This still sort of fucks me up, but figured I'd post it here

This still sort of fucks me up, but figured I'd post it here...
>Be wagecuck
>Hire 16 year old kid
>Pretty sure he's a robot
>Doesn't matter, good worker
>Bring him to other sites that I work, promote him often
>Fast forward, 7 years
>Growing out of being a robot
>Gets a small social group
>Plans on going to college
>Moving away from his hometown because of bad memories/reputation
>Tells me of his plans
>Makes me proud
>Move away, lose contact with him
>He tells me he's going on a cruise before he goes back to his 2nd semester of college
>He goes on it
>He never comes back
>He jumped off of a cruise ship at 2:30 AM in the Atlantic...

What kills me... What if he didn't die on impact. What if he just swam around for hours until he no longer and drown. His family was so embarrassed he had no obituary. No mention of him anywhere. Feels like shit to remember it, feels worse to imagine him swimming around in the black of night in the ocean.

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>What if he just swam around for hours until he no longer and drown

Sounds like a fucking nightmare, I could never end it like that. Sorry for your loss.

I mean, doing the math - he probably jumped from 20 or so stories and went unconscious and drown - but there is always that one chance that didn't happen.
Now I'm older, so I've had friends die - some have been suicide by hanging, overdose, etc... Never like his before.

I guess it was weird watching someone grow up, begin to show promise, and just end it all.

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i didnt think i would be hit with the feels this early in the day.

im sincerely sorry for your loss user.

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>I guess it was weird watching someone grow up, begin to show promise, and just end it all.
i know what that's like, OP. really sorry to hear about him, he sounded like a good kid. my childhood friend died as well but it wasn't even suicide, he was just in the car with a drunk driver. such a fucking stupid way to go.

:( I'm sorry, wageOP

damn that is sad

you both would have liked him, I still remember his job interview
>Obviously nervous
>Not good with eye contact
>Reminds me of me at his age
>Hire him immediately
>Other employees don't like him
>I do not care
>Most people I hire last 4-5 months
>He lasted 6 fucking years.
>Awkward 16 year old gets a deeper voice
>Gets his braces off
>Gets rid of acne
>Starts working out
>... well he got an internet girlfriend so that was a step
>Keeps working out
>Take him another work site
>People object
>Don't care, I am in charge
>Promote him every chance I can

Then because of family stuff I had to move. I feel like it's my fault for trying to keep an employer/employee relationship. I know it's never "my fault" - and that's why they call suicide the most selfish act.

If I ever kill myself, I'm telling everyone I'm buying a houseboat - so I can live at sea. I'll swim to the middle of the ocean, lay down on the boat, and shoot myself in the face. So when they think about where I am - they'll be jealous that I am living abroad.

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*boat to the middle of the ocean

How long does hypothermia take? And what job was it?

And maybe now I've just become more jaded. I've had to attend the burial of a child. Attend the funerals of 3 friends within 3 months of each other that I grew up with. An old supervisor just lost his newborn twins...

Am I considered a robot if I'm a wagecuck? Done with people?

He was a lifeguard, that's the scariest part for me - that he he jumped off the cruise in Florida... so maybe 10 minutes depending on where he actually left this mortal coil.

you were a godsend to that kid, OP. he probably never had anyone take a chance on him like you did, even though you knew he could do great things. it sounds like he was really able to come into his own and start living the life he was meant to lead.

>I feel like it's my fault for trying to keep an employer/employee relationship. I know it's never "my fault" - and that's why they call suicide the most selfish act.
exactly. it wasn't your fault at all. i look back to times when managers and supervisors looked at me the way you looked at that kid, and i'm always grateful. people like that need just one person to have faith in them, and they can do great things.

>If I ever kill myself, I'm telling everyone I'm buying a houseboat - so I can live at sea. I'll swim to the middle of the ocean, lay down on the boat, and shoot myself in the face. So when they think about where I am - they'll be jealous that I am living abroad.
honestly i would love to do that too. it's a very hunter thompson thing to do. what more could you want? just kill yourself in peace. leave your soul to the high seas. that's the best way to go imho.

How long ago? My family went on a cruise where someone fell off and they looked for hours.

bruh you'd love this, even though I became a higher up wage cuck...
I became a manager/supervisor of a waterpark.- I inherited a joke of a staff before Think of a typical lifeguard, good looking, likes to party, can't do a simple task... I brought cruise-user with me there. His work ethic was so much better - I started to hire people he knew - that didn't really hang out with, but he liked them
>popular kids look around
>pick on other employees and I get in fitfags faces
>I look like a pitbull that was stung by a porcupine
>They leave the "weird kids" alone
>next year I hire less stereotypical lifeguards, and more robots
>kids and adults on the spectrum blah blah
>They don't call out anymore
>always on time
>Always happy to be at work


>Popular kids realize they are becoming outnumbers
>Robots/Autistic kids are being promoted based on work ethic
>Just need to help them with the social skills
>Best employees ever
>Became manager and made it a rule to seek out hiring disabled kids because of my directive
>Even the autistic kids began to make friends
>Have connections and even romances that they would have never had
>I got to see the kids who spent 9 months bullied in school grow up and socialize.

I will never forget this part of my life. The best part.

Not in NJ, FL

fucking KEK. bless you OP. actually carrying out a robot coup and proving everyone wrong, you fucking legend. those kids were never happier in their lives until then. revenge of the nerds in real life. fuck, that's awesome.

you're a great man user.

I was pulled into the middle of the ocean by a riptide and drifted 4 miles out from the coast on a beach in Georgia this summer. The isolation and welling sense of despair is absolutely nightmarish, and it was the most profound loneliness I've ever experienced. You are completely at the ocean's mercy, the waves your judge and executioner. I only managed to survive by sheer luck as the current shifted closer to shore giving me a brief to swim with all might back to land. I made it on GMA and national news, but I never want to go through that again. I really thought I was going to die.

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Please keep up the good work user, your a hero. Thank you.

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*a brief window
I know exactly how the guy in OP's story would've felt if he didn't die on impact. One of my fears was dying with no explanation and people jumping to the conclusion that I must have committed suicide because I was going through a depressive episode the entire trip.

lol bruh, he had a 17 year old 270 lb kid who was 6'5 - they tried to fire him because he couldn't do the job as a lifeguard.
>Heart attack on site
>Most kids freak out
>Most employees can't handle it
I don't mean to call him lurch at all, but the kid could lift
>We have a stretcher to help the EMTs
>3 men on each side
>Yell for him
>He comes out and it takes 3 adult males on one side and him on the other
>Get him on
>Adam helped saved his life

and also people on the spectrum are better with muscle memory.

>Guy goes limp on a tennis court
>Normies upstairs freak out don't call the lifeguards at the indoor pool
>Someone finally tells us
>They run right toward it
>I come to the scene late, they are doing compressions and CPR properly
>EMTs show up
>The employees kind of freak out because they don't want to give up doing CPR
>Have to tell them it's okay

God damn, if you ever get to run a normie job and can have robot employees. 100% do it - I did have to talk to a "fire fighter" about why they wouldn't stop... but I always taught - you never stop CPR

jesus christ user! how the fuck did you know you had a chance to swim to shore?

And why wasn't a lifeguard boat looking for you?

That's horrible to hear user.
At least you were a positive influence on his life, even if it ended in tragedy. I'm sure he appreciated it more than you know.

might have been ballsy, I like to swim too far out into the ocean to mess with the lifeguards here. I try to swim 200 meters past our pier

I saw a glimmer of light in the distance, a reflection on a parked jetski I believe (never got a good look desu) and in that moment I focused all my energy on swimming towards that light. It was my lone flicker of hope illuminating the darkness shrouding my mind. I was still neck deep until I could feel a stretch of shore beneath my soles as I was bucking in high tide. I planted my feet firmly in the ground, resisting the current, and every time the tide receded, I inched forward. For 20 minutes I trudged through the beach and fierce waves like I was solemnly storming fucking Normandy, but damn it, God was smiling on me that day, and I made it bros. Nothing will ever shake my faith in a higher power after that hell.

Multiple lifeguard boats were looking for me, but I was too far out to be seen or rescued. The Coast Guard actually called off the rescue mission before I made it to shore and made it a corpse retrieval. I was in the ocean for a total of 10 agonizing hours. They gave me a tour of their command center in Glenn County and gave me two medals for surviving.

I was piddling around the water and wasn't paying attention. I tried shouting at the top of my lungs for help, but no one came.

got any more stories man? i'm going to bed soon but these are great.

posted all these. Going to bed, but I can give more details if the thread's still up tomorrow and anyone's interested. Have a free bump

I mean mostly are when I was a sort of bully in high school

>first year of high school
>nervous as fuck and walking in
>Junior feigns opening a door for a girl with palsy on crutches
>Lets the door close on her and she falls to the ground
>sprint to help her up
>help her in
>can see the junior looking back and laughing at her wobbling in
>Run at him
>spear him and choke him in front of the SRO's office
>get suspended for 5 days
>He couldnt play fag normie baseball for that season

>spear him
how do you spear someone? sounds pretty cool.. did you have something pointy?

getting tired so going to post the best...
I had a really good friend when I was a kid, she was dead and I learned sign language to help her to help her through school.
It was random "mean girls" style prank before that was even a movie
>friend from when I was kid gets her first boyfriend
>captain of the JV football team
>She's gleaming, so happy
>2 weeks go by
>head cheerleader makes it known it was a ruse in front of the entire cafeteria
>everyone laughs
>friend runs away from school
>doesn't leave her room for 3 days
>mom calls me and just begs me to make it right somehow
>I get a little drunk with a friend...

it takes a weird turn... but...
>Lived in rural Virginia
>decide to find fresh road kill
>saw off the head and legs
>leave the head leaning between her screen door and wood door
>you open it, lol a deer head would fall in
>one leg in her mailbox
>one leg in her car (2001 cars werent usually locked)
>one leg in her tailpipe
>one leg in her backyard because of dog

Now the cheerleader came to school the next day ghost white

ring leader of the joke
>couldnt come back to the school
>so now my friend from when we were kids finally stopped being in her room
>Football team was pissed about it
>Most popular girl in school had to leave because of trauma

But if he would cut up a deer and do that weird shit on a whim... what would he do to us?

Never fucked with in high school

The cheerleader overdosed on H, but my friend is now a professor at a deaf university.

fucking kek, nice one user. fuck that stacy

Spear tackle you fucking nerd. Didn't you play a sport?

>Didn't you play a sport?

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>lol only le nerds who didn't play sports are here :^)

>Being surprised that on a board filled with robots someone has never played sports.

Well to be honest I was just bullying you a bit. Almost everyone knows about spear tackles, it's common parlance. I'm more surprised that robots aren't into sports actually, there are a lot of numbers involved, especially in baseball.

I wasn't that user, just found it funny that someone would ask an user that.
I guess most anons don't like sports because the vast majority of them have a strong social component to them. There's a lot of keeping score and rules and such, but you are often directly working with a team or competing against other people. For most robots I guess that's a pretty intimidating thought. Especially with the inferiority and superiority complexes a lot of them have.

i don't like team sports, if you fuck up and you get bashed for it then it sucks. individual sports are better.
(not the user you replied to btw just saying)

You're both aware that watching sports is nothing like playing them right? I was talking about watching specifically because of the team aspect and the risk of being bullied by school athletes when younger.

sorry, im fucking blind

He wouldve died from hypothermia in 30 mins if he did not drown before that

Got it, I misread what you posted.