Um, how dare you expect me to take responsibility for my own personal safety?!

>um, how dare you expect me to take responsibility for my own personal safety?!

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Why??? Do SJWs??? Write like this???

Both parties share the fault.

Imagine a road. It's the most dangerous road in the world. People warn you not walk down it but you do it anyway. You get raped or beaten. Do you mean to say you have zero responsibility for being reckless? Maybe if you're a child who doesn't know better.

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How do people not understand that there's reasonable factors on both sides?

I agree that rape is a horrendous thing. Men shouldn't rape, and personally I even think that capital punishment should be considered in certain instances. However some men DO rape, so along with the responsibility of men not to rape (which they mostly keep to) it is ALSO the responsibility for women to protect themselves (which arguably they keep to far less). Everyone makes this argument for almost every other crime. Don't want to get mugged? Don't walk down dark alleys alone. Don't want to get burgled? Lock your doors and windows etc. etc.

Women can do things to minimise their chances of getting raped. Don't wear slutty clothes, don't walk around at night alone, stay out of 'multicultural' areas and so on. In a perfect world they shouldn't have to but WE DON'T LIVE IN A PERFECT WORLD, so you have to be pragmatic.

>Maybe if you're a child who doesn't know better.

Yeah you pretty much perfectly described women.

I don't want to see women get raped, but I realise that women have the minds of children. The only way is for the men of a country to keep them safe eg. walking home with them at night and stopping the mass importation of incredibly rape-prone people from third world shitholes.

They literally even compare themselves to children to justify their mindset. Yes, children also get raped and its clearly not in any way their fault. You on the other hand are a fully grown adult who should take responsibility for their actions.

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>that pic
>It's ALL about exerting control and power. That's it.
Hmm, strange how blacks, latinos and muslims seem to disproportionately like exerting control and power.

>is it the robber's fault or yours?
The robbers, obviously. Since they're still the ones doing the stealing.

>They knew pretty well that they shouldn't steal things.
Doesn't mean jack shit. As long as they're getting something out of it, they're going to commit a crime regardless of it's effect and consequences. Same with rape.

They rape because they have been oppressed by cum skins like you their whole life. If whites didnt feel the need to control them then they wouldnt feel the need to control women and rape them.

>muh oppression
found the roastie

why do they always think in absolutes, men dont rape because they see someone with their tits hanging out. they rape because they're rapists and they just might pick the girl with the tits hanging out over the one who can dress normally

I get that you're memeing but it still amazes me that people believe this shit

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It's so fucking frustrating.

I care about them and want them to be safe, but they insist on endangering themselves.

>don't teach kids about stranger danger, teach kidnappers not to kidnap

Yep. Obviously the rapist is at fault, nobody is disputing that, but these women seem to think it has to be one or the other. You are responsible for your own personal safety, to a degree. Obviously you may still be attacked regardless of what precautions you take, but you can minimise the risk if you act responsibly.

The point is that if kids get kidnapped, you don't blame them for not being good enough at not putting themselves in danger.

Victim blaming is horrible. Teaching safety rules is good, telling women is their fault if they got raped because they didn't apply some safety rule is shitty. If a woman gets raped, it's the rapist fault and not hers. She might have protected herself better, but that doesn't make her rape less horrible or make it in any way her fault.

If i got drunk in a seedy bar, with dollar bills hanging out of my pocket and being careless about my wallet. I can blame myself for getting robbed. I dont know why you people keep thinking this is a just world, it's not.

How retarded do you have to be to compare "getting drunk and walking with dollar bills hanging out of your pockets" to woman wearing clothes they want to wear?

You should be as responsible as possible and keep yourself safe. I'm not questioning that safety is good.
I'm just saying that as irresponsible as you are, you never deserve to be a victim of a crime.
Even if you didn't, it doesn't justify anyone from doing something bad to you. When someone is the victim of a crime, you don't tell them "it's your fault for being an idiot". You sympathise with them and make sure they're alright.
Again, prevention is great. When someone is the victim of a crime, you make sure they're good and not treat them like they deserved it.

And while someone stealing your wallet is not a huge deal, if someone murdered you in the same conditions and someone went to your parents and told them "well, your son was a fucking idiot, he was so irresponsible, he deserved to get killed" I'd imagine they'd get a little upset. Same way someone who gets told they deserved to get raped because they got drunk at a party.

Not him but how do you not see what he's getting at? They're both tempting to the kind of person that will commit the crime in each instance. Dollar bills hanging out are a temptation for a thief; a scantily clad girl is a temptation for a rapist.

I would love to live in a society where we could be as blase about personal safety and security as we like because nobody is committing crimes. However the sad truth is that there are awful people out there willing to commit those crimes. In a world like that it is the fault of the criminal for committing the crime and to some degree the fault of the victim if they were excessively disregarding their personal safety.

Because it's not just that, it's wearing sluttly clothes while being drunk as fuck and walking around late at night.

It's not about deserving or not, it's about taking responsibility for yourself.

And if i talked shit to some known gangster constantly and he show up at my door and murders me, then yeah that's irresponsible.

99% of rape is a woman's fault 1% is bad luck. Jeez whores quit trying to get raped it's not that hard, the problem is they like it, the complaining is a con job so they won't look like a slut

You'd still be a victim, you still wouldn't deserve to be blamed, no matter how irresponsible your actions were.
In the moment when you're a victim, you have to be treated like one. While I do believe that prevention is important, and I'm the first one who takes all the measures necessary to make sure I don't get in dangerous situations most of the time, if I ever get raped I want to be treated like a victim - I don't want to be questioned to see if I could have done better.

If someone gets cancer from smoking, I don't want doctors to tell them "told ya". I want them to take care of him. When someone is going through a distressing situation, they need and deserve to be treated like victims and be taken care of. You can reserve judgement for later if you think it's important.

Ohhh I totally get what he is getting at, I just think it's retarded. Every study I have read on sexual assaults has said that the things woman have worn when they were raped did not matter. Rape is mostly about power, and can be prevented by having better education and better parenting .Woman in middle east wearing burkas are still getting raped and you would be retarded to think it has anything to do with what they are wearing. So everyone saying shit like "They would be safer if they wore more conservative clothing" is clearly just uneducated or is giving away his ideology. I would say that most people that say that are just suggesting we should go back to a time where a woman had no rights - the "good old times"

>Teaching safety rules is good, telling women is their fault if they got raped because they didn't apply some safety rule is shitty.

>telling your child not to get into stranger's cars so he doesn't get kidnapped again is shitty

Child = Woman
We as a society agreed Children are pretty much slaves. We do that because we need to teach them what is right and what is wrong.
How are you dumb enough to make a point like that?

Okay so what? This whole the victim is blameless mentality is doing more harm than good. I'd rather have a save society instead of a society that just feels save.

For the second time, you goddamn moron. It's not just about wearing the clothes. It's the combination of wearing clothes, getting drunk, associating yourself with shady men, walking around outside alone at night, etc...
It doesn't take a genius to know that combination is dangerous.

>We as a society agreed Children are pretty much slaves

lol what the fuck

You people have a fucking demented worldview.

You literally quoted me saying that
>Teaching safety rules is good

If a kid got kidnapped and as soon as you rescued him, you said
>You're such a moron for getting in that man's car, it's your fualt if that happened to you, Johnny is much smarter than you and he'd never get kidnapped because he pays attention
you'd be a shit parent.
If you took care of the child, make sure he was alright, and after you made sure he was doing well physically, psychologically and everything you insisted about safety rules it'd be different.

Same applies for a woman who got raped. If right after it all you do is making her feeling like shit because she was dressed in a certain way or was drunk, you're not being good to her.

To be fair, if we're talking about violent street rape type shit, I don't think what they're wearing really affects it much

You cannot have a safe society. No matter how many good prevention rules you teach, it will never work. You can make people who are going through distress feel less like shit.
I think it's important to teach people how to stay safe, I also think you can shut the fuck up for 5 minutes when someone is hurting and not treat them like a cunt.

>Same applies for a woman who got raped. If right after it all you do is making her feeling like shit because she was dressed in a certain way or was drunk, you're not being good to her.

The message about safety precautions is not for the victim, it's for all the other women in society.

Hmm, interesting post, but I respectfully disagree. Clothing is actually one of the things that I am least concerned with when saying that women should take appropriate precautions to avoid rape. I would argue that being alone at night, getting intoxicated, being in unfamiliar areas and being in areas with a high number of blacks, latinos or muslims are the most important considerations to make.

When you say 'better education' what do you mean? I'm not trying to start a shit flinging contest, I'm genuinely curious. Everyone knows and is educated and it is by far the prevailing consensus that rape is abhorrent. So clearly this isn't an issue of educating people that rape is bad. So beyond that do you just mean general education? Well that doesn't seem particularly relevant; might do a little to improve rational behaviour but if it does I haven't seen any statistics on it. But equally if you're just talking about general education then you run into the issue of who and who is not educable. Blacks are given exactly the same education as whites and have far more money spent on them per student than whites, yet rape women at massively disproportionate rates.

>I think it's important to teach people how to stay safe, I also think you can shut the fuck up for 5 minutes when someone is hurting and not treat them like a cunt.
Wait, who is doing this? Obviously someone who shouts in the face of a woman who got raped that it's all her fault is a piece of shit, but that doesn't happen. Rape victims are given huge amounts of support. You know who genuinely thinks shit like 'if you wear a skirt you deserve to get raped'? Fucking paki goat fuckers.

If only i said you should go up to rape victim and shout in their face that they shouldnt be wearing slutty clothes, then you'd have a point.

But telling them they did nothing wrong won't teach them or other anything. You're just setting them up for round 2.

But the victim still feels like shit when they're treated like they deserve to be harmed.
And women know it's dangerous. Truth is - people do stupid shit all the time. You probably know the risks of the 50659 dangerous things you do every day but do it anyway. Risks of getting raped are relatively low and getting drunk is fun, and this is coming from someone who after escaped rape (I was walking home from the bus stop is sweats, inb4 someone calls me a whore) literally doesn't leave the house at night unless she is accompanied by an armed guy.

If you get that offended by me saying children in most countries are treated like slaves, we can't have a productive discussion.
Maybe you are a right-wing snowflake that can't accept facts but that is not my problem

What even is rape any more? How is it worse than anything else? If she dies, charge it as murder. If she's hurt, charge it as assault. Why is her deciding (often after the fact) that she "didn't want it" supposed to be held in high regard? Even if my younger sister was "raped", if she was clubbing, drunk, or a known slut, I wouldn't care too much. I'd be mad but ultimately I'd hope she learns from that experience.
Now, if we're talking rape+violence, I support augmented charges. But when they don't report shit and don't get legal proof, I can't help them. I won't fight for their cause, but I will suggest they get a gun.
Tell me why rape is such a big deal

You must be a psychopath if you actually think the things you write here.

Compelling argument amigo.

Plenty of people do this. You might not realise it, but plenty of people comment on the news of rape asking if she was dressed like a slut. Even on this website when the news of a rape come out, there are people commenting on how she "deserved it" for being drunk and dressed like a slut.

Again, I'm not saying that safety is bad. I'm the first one who is fucking paranoid about getting raped. But implying that they are at fault about their rape is ugly. They were irresponsible, but it's not their fault. It takes away from the rapist's responisbility. It's the rapist who decided to rape her, while she put herself in danger and in a vulnerable position which is stupid, it's the rapist who did it all and decided to harm her.
I'm not saying we shouldn't tell people to keep safe, I'm just saying we shouldn't tell people that if they get raped and they didn't keep themselves safe they're at fault.

So make rape illegal I guess?

I mean, okay.

But if I get raped after a party, and everyone thinks that "it's not like I got *really* raped because I was drunk and walking alone at night and in a black dress" and the rapist gets less years in jail just because of that, then maybe it's unfair.

I don't know if you are a straight up racist or just have spent to much time on Jow Forums, but you can quickly google "financing for black vs white schools" and read some things on there. Even if you don't trust google or some other retarded shit you can use logic: if you know how school financing in America works, you know that the financing for a given school is based on taxes that the given district pays ergo the more wealthy the district the better (more financed) the schools are. If blacks are poorer they have worse schools. I will not continue a discussion with someone clearly racist because our worldviews would be soo far apart nothing of value would be gained from talking to that person

It was not an argument, it was just something to consider. Most people agree that rape is one of the worst things you can do to another person. It's dehumanizing and makes you feel like shit for years. Most people would like to get punched much more than to be raped.

How so? You took responsibility to be raped by 1) getting drunk and 2) being somewhere were the likelihood of being raped is increased.
The only time I am fine with a "rape" charge is when the women is at her domicile and alone or with her kids

So I either have to sit at home all day or accept the fact I'm responsible for getting raped?
That's psychotic.

So you're making a subjective moral statement and appealing to the masses in order to convince me that rape is somehow the worst thing in the world? Well, I am a firm believer in "innocent until proven guilt". If all I have is a woman's word, that's not enough, sorry.

There is an obvious connotation to the term "slave", and it has nothing to do with a concern about somebody's safety and well-being.

Ideally a woman would be in a group of friends or with her husband/brother/father. I know this seems old school but hey. You can't have the cake (partying/being a whore) and eat it too (not accept some responsibility for being raped)

>You probably know the risks of the 50659 dangerous things you do every day but do it anyway.
Yes, but I don't pretend it's some sort of failure of society when something goes wrong.

This. If you walk down a dark alley in a bad neighborhood waving fat stacks of cash around are surprised when you get mugged, you're an idiot.

Here's the thing, if you wanna get drunk, dress like a slut and hook up with random dudes at some party, that's fine, but you might get raped.

Now you're warned, so if it happens, you knew.

All we were talking about was basic empathy so I don't know why you are bringing up "innocent until proven guilty". Everything is subjective, yes, but most people that have not been diagnosed with some form of psychological disorder would agree they would not want to be raped and can have empathy for people that are raped. What I am saying is that you either have no imagination and can't think how bad you would feel after getting raped or you have no empathy so you don't feel anything when bad things happen to the people around you. Everything we do is in some way a reflection of the society we live in. I don't think you are ready to have an argument on that level.

Rape is a legal charge hence why I brought up innocence. No one denies rape is bad, but in my mind it isn't worse (in most cases) than assault or murder BECAUSE the woman accepts responsibility when they leave the house. I am not going to "believe all women" and suck their clit because some chad pumped and dumped them and now they want attention 4 years later. What is your argument? You want me to change my morality because "everyone else" agrees it's the worst thing in the world. The rape rates among whites in the West are pretty low overall. If you want to see real rape, go hang out in SE Asia, the mid east, or Africa


If a sober woman who is dressed appropriately, and is not antagonising anyone, is targeted by a rapist, she is a 100% blameless victim.

If a paralytic half naked woman who is stumbling around a dangerous part of town on her own is targeted by a rapist, she must understand that she is partly responsible for putting herself in that situation. She is still the victim of a horrible crime and should not be chastised, but she must take a certain level of responsibility putting her own safety at risk.

Of course women SHOULD be able to do wear whatever they want and get drunk, but the fact of the matter is there are dangerous people out there, and we all need to take precautions to avoid becoming victimised by them.

In the same way if a rich businessman wearing a Rolex and expensive suit gets mugged walking through a ghetto in Detroit, whilst in a perfect world he should be able to walk where he wants, we do not live in a perfect world and he must accept some responsibility that HE put himself in a situation where he was likely to be mugged. Of course, he could get mugged anywhere no matter what he is wearing, but its far less likely to happen if hes wearing a t-shirt and jeans walking through a nice neighbourhood.

Again, if someone else does something horrible to you it's your fault.
It's your fault for putting yourself in a vulnerable position, it's not your fault for getting raped. The fact that the woman was in a vulnerable position doesn't justify or excuse the rape.

You talk as if you're somehow less deserving of your own personal safety if you want to walk home alone at night, as if a gets a free pass for raping a woman if she catches her alone at night.

Look, I avoid walking around at night because I don't want stabbed. I am a white guy living in niggerhood. I know the risk. I also carry a gun. If I get drunk, walk around with money flying out of my pocket, I accept that I deserved it. Will I be angry? Yes. Will I press charges? Maybe, but probably not.
It's a different story if I'm at my house watching TV and someone beats me up and robs my house

It's not about deserving personal safety. It's about realizing that there exists risk in life and sometimes your actions increase your risks of certain things happening. To this end, if something bad happens to you and you want to be believed, report it and get legal proof. It would be great if there was no rape, but realistically it won't happen. Importing more niggers and Arabs certainly isn't helping the rape stat either

it's still the robbers fault for committing a crime, but theft is illegal. There's nothing wrong with taking precautions to minimize chances.

Also the same people who cry "muh not asking for it" are the ones who want lighter sentencing for criminals.