Robot art

post art you've made
feeling like ass. my heart feels like a landfill.
so creative thread i guess

Attached: img061_min_min__1542528221_93407.jpg (800x619, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

okso im alone in this thread tnight
truth besaid im having trouble typing - im drunk. my mood has always been fickle, and prone to changing depending on external facotrs. call it lack of self control, i wipe my ass with your opinions. this is because of a woman, plain and simple. a woman too good to be true, despite her own opinion. this sounds like the start of a novel but i dont give a fuck. im drunk and i feel numb and sort of happy so i dont care whatever

this is a very good bird, user. comfy and deserving of bird seed and treats.
here is something i finished tonight after working on it off and on for the past month. its not incredible, but im still proud and excited to share it wherever i can.

Attached: alpha ver1.png (1437x1567, 314K)

Here is my "art", its supposed to be a bloomer and a doomer.

Attached: hug.png (701x1115, 97K)

fuck being happy
pic related is by me as well

Attached: img059-min.jpg (3952x3060, 1.98M)

Does this count as art?

Attached: 1541811789951.jpg (1200x675, 425K)

of course it does
reminds me od mordor and lotr in general

Reminder that robotic accounts can be found here:

Attached: 1540553220339.jpg (786x820, 181K)

im fucking pathetic yknow

Attached: 36670093_1905521096179010_6776389233994104832_n.jpg (918x1148, 85K)

socrates i think

Attached: 37427458_1324172151089474_2488567110012239872_n.jpg (1080x1232, 147K)

looks good. I like it.

Just keep going and ignore (or embrace) the shame wizard. I do!

Attached: 827FC7B2-78F2-4469-9589-EC5E345E11AA.jpg (4096x1714, 1.34M)

Very much very nice

Christmas card material

thank you very much
i wish i could mail it to the girl i love

We need to stop having these thread die at

These are very much composed for people like us. You need to put these on in the background without skipping. Its a message in a bottle.
I forgot to add the links

I hope these help pick you up. Part B actually has some visuals but they are not (never were) the primary focus.
Part A
Part B

Attached: 615EFC2E-12C2-4CF9-AF7B-B6FE5FABFE28.jpg (480x480, 22K)

miserable bitch

Attached: 1v2.jpg (3000x3000, 1.64M)

beautiful things fade

Attached: 1967.jpg (900x900, 614K)

indeed they do

Very 60's it has an european quality to it, like a fusion between Herge and Hisachi Eguchi.
I would like to see more of your stuff if possible.

Noice Ceasar next?

that's beautiful, you're beautiful

Post more content bitches

More like this; I have alot of traditional and or post-modern art.

Attached: 1538671126196.png (853x480, 514K)

The ghost

Attached: Belényi Szabolcs Portraits 3- olaj-vászon, 2011.jpg (641x700, 70K)

This is a scene from texhnolyze

Love this one, so pretty :)

Did some more practice 9f the ball and plane method, the help you guys gave me a couple of threads back really helped me.
Still feels a bit off though

Attached: 20181118_141114-min.jpg (3024x4032, 789K)

you have an issue with symbol drawing which is really common with beginners.

might I suggest taking a body refrence, and copy it (don't trace, look at the image and copy it to the best of your ability)

then with that same image, flip it upside down and copy it to the best of your ability.
only turn it right side up once you are done, then compare.

you'll see a vast improvement with your upside down drawing than your right side up, that's because you stopped seeing "symbols" and drew freely.

here, draw this right side up, and then draw the same image upside down and comeback here with your results.
take your time too.

Attached: 3.jpg (1109x1480, 129K)

Here's a little thing I made inside Garry's Mod once for an art project

Attached: Escapism - Final product.jpg (1920x1080, 436K)

Here user.
I've actually done this exercise a couple of times in the past though.
Sucks that I've improved so little.

Attached: 20181118_155053-min.jpg (3024x4032, 931K)

Here's my latest video edit:, uploaded a few minutes ago:

i wish i had some skill like some of you anons do but i suck at art kek

Attached: a001816130-001.jpg (800x571, 111K)

that looks like shit, stop using sharpen and use photoshop instead

sorry i didnt see this until now, i just woke up. i really really appreciate it, but you may not like any of my other stuff since this is the first time ive colored like this. my art blog on tumblr is gondile if youre still interested

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Cats on drugs

Attached: 3wxcy0wta1iy.png (500x1011, 1.13M)

Never had a friend




Attached: 1536414626504.jpg (857x1134, 201K)

I have a morbid imagination.

Attached: jaw.png (464x603, 409K)

I've always wondered if this was bullshit, supposedly all those cats were painted by a dude with dementia or was a schizoid or some shit

No alarms and no surprises yeeeah

I don't really draw much but I made this the other night while drunk

Attached: 1118181157.jpg (2448x2868, 956K)

based user with based taste

Attached: thomnipple.jpg (370x411, 56K)

Reposting this if anyone finds interest.

Attached: 1535870362645.png (701x997, 1.33M)

Jannie gonna ban me

Attached: Inside.jpg (610x773, 41K)

Very good burb thank you kindly for drawing this. I'm a musician though and I have unfortunately lost all of my glitch album covers somehow.

what the hell is that my man

Statues an edgelord on /b/ made awhile back.

Attached: 1535883447220.jpg (276x589, 30K)

you aren't morbid or unique

this is high school art student starter pack material, rethink yourself

I was inspired by milk duds and niggers at the same time man my family!! You already know what it is!

I'm pretty shit at art but I had a whole sci fi war story I used to imagine as a child and into my adulthood, and I drew a lot of scenes and characters from it because I'm autistic. I'll dump a few pics but I have hundreds and I don't want to flood the thread.

Attached: 1480395241596.jpg (2976x2366, 1011K)

Btw, I call my sci-fi story, Young Xenu: The war child

When I saw city lights at night I liked to imagine them as nightmarishly huge towers and complexes made by the enemy. I imagined those tall dull orange streetlights by highways being enormous citadels, able to deploy hundreds of ships and thousands of troops on their own. The enemy's largest city was built in a lagoon in the deep south and had millions of ships and billions of soldiers and workers populating it.

Attached: tumblr_oi9bevfGtK1sh9aw0o1_r1_1280.png (1280x626, 250K)

I love to sing. Can I post that here?

When I was in elementary school I spent a lot of time imagining this, each battle being played out, almost like the whole field was an RTS map and I had a real life overview (I'd never played video games back then). The school itself was the enemy fortress the good guys were fighting to destroy, a campaign that lasted for years.

Attached: tumblr_oik8h8OCGZ1sh9aw0o1_1280.png (1280x861, 932K)

Yes; please do, Jow Forums needs some OC anyways.

At one point they found a race that lived underground in enormous caves and had cities down there. They later rose up to help turn the tide of the war, though only after the protagonist baited an enemy attack against them to show them they were in danger too.

Attached: tumblr_odex95RnW31sh9aw0o1_1280.png (1280x775, 541K)

Is that a Scientology reference?

Here is the main characters daughter shooting an enemy soldier through the wall with her psychic powers helping her line up the shot. I always liked the kwisatz haderach from dune and the idea of this supernatural insight so I kinda stole it. This girl Andromeda came from a weird pregnancy out of nowhere and had her father's family abilities but on steroids, she was able to guide her visions of the future instead of just catching glimpses.

Attached: tumblr_olqdlaOzVO1sh9aw0o1_1280.png (1280x775, 204K)

Anyway, I eventually ensws up ruining the story. The main character Orion died when he fought the main villain in a control room for a superweapon. After he replaced the virus with a virus that the enemy would not be immune to, he confronts the villain and defeats him in a knife duel by pushing both of them into a pool of energy. The idea being the evil lieutenant would never expect a sacrifice like that. Years later I didn't like his children as characters much and they weren't the "alter ego" Orion was to me. He looked like me, even had the same "Orions belt" of freckles on his right wrist. I had had him die because his father Peter had been main character for around five IRL years and Orion had been main character for nine so I decided it was time for the "next generation" to inherit the story. Yet I missed him. He had all the best moments and he gave continuity to the story. Hed been around for most of it. So I wanted him back, but there was no good way. This tormented me for months. I eventually had him resurrected by an ancient nanotech device that could reassemble his burnt body. And had the enemy arrive at the same time hoping to bring him back as an assassin to suit their needs. I ended up with like four main characters to keep track of and it felt wrong, like I could just undo any death I didn't like. The whole thing felt like a hack after that and I slowly stopped imagining it. Which kinda sucks cause I wrote 300,000 words trying to get some of the plot onto paper. I wish I could go back in time and undo what I did 4 years ago but I can't and I can't retcon it either since too much has happened in the interim.

Attached: tumblr_ohhezlMZW31sh9aw0o1_1280.png (821x1229, 532K)

You should put all of your files in a mega archive and expand the lore

I have a Google drive with all of them, this link should still redirect to it.
The blog was also a dumping ground for all of my stuff even though no one read it.
It's pretty cringy and autistic and it's kinda dead now.

I like this one, got any more?

so many anons with nice art
there's few things i can post because >GRs
i want to become a 2d illustrator but i sometimes wonder if it's even worth it

Attached: oni.png (2095x3000, 1.55M)

this is really good, do you have any more like it?

how do you into art

If you're starting from 0 start with "Drawing on the right side of the brain"

Attached: Road to 1000k.jpg (720x2127, 286K)

its like me from my Senior year hugging me from today.

Thanks for spreading the word bruv.

I like your art style. Please draw a cactus and upload it to your tumblr if you ever do.

cool and relaxing shit m8

New song I started the other day. Sorry Youre so bummed out, op. Im right there with ya.

4 hours a day? How are you supposed to do that with study and work?

>study and work

Attached: wheredoyouthinkweare.png (644x644, 936K)

Taste the bismuth

Attached: 341D3368-3D72-4B9F-9CD4-83ECDFB35776.jpg (2048x2048, 750K)

I don't have the privilege of neetdom being an option.

>"Drawing on the right side of the brain"
Definitely a great book to begin with, a must for every artist.

ye, i linked my tumblr over in this comment ive got a side blog @gondysketch and i promise ill upload a cactus to it next time im doodlin

Attached: tumblr_pfyndw3cye1ug124lo1_1280.png (1280x1121, 251K)

>study and work
pic related
You can always reduce the workload to accomodate to your schedule man, this isn't like following a recipe. If you only want to draw say like 1-2 hours a day go for it, but your improvement pace is reflected on the time and effort you pour on it.
I've yet to meet a single person to be this dedicated and draw that much. I started really motivated drawing all day everyday but the burn out is real, i didn't even follow the exact steps, learned color and lighting first when i learned i had a knack for it, actual drawing is my struggle.
Looking at some of my artist senpais progression they get actually good at the 3-5 year mark so don't get discouraged if it feels like it'll take a lot, user

Attached: 1499833333510.jpg (480x480, 13K)

i draw weird shit in paint

Attached: 2c4fdc1fff7db510e753a95c04eb4f3a.png (1344x933, 225K)

textless postss uhurhurhuruhrr

Attached: c109212378949234e7bd450e692329ff.png (896x847, 104K)

Did you make this? I really love it
Can I have your permission to print and place it on my wall above my computer? I mean I'm gonna do it anyways It just would feel nicer if you gave me permission

swaedfsdefsd rg gffwe sf4544554

Attached: 6c3a12f947151ecefff02e82189fb1a0.png (2020x1688, 118K)

I like your bird user

Very nice flower user

how long does it take to git gud if you do say 2 hours a day? ive always wanted to just ditch videogames and dror but i can never be bothered.

the part that i can never get right is posture/sitting comfortably. is there a proper way to be when you draw? because looking straight ahead at a monitor feels so strange and those draw-on tablets are expensive...

Attached: 1967f504ec70be063d3c5b8d354e7720.png (1506x890, 228K)

you did not make this, judging by the filename and the fact that this guy is the one who made it

Sorry for the late answer, but I'll make sure to check your material regardless of your blog content!

Intredasting warping property.

Last one i did although i've given up on art since it's all pointless anyway.

Attached: WyndiDone.png (569x900, 157K)

Made for a friends band cover

Attached: Message_1537243844648.jpg (1280x2560, 605K)

>but i suck at art kek
are you kidding me, this is so good

Drew this at work today

Attached: image.jpg (3682x1748, 929K)

more of this? v cool man

made this in like 1889 something but forgot to post

Attached: this isnt even that funny.jpg (1280x1014, 599K)

that is literally a drawing by the 17th century italian artist guercino

I painted this pigeon

Attached: IMG_20181102_183032_426.jpg (2100x1500, 205K)

You make very pretty things, anons. Is there a pastebin or some kind of archive with robot art?

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I took this pic. Thoughts? Been trying to improve my photo skills

Attached: 988c171b08cfb3455bad4183b5ad3be70b63793524c5c67c937fe50e2650f3a8.jpg (1747x2861, 1019K)