Are you happy when school shootings happen? Are you sad? Do you care...

Are you happy when school shootings happen? Are you sad? Do you care? What is your reaction when you see a school shooting on the news?

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I smile every time.

School shootings make life less boring.

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I feel a bit better.

If they kill themselves: I feel good
If they don't: I think about what a waste of time

I get excited because it means big news, new gun debates, and maybe some liveleak videos. Fun. But I also feel bad for the dead.
So I feel neutral about them.

The only good bullies are dead bullies, user. Of course I'm happy.

I get the lotion and the tissues, then turn on the news

laugh at americans every time

Except when it doesn't, like about a month ago in Russia.

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someone should make

"virgin portrayal of a school shooting" (yours)
"chad portrayal of a school shooting" (what really happens)

>can't even get an image in english yet still thinks he's relevant
just LMAO

>The American original
>The Commie copy

It gives me a hearty chuckle every time but I'm an edgelord so who cares

I understand why it happens so I just feel endless disappointment when normies fail to understand the monsters they create. Watching them blame shift and argue while their children are massacred saddens me so becoming jaded and unfeeling is the only way to keep my sanity.
Then again such violence may just be cyclical to history and bound to happen.

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Redpill me on what really happens during school shootings

One part is sad and demoralized.
One part is hyped to see how high the body count is.
One part just don't give a fuck as it's far away and doesn't affect me.

Always laugh knowing its the natrual order for society to take. Then I go about my day not giving a fuck.
>In b4 next shooter.
You worthless faggots are worth the bullets let alone getting out of bed that day. I'll never waste my time on any of there worthless animals.

I still have young family in school so Its still a threat to me

Any other older posters here around who could remember the early bush years? I distinctly remember hearing that every other week there'd be a car bombing in Iraq and people would comment things like "god what a shitty country, a terror attack killing a dozen or more people every week, how could you live like that?"

Anyway I just recently realized that these gun attacks are happening at almost the same frequency in America now. Not quite, but getting there. Another slide into barbarity I guess.

Just dissapoint nowadays because no one is willing to plan out how they can maximize their body count and instead only kill a handful of people. If you're going out that way, you can't half ass it! Makes me mad.

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>an event where normalfags and roasties get shot
of course Im fucking happy

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i genuinely do not give a damn

kids getting mowed down hundreds of miles away has no direct impact on my life, so why care?

Columbine was social justice

They don't target any one demographic. They might say they do but if so they fail miserably at it. Anyone could get shot including you.

I was thinking "the virgin fantasy(with that entire picture in a little thought bubble by his face) vs the chad prospect and list off all his opportunities in life

it doesn't make me sad and it doesn't make me happy either, I just don't care. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a depressed NEET who hasn't left the house for years so I have become more detached in my isolation or that nobody actually cares, it's just that people pretend to care. I sometimes think that maybe it's just people pretending to care, the way normies react to things that don't impact them in anyway just doesn't make sense. I question their motives. it has to be fake right?

>Are you happy when school shootings happen?
Nope. I don't like it when people die
>Are you sad?
Not really.
>Do you care?
>What is your reaction when you see a school shooting on the news?
I go on Jow Forums to get the bants and the unfiltered story.

It's fucked up. I think about what it would've been like to be in a class and some fag started shooting people and we just did the whole school lock down thing where you basically lock the door and get under a desk (like that does anything). Mostly what I think is fucked up is the complete lack of caring like how could you do that to people? Anytime I see a news article about a shooting I can't help but picture some pencil armed sperg who thinks society at large is against him or someshit.

It just feels like an inevitability at this point, I'm surprised more young men haven't snapped yet.

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I literally don't give a single fuck.

You are correct and I remember that. Now it's kids in cages, a president who rudely dismisses people and pets burning alive in wildfires, and a new shooting every week.

The only good news these days...

The world feels more just after the redistribution of suffering.
Let those who are used to peace carry their share of the weight.

It's only fair.

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Depends since most of them aren't really that interesting, Columbine is most interesting to me.

>Are you happy when school shootings happen?
>Are you sad?
>Do you care?
Not really.
>What is your reaction when you see a school shooting on the news?
"Another one? Better check on r9k/pol"

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Theyre almost always provoked by normalfags which feels good, but at the same time I feel bad for the shooter. I basically feel nothing on balance

Can't care less. Normies are killing other normies, how depressing. Anyone here has than Amazon spyware? There is a certain track appropriate for this situation.

If the shooting is by a current student, it's safe to assume unchecked bullying caused it to occur. So I don't care too much and cringe when I hear parenta describe their kids as angels when I know that everyone is an asshole or a slut in high school.

If it is someone who was not a current student, I feel upset. They picked the school as a target not because they hated the students and wanted revenge, but because they wanted a soft target with defenseless victims. That elementary school shooting where the shooter was some unrelated schizo in college made me really angry.

Yes, I am happy. I blame my entire loser life on my teachers who called me loser in front of my face and me being bullied everyday despite never did something wrong.

I consider school shootings karma and everyone who commits them is a hero in my book.

Although I myself would never do that because deep down I'm a pacifist, I still can't change but to think "You got what you deserved". It get mostly underlined by looking at the biography of the school shooters, in 99% of all cases their outrage was justified and they hit the right people.

Anyway, I'm glad that I'm out of HS years ago and that in my country it's almost impossible to get guns. But if I were an American and the bullying went EXTREMELY far, I would probably consider this myself.

Same. I love a good shitstorm but wish I could spend 10 minutes alone with these bastards if you know what I mean.

Don't care.
a) victims are usually americlowns, i.e they deserve it
b) they're normalfags
c) 10 000 niggers starve to death every day and no one cares, why should anyone care about 7 kids getting ventilated every other month?

Half and half for me. I'm happy because knowing teenagers died makes me feel less miserable about my own wasted youth, but I'm sad for the law-abiding gun owners who will have to deal with more public/media outrage.

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my ex girlfriend was happy whenever a white person went on any spree shooting. she would get excited and track down photos to look at. she cheated on me so i dont have to deal with it anymore tho

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Feel indifferent since it happens so regularly

Since normalfags love to say "life's unfair, deal with it", it becomes funny to see them unable to deal with it when something unexpected such as getting shot happens. The schadenfreude of seeing them suffer and cry as their hypocrisy is laid bare is simply unbeatable.

That Russian guy did actually pretty well, planned and executed great.


One happened in my college a month ago. My teachers are fucking dead.

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They make me sad, but they're to be expected. It's just jocks and sorority girls reaping what they sow.
Except those shooters who take out their anger on random people, they're the scum of the earth

Same with this user
It seems to just be another thing that happens often

I get sad. Every unatural death is a tragedy and makes me sad. I get sad for the victims and for the perpetrators. They have no idea what'll come next to them. A lot of painful regret to say the least.

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>Wh*te women
no thank you

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That kid(who did it ALONE) got more frags than 2 yank kids who did it together and practiced with the guns for weeks, LMAO

I relate a lot to these.
>t. chaotic neutral

The Columbine shooters were pioneers, of course they're not very impressive now.

I smile every time.
School shooters are based and redpilled, no irony.
If someone does that it shows how rotten and full of lies our society is, everything begins in schools, most of the time shooters have specific targets, they don't just pick the first random person that did nothing to them.
I guarantee that if everyone in the world could get guns like in the US we'd have more school shootings, murders and suicides.
Shows how US truly frees and shows what human nature actually is about when generational brainwashing and conditioning is no longer a value.
Guns are weapons, angry murderous people will kill no matter the tools they have.
Just look at the united cuckdom..