Had sex for the first time since middle school last night

>had sex for the first time since middle school last night
>took my clothes off and got on my hands and knees like he said
>he grabs my hips and says "Oh boy you're a big girl huh?"
>felt like a fat ham that he was settling for because he just wanted a warm hole

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is this a coordinated raid or something?
there's so many fucking fembot larping bait threads around.
It can't be a coincidence can it?

Post stomach, we will let you know if you're right.

A relatable feel, damn.

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>girls posting about having sex in middle school
this is just a shitty larp

fats suck. They feel like a surfboard

Lost my virginity to my boyfriend, when I got naked he said "awwwww so cute" because I have small tits and he likes big tits.
Felt bad the entire time because I'm extremely insecure.

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I like both sizes so don't feel bad. The smaller ones have that nice rib cage action and look good when they arch their backs.

yea you probably are lol

Lord have mercy on this board.

The first time you got topless in front of your boyfriend was when you lost your virginity to him? That seems really weird. Whatever happened to going through first, second, and third base?

thanks for your service here's an unrelated pic also this is a necessary evil.

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We were LDR for 2 years and I refused to send nudes of any sort. After a week of kissing and cuddling when we met it just jumped straight to sex because we were both inexperienced.
21 at the time.

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>he thinks sage is a downvote
Guess where you can go back to

Ah, that's a shame.

>met LDR gf for the first time
>she starts getting really touchy feely
>relentlessly try to fuck her before we sleep
>says she's on her period
>tell her I give zero fucks
>gets grossed out
>have to wait it out

why are women so self-conscious?

OP you need to relax. I admit would gladly be chads slampig if I didnt puke in my mouth when someone shows sexual interest.

>n-no it's you who need to go back!

Women have a mandatory inferiority complex

>awwwww so cute
>I felt bad.
Holy fuck women are mental.

Cus blood is gross, we are disgusted by our own blood because blood is just gross.
It's like when a girl calls a guy "cute". When you're having intercourse you don't want to be "cute." It's almost like pity.

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Where do I find big huge fat girls to have sex with OP? I don't think they do escorting