are we listening to?
I want to be comfy tonight and to have a comfy thread. please join me, anons, in being comfy...
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I just applied for lots of planting volunteering/environmental/forest activities. I am so excited to just spend some time in nature.
that sounds very comfy, user. i feel like i should be doing more things outdoors instead of spending all my free time in my room. maybe i should also volunteer?
You really should. I also just bought a plot in the community garden. My therapist said that I should plant things when Im sad and that having something to take care of and nurture will help my sense of meaning. I dont really care for animals and humans all that much but trees and plants really get to me for some reason.
I think going outside and taking care of things will make you feel better user, and the people around also just want to better the area too.
i dont care for humans much, either. gardening sounds really fun but im worried that my dumb ass would kill all the vegetation before they could properly grow just because of how clumsy or irresponsible i can be. but maybe its worth trying anyway to get that meaning, like you said?
good thread, user. for the love of christ why aren't there more like this?
just going to spend the night reading, shitposting, listening to tunes, applying for jobs for neetbux etc. same old, same old.
>what are we listening to?
im glad i could provide a good thread on this board of otherwise very depressing topics. im pretty much up to the same things you are.
thanks for linking a cool jam, too. this isnt really like what i normally listen to, but i still appreciate it all the same and think its cool
i do not have much on my mind tonight. it is pretty cold outside, i took a walk out to see the stars. something about being out in the cold feels so nice, when you have the right clothing. it almost feels a bit exhilarating, compared to how hot weather makes me want to slow down and stop moving. being outside is one thing that makes me very happy. even when i am feeling the worst, it never fails to at least take my mind off of things.
i know from experience that you probably dont want to talk about yourself too much if you are the kind of person to make a thread like this, but if you will, how are you yourself feeling? what is on your mind?
also, with the talk about plants so far, i guess i can share this album. it is simple, but i like it a lot. it is one of those simple things that can fill you with so much happiness, like nature itself, i think.
>being outside is one thing that makes me very happy. even when i am feeling the worst, it never fails to at least take my mind off of things.
ah, i wish i could feel the same but to be honest, going outside makes things worse for me because im unable to distract myself from the thoughts swirling around in my head, so im forced to confront them which just makes the whole trip outdoors anxious.
i know from experience that you probably dont want to talk about yourself too much if you are the kind of person to make a thread like this, but if you will, how are you yourself feeling? what is on your mind?
i really appreciate you asking that, honestly. im not sure how im feeling. numb, maybe. im anxious about the upcoming school year and if ill be able to stay afloat during it. im upset that my job is so dehumanizing and dull, to the point where i feel my iq rapidly lowering every time i step through those doors. and im dealing with the idea that i need to learn what its like to be alone versus jumping into relationships with others in a desperate attempt to stave off loneliness. that one's very hard.
how about you user? you said there's not much on your mind, but how are you feeling anyway?
(P.S. i adore that album. someone i treasured showed that to me and i fell in love with mort garson's works)
>what's on everyone's mind tonight
The winter. I want to plan out my december to the t if possible to maximize comfiness.
>what are we listening to?
how would you plan out your december exactly? planning itself is too anxious sounding and its easier for me to just take it day by day, so its interesting that youre the opposite.
comfy jam, by the way.
>thanks for linking a cool jam
cheers, user. it's nice when anons take the time to listen to songs that other anons post something i admit i don't do as often as it should
I'm thinking about taking the day after thanksgiving and writing out what exactly to do each day within december. What anime to watch, how many episodes, what regular shows what games to play for how long etc. I want to clear as much of my to do list up as possible in case I don't pull off another year of neetdom. youtube.com
how does one plan out to maximize comfyness anyway.
>asking for a friend
no problem user. beyond absolute normals, its always interesting to see what sort of music someone considers a favorite worth sharing. we've all led all sorts of weird, different lives that bring us to enjoy different genres, and thats cool.
if youd like to listen, here's a song from a new favorite artist of mine, parcels. their song 'overnight' was co-produced by daft punk, which is how i discovered them, and man they make such nice jams. youtube.com
For me it comes down to what shows I watch and when for nostalgia reasons and loving to watch stuff at the dead of night or 4-5 am etc. Also to make my room as cold as possible by opening the window up and turning a fan on. Then just watching my shows in the nice cozy cold. It varies person to person though.
ah, for me it does the opposite. being out there gets me distracted from all of my thoughts, or at least makes me okay with them, seeing and feeling and hearing and smelling how beautiful the world itself truly is, free from anything else that might trouble me about it. it brings me somewhere else, if you will. somewhere better than most of what goes on inside my head otherwise.
but, i understand why you would feel the way you do about it. it makes sense. i hope however that there is at least something that can transcend that anxiety like nature does for me.
sometimes being numb can be the worst feeling. i stopped taking my antidepressants recently after realizing how numb they made me, and how they werent really doing anything at all. i think being prescribed them was a mistake, and it feels so wonderful having more emotion again, even if many concrete problems still are not solved. the relationship thing is something difficult to learn. it is a bit easier if you have been used to being lonely your entire life, but just remember that being alone is always better than being with someone who you shouldnt. but trust me, i know it is difficult.
i am feeling good, i think. i am glad you like the album too. i hope it only gives you good memories, but it is okay if there are some bad ones too. sometimes a bit of catharsis can be helpful, especially in the form of music.
maybe im just a little over-emotional tonight, but i teared up a little by how you described your nature walks. i really, truly want to be able to describe nature the same way one day. perhaps when my mind is no longer weighed down by the negatives of this world, i will be able to walk among the trees peacefully.
im very happy for you that you feel more emotion and more you, though perhaps i am also doubly worried for your sake considering the gravity of antidepressants. are you sure its okay for you to stop taking them?
i really do love that album, thank you. i listen to it sometimes to go to sleep--have you ever listened to electronic hair pieces (youtube.com
Its been a pretty awesome and terrible night.
Saw one of the bands I grew up with live in concert, but also puked a lot and got my car towed. All in all it balances out I guess, and now Im chilling in a hotel bedroom, my clothes are all drying, and life is good.
that does actually sound quite comfy. what sort of anime do you like to watch? i just wrapped up hunter x hunter, and now while i thumb through some comfy slice of life im thinking about wanting to watch a serious anime. ive heard really good things about Mousou Dairinin
ahaha, drink too much? sounds pretty cool to have been there to listen to some childhood bands, though. hope the hotel bed is comfy, user.
>what sort of anime do you like to watch?
I'm planning initially to watch some mushishi then some death parade followed by possibly the 90s hxh since I watched the 2011 version not that long ago but if not that then some barakamon followed by colorful ideally by this point it'd be near christmas then I watch space dandy followed by cowboy bebop. If I have any time leftover just random things at that point. My taste is probably rather norman but eh.
ah, i am more glad than you know if i could really do that for you. i would like to be better at writing someday, a lot of the time i feel it is too terrible and i dont even try. but you saying something like that makes me feel ever so slightly more open to the idea, perhaps. thank you, really. i hope someday you will be able to do that.
i think it will be alright. i never noticed any major changes on them that werent negative, and after quitting cold turkey about a week or two ago i barely even feel any withdrawal symptoms anymore. i do not know if it is just delayed or something, but i just cannot take them anymore. i just cannot. there has to be a better way, i do not believe that this is what i need. there are better solutions to the problems i have, it cannot be outside of my control like that. perhaps this is a stupid mindset, but i feel like this is the first step towards taking control of things. i really hope so.
i have not listened to that all the way through, but i have been meaning to. i cannot really listen to music to fall asleep though for some reason. it makes me think and feel too much for that, even with something soft like this.
Its not that I drank too much so much as I didnt eat anything beforehand. Only had two beers but that was more than enough to set me over the edge.
Anyway, since we posting comfy music n shit in this thread Imma link a song from their last release. Its pretty cozy and got me through most of High School.
I very much wanna buy a little cheap 3 bed home in a really comfy little town near my hometown. It has a hypercomfy little downtown area and the whole town is extremely safe and americana. Once I buy such a home I'll take good care of it's little yard and plant flowers and maybe build a little white picket fence. Such a comfy fantasy and it's nice because it's within reason.
you know, the person that recommended i watch hxh had me watch the first three episodes of the original run first (which im glad for, since it provided extra background). but the animation, coloring, and voice acting made me so nostalgic and happy that i was honestly kind of upset to have to leave it and start the 2011 run. i think ill join you in watching the original series, too. also i adore space dandy and cowboy bebop, i think you have good taste.
if the purpose of writing is to express oneself, you are already doing a fantastic job, user. your comments have been my favorite in the thread thus far. that being said, i genuinely hope i can trust you in thinking that you'll be alright without the pills. i myself have never been on them even though i am clinically depressed, but perhaps we'll both work it out over different means.
thats interesting that you cant fall asleep to music. there are many nights that i wont be able to get some rest without listening to mort garson, omd, or elder scroll music. i focus on the music to stave off the terrible thoughts usually swirling within my head.
ahh, i understand completely. i hope youll remember to eat well before drinking from now on to be safe.
this is an extremely cozy jam indeed by the way, thank you for this.
that sounds like a very satisfying fantasy user. ill be rooting for you and i hope i may one day be able to achieve something similar.
>ill be rooting for you and i hope i may one day be able to achieve something similar.
Thanks. Hopefully we both make it.
i completely forgot to mention but i love your picture. bravil was my 2nd favorite city in cyrodiil right behind anvil, which was maximum comfy given my love for port cities. i loved the inequality faced in bravil and thought the stacked housing design was so cool. plus city swimmer was a great pal.
maybe it is just easy being anonymous. once i am around someone else personally, even online, i close myself off, a lot of the time without even realizing the extent of my self censorship. hell, even being anonymous i am very cryptic, leave out a lot of detail, and generally still dont talk about everything. but at least i have journals i write in semi often, physical and digital. that feels nice. i hope you can work things out with your depression as well. i am starting to feel that what i have is less of a clinical depression and more a result of being isolated from much of the world nearly my entire childhood and not really being taught anything like discipline or self love. something like that.
i do wonder why i am not like that with music. i think it is just because my head is swirling with those thoughts all the time otherwise. going to sleep, listening to music while awake, going out in nature are things that take me away from that. i am very inattentive and absentminded much of the time because i just cannot stop worrying and thinking and scanning for threats at all times. everything overwhelms me so much, so the silence is wonderful. no more worrying, no more being sensitive to everything, no more negative thought or self hatred, no more reminders of how terrible, cruel, and imperfect the world can be. only silence, and sleep.
is there anything more based than winter?
i think im similar to you in some aspects while differing in others. when it comes to 1 on 1 interactions with friends, ill end up baring my soul as im quick to trust. but in, for instance, discord servers, ill gradually close myself off from the community out of fear of embarrassment and anxiety. i think i have a tendency to overshare versus your tendency to leave out details and such.
as for your second paragraph, all i wish to say is that
>no more worrying, no more being sensitive to everything, no more negative thought or self hatred, no more reminders of how terrible, cruel, and imperfect the world can be. only silence, and sleep.
was a very beautiful, poignant sentence to read and im not sure how quite to respond other than informing you that i enjoyed the sentence immensely.
winter is my favorite season too, user. there's nothing comfier than freshly laden snow and a chill in the air. i drink hot cocoa year round, but it feels so much more appropriate to brew one now.
ah. for me, i just cannot function in those servers, unless it is very small, and even then it is extremely difficult. i just say hello and then nothing else, forever. something about the group environment just makes me deeply uncomfortable and unwilling to participate, i suppose. and that is not even considering how hard it is to join the damn thing in the first place. sometimes it has been an hour or longer ordeal just to click a link.
one on one is what i prefer, even with my aforementioned pitfalls. the last person i was friends with told me i was extremely unemotional and even sociopathic, because i never wanted to do anything with him and i could not be as honest and upfront about my emotion. i ended the friendship because i felt like we would both be better off alone if i really cannot be a good enough friend for him. i just dont want to hurt people, but i feel like interacting with them personally like that always makes it happen eventually. it seems better for me to keep to myself, most of the time.
thank you, by the way. i kinda felt like that line was too over the top, thinking about it. i get really over dramatic and articulate a lot, it is kinda fun to me, actually. even if it probably isnt fun for most people to read. but if you like it, i am happy.
one on one is preferred as well, and funny enough, i ended up in a similar situation where i had to end a friendship recently, although for different, heartbreaking reasons. i dont want to hurt people either, but it seems i cant help but do so anyway. i hate it.
youre welcome, of course. i also have a tendency to be overdramatic and i feel like people are very off put by that, but i think its too far ingrained in my personality by this point. perhaps this is the curse of growing up on anime and movies, not experiencing real, genuine relationships and instead supplementing interactions with what i viewed growing up. who knows?
anyway, im getting very sleepy so im going to call it here and get some rest. thank you, and everyone else who participated in this comfy thread tonight. i wish everyone to sleep tight and to have sweet dreams.
i hate it too. maybe someday we will be able to not hurt people. i hope that if nothing else, i might be able to at least make some good art of some kind. that way, maybe i can touch someone without ruining everything with my own personality and tendencies. maybe.
and yeah, it could be that. it probably is something like that. i do not know much about how people are supposed to act, it is sort of foreign to me. i can be glad that peer pressure does not affect me nearly as much, but it sure does come at a cost, of being a big weirdo who cannot relate with many people. but i am sort of okay with that part of it, minus not being able to relate with anyone. it is a bit conflicting.
but alright. i hope you sleep well, user. this was a nice discussion. god knows i need more of those. perhaps we both do.
thank you.
This is a bit of a comfy tune imo.
Im sorry user for your loss :(
it's okay
lads i want my fucking ma back
she was so fucking great and kind to everyone and she saw potential in me and fuck now i'm remembering one of the lullabies that she sang to me and i'm crying FUCK
Sorry for the late response.
It's okay, thats why I recommend going to volunteering events and such. You will learn a lot and then you can eventually do it by yourself. Even picking up garbage while going on forest walks feels really good. The trees and environment just want to thrive and grow, they do no harm while we do harm to them, yet they provide us with such amazing oxygen. They do not ask for much other than to live. Isn't it wonderful user? Don't you want to help them out?
And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.
I'm glad to see that this comfy thread is getting a good reply count, because I was disappointed that comfy threads seemed to be dying
Anyone like a nice cup of earl grey for max comfy? What are some good brands of earl grey?
some comfy pics that i've taken
some nice sumsets in my area
more sunsets (taken from a 400y old tower in the forest)
last dump for now
enjoy the thread anons
Thanks for the comfy pics user.
I'm feeling the dirt road one a lot, It gives of that extraterrestrial feel