Femanon wouId prefer the uncut one
Femanon wouId prefer the uncut one
don't like potato-shaped cocks, thanks
or uncut really
how much slack does mr choad want in that measuring tape?
>I-i don't even like uncut cocks!!
>t.americuck who got jewed
uncut looks delicious
Literally everybody should prefer an uncut one. Only a brainlet would think a penis needs to be mutilated, or prefer a mutilated penis for that matter.
>my dick on the left
>tfw pencildick
Why would anybody want a skin hoodie on their dick that collects sweat and smells like rotten fish and collects dick cheese? If it's cut... It looks better and is more hygenic.
>A foreskin is the sexual equivalent of a fedora
COPE more faggot, your foreskin won't magically reappear.
>that collects sweat and smells like rotten fish and collects dick cheese
>americuts never heard of showers
>dried up shit looks better that juicy EURO cock
Why would I want it to? I don't need a skin fedora. Don't be mad at me for advancements in medical science.
Do you also think you should keep wisdom teeth?
I shouldn't have to shower a fish smell from my penis unless it's from a pussy.
If the wisdom teeth aren't causing any problems then yes they should be kept just like the foreskin
I guess you aren't old enough to know what wisdom teeth do when they start coming in. You'll understand when you can grow facial hair.
Is 27 old enough? I got lucky with mine, I'll admit. There's still no reason to have them removed unless they cause problems, the same goes with foreskin.
everyone in this thread is a faaaaag. stop posting porn here. delete it off your computer. all porn is gay.
coccyx is also a remnant of animal nature, and you should remove yours. no woman is gonna want to fuck an apeman with a literal tail bone
t. someone with a weak jaw
>skin hoodie on their dick that collects sweat and smells like rotten fish and collects dick cheese
For those of us who bathe more than once per week, the smell and cheese don't exist.
At least that bone didn't smell like a fish ass skin fedora. The doctors here cut them off for a reason. They don't just do things in a hospital for the hell of it.
>You're trying to justify your skin fedora from a place with outdated medical practices.
>Tips skin fedora
>For those of us who bathe more than once per week
that is a minority.
Same question
Why would anybody want a vagina that collects sweat and smells like rotten fish?
>Pussy doesn't smell like rotten fish
That's not what this conversation about. We are talking about penises. So you're saying we should compare other things to justify having a skin fedora?
>Well if you remove propellers from a pontoon plane... It's still a boat?
Well they can't exactly burn that hole closed can they
>I guess you aren't old enough to know what wisdom teeth do when they start coming in.
32 here faggot, wisdom teeth doing just fine and caused me zero pain, and my foreskin still intact too you amerijew :^) get the fuck outta here with your horseshit coping desperation
It's 12.5 cm or 5 inches in girth, which is higher than the average of 4.8 inches, it just looks small in comparison to 17.5 cm or 7 inches in girth because that is something like 0.01% percentile of all penises.
Uncut. I love foreskin. I love putting my fingers under it and playfully putting things in it. I love the texture of foreskin. I love how foreskins make the penis more sensitive. I love how the head pokes out of the foreskin like it's a little cock sweater.
Cutfags, you are shit and you should feel bad.
Fuck Americans for being cock mutilators.
>Crooked eurotrash teeth
My point exactly. You mongoloids put fingers and marbles and loose change into your skin fedoras. Such sophistication!
Yup, I'm hoping from living in a country with more sophisticated medical procedure and practices.
>I like sticking mah fingrrsss in mah foreskkkinnnn
>the average of 4.8 inches
Dicklets will actually fall for this lmao
>advancements in medical science.
Oh yes, let's not forget about all the African and SE-Asian advancements in modern medicine
There you go comparing to other things.
America is far more advanced that whatever trash can you come from.
Go be like
And go stick your fingers in your skin fedora like a fucking monkey.
This nigga ain't never heard of a damn shower. Also the line "A foreskin is the sexual equivalent of a fedora" is hilarious. Lotionfag been seething for the whole damn thread and giving us gold like that.
>America is far more advanced that whatever trash can you come from.
So you're saying Americans get circumsize because the doctors secretly collect them to feed the Jews and not because it's an advancement in medical science?
>But muh muh foreeeskiiinnn
You're coping with being a medically neglected person
>But muh sensitivity
>*Blasts a fish scented nut in 3 second*
>If it's cut... It looks better and is more hygenic.
Well maybe you should cut off your head since you can't be bothered to wash it you massive faggot. How about just taking a
shower once a month? Burgermen are disgusting, holy shit.
That's not a medical advancement.
>Considers the police to be doctors.
I know it might be hard to believe user, but police are not dual trained as doctors
>Muh muh foreeeskiiinnn icans hols my mAh pocket change in eeettt
>Ain't no dang no not
I shower daily.
I can also go for a run on a hot day without my skin fedora turning into a fish dispenser.
Lotion fag?
>Muh skin fedora gets mah tip juicccyyy
>implying length isnt superior to girth
You think foreskins are chopped of for medical reasons? The absolute state of burger men.
This ain't no damn medical advancement. It's based on the science that you're marginally less likely to catch things like STIs. People just do it now because it's been done to them at this point. Once again learn what it shower is, wash that lotion off you. Smelling like a damn clinic in here, Dr Dick needs to check for the day.
Why do you think it's unclean if you wash it? Should you chop of your asscheeks since they gather shit particles if you don't shower for a while?
Keep justifying your religious bs burger man.
No user don't try using logic and reason against them! Their brains will short circuit
The amount of things an American can come up with to justify circumcision resemble a woman who's trying to convince herself it wasn't her fault she cheated on her bf.
>tfw you're cut
I can't imagine how great my faps could have been. The aesthetics and everything.
I don't use lotion lmfao
I'm a vegan, I don't eat burgers.
>All murricunsss ams burgers and use lotion
>Sticks fingers in skin fedora
So you faggots ever hide drugs inside of your skin fedoras?
>wouId prefer the uncut one
No, fuck off you cunt
t. femanon (male)
>Ain't no damn
Is not no damn
Damn rocket scientist slow down. I'm American! I don't understand double negatives.
Why do most Dicks in porn have missing foreskin? Almost like... People don't want to see those nasty ant eaters?
thats one clean and cuddly looking penis
"I don't use lotion". That's why you're so mad all the time. You can't jack off properly so you're frustrated. Drop a number or a discord ID or something in the reply and I'll come over there and help you out with your problem, completely free because I'm nice.
It's not our fault that other countries neglect their people.
We don't need fish juice cocks.
Doctors here don't do it just because.
Just like how we have fluoride in our water for better teeth (see example: British teeth)
>Ima go tip muh skin fedora and be sensitive
>Muh dick teeep gets joosy and I squich eeeyttt
>Muh fo skeeen like a built in flesh lighttt
>I'm a vegan, I don't eat burgers
Even worse. How is the transition turning out btw, do you pass?
How does it feel to know that your genitals are mutilated and will never be what they where supposed to be. Can't wait for burgermen to start circumcising their necks.
ur trying too hard buddy, the cope shines through
>You can't jack off properly
All of you skin fedoras keep making false assumptions. I'm none of these accusations. It's quite entertaining. What other insults so you have hidden up your dick sleeves?
Woah there Einstein, you'll be putting people on other planets in no time with that mentality!
Not eating meat doesn't make me a transvestite. Calm down your anger is making you so irrational.
>He thinks porn is real and bases opinions off it
If you must know, the reason why most dicks in more are circumcised is because chances are the porn you're watching is made in America in one of those massive studios. Now considering 80% of the American Male population from 2005 to 2010 at ages around 14-59 are circumcised. I have deduced by the power of math that the reason for this is because it is statistically more likely.
A surgical procedure is not a mutilation
In America we have these people called doooccctooorrrsss. You enjoying your yellow crooked Euro teeth? Mate. Ya bloke. Ya mum is a slag wif a flappa mate
That's a pretty long ID. Not sure this is legit
This though, this is about right.
>I'm gonna justify muh skin fedora wif stetisstukkkss
>Ie. Nobody wants to watch an ant eater.
>Cutfags, you are shit and you should feel bad.
Fuck you, it's not like I had a say in that matter.
So you're better because you have a skin fedora that you squich with your fingers while it's wet with fish juice.
You don't fucking orangutan.
>Puts on salary guy glasses
At least from my interconnected introspective perspective, the more pretentious; the more apprehensive the sentence.
>You can't fucking top that.
You don't need a skin fedora!!! These faggots are talking about poking their fingers into it and hiding pocket change in their dick flaps. Do you really want to degrade yourself that way?
Haha yeah because British people who live on an inbred island are exactly how the whole of Europe is.
If we're going on that route, isn't it time you take your shriveled dick and obese ass to the supermarket to get some new gallons of coke? Don't forget to tip the cashier.
Then you can change into new underwear when you get home since there's obviously some swamp ass going on from all de Macdonalds you eat. And then you can take your cock cage off and jerk off the shriveled little dickhead that's hiding in your fat rolls.
I think circumcision is ugly and I lost sensitivity.
Literally none of that applies to me
Come sure not come in gallons
Keep going until you get to the part you admit that America is the most powerful country on this planet and can end any other country with an atom bomb if they fuck with us. Don't forget that part.
>cut the tip of your dick off you fucking pathetic stupid goyim
America is the most powerful country.
There are real men in this country.
Have you ever even fucking cut a tree down or shot a gun?
>In b4 gun control lol
Your country probably has a very high rate of knife attacks lmfao
It's not the tip, i the nasty skin fedora that's around the tip because our doctors know how to help people.
motherfucker just peel the foreskin down
>Tip your skin fedora
>mfw that single retard with the massive C O P E
>mfw his mental gymnastics
>mfw his ignorance
next level stockholm syndrome, holy fuck, I feel sorry for him
Topkek being this delusional.
How can this mutilated boy ever recover
Ugh, tough decision.I would probably go with the cut one, cause it's a better shape and doesn't have a ridiculous girth.
All things being equal though uncut is better.
No it's true
So he basically won from the stupidity of the skin fedora team.
>muh powerful country
Also the country with the biggest debt there is. Putting a lot of that money into their military to compensate for their tiny dried out dicks, because their dad was too weak to stop their mom from getting it cut off.
Your cope is even funnier because you insist to use the term "skin fedora" that makes very clear that you probably owned a fedora once
Who's gonna make us pay that debt back!? Bitches. We can blow up any fucking country we want and there's nothing you can do about it.
>. We can blow up any fucking country we want and there's nothing you can do about it.
Hell yeah! You can't argue with that fact. Atom bomb bitches.
Meanwhile, guns after banned in your countries and everybody is getting stabbed with kitchen knives and hammers
Someone is really assblasted
Cutfag here. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like, but I accept that I cant really change it. I think it is a healthy viewpoint. Circumcision isnt really reversible, and probably isnt really necessary in most cases. Thats how it goes.What are both sides so asshurt? Get over it. Intactfags really do not care about other anons dicks. And cutfags are t going to get foreskins back.
Does assblasted mean proud sandwich hero where you come from boy? We've got the atom bomb and your country had knives and hammers. How's that feel
Even if you were joking, wich you are most likely not, this is very desperate and pathetic. It's alright, we know you didn't get to choose to have your dick mutilated, you don't have to justify it, it's ok to be angry at your parents for allowing it
Your country is owned by the banks who lent it out. So you would have to nuke your own country. But I didn't expect you to understand since the educational system there is a joke as well.
It's funny how he keeps bringing up kitchen knives and hammers when this was only a problem in the UK because of stupid muslims.
>s getting stabbed with kitchen knives and hammers
Not a thing, yank kids get shot way more often
They were 150 years ago when people bathed once a month. No reason to do it now other than societal pressure.
>tfw cutfag
i want to die
You guys are still tipping that skin fedoras haaaard
America can destroy any other country so if we are so retarded how is that possible? How do you like having yellow rotten crooked British teeth? With your gay tea time lmfao
>still trying to push skin fedora meme he just came up with
>still talking about muh military
>still assuming everyone is like British people
>ignores the part where his country is owned by banks, thus the enemy is inside
>ignores all scientific evidence that circumcision is bad
Either true American idiot or just trolling at this point
to be honest I'll take whatever is the biggest
cope harder, at least that skin is being spread over a rosties face in skin cream form
>ywn form a perfect phalanx with your classmates and advance on a shooter
It smells like an echo chamber in here
>Cope cope cope
Your uncut anteaters look disgusting.
They @r3 skin fedoras
>ignores the part where his country is owned by banks, thus the enemy is inside
>Even if that is true, that back would be able to make your third world anteater dick country into dust. It wouldn't turn on itself lol
>Muh Jew conspiraccccy
>he'll never experience a girl tonguing or rubbing her finger on his dickhead under his foreskin
>third world
Fucking kek mate. A little bit longer without war and you're going to have to upgrade all your vehicles to accommodate for the lard asses
That's fucking gross. Why would I want a woman playing inside my skin purse lmfao. You don't even pull your fedora back for sex!?
If women thought skin fedoras were more attractive then you would see them in more porn but you don't. Because they are disgusting. It's proven.
>America is the most powerful country
So go worry about knife and Hammer attacks in your little 3rd world country