I'm so fucking pissed off right now

I'm so fucking pissed off right now.


Attached: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.png (1250x222, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally nothing is going to change except the url. You can still to to /b/ from /lit/ and /mu/ to /gif/ as usual. Shut the fuck up NPC

Sure, keep sucking that shrimp dick good goy
Jow Forums is fucking dead friend

Attached: 1542523734363.png (862x2243, 580K)

>For now, all boards are accessible through either domain.
>For now

Yep, it's over. And the other chan sites are trash. Jow Forums is literally fucked this time. moot I'm sorry some of us called you a cuck. come back pls

My god you people are idiots. Absolutely nothing is going to change, except sometimes you'll see 4channel.org in your address bar instead of Jow Forums.org, depending on which board you're browsing. The whole reason he's doing this is so you can whitelist blue boards in your adblocker, that's it.

>For now, all boards are accessible through either domain.
>For now

gook moot's not going to make a major change to Jow Forums just to appeal to the minority of nerds that use script blockers. Most Jow Forums traffic comes from casuals on mobile that don't adblock anything. See

It all am be ogres

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>t. Moderator

As long as he doesn't touch /trash/ i'm okay

>you can whitelist blue boards in your adblocker,
And why would I want to do that?

The sweet release of death. It's coming oldfags, the end is finally here.

People always go crazy whenever the mods do ANYTHING, just ignore them.

I hope that russian guy buys it off of him before it's too late. The whole russian hackers angle alone would make it priceless.

wrong, there will be 2 seperate sites for boards now

I don't think you understand. This is just temporary, soon the SFW and 18+ board will be separated by address.

So what? I'm sure 4chanx will have all the boards from both sites listed in the header.

Most likely nothing is going to change for anyone with half a brain and an adblocker. The problem is more the implication that hiromoot is dividing up the website to create a sfw "advertiser friendly" site to jew in more ad revenue, which could even lead to stricter moderation on blue boards. This place is hemorrhaging money and has been a sinking ship for years now.

First I was like: It is the end
But now I am like: It is the end.
For real though, if moderation doesn't change then the new domain doesn't make any sense. People post everything they want everywhere, no matter what color the board has. I bet 4channel won't even have the red boards in the navigation at all. It is just cruel.

please moot come back and save us

The blueboards have needed to go for a long time. I'm for this. They have been a reddit swamp that has been constantly seeping back here. With this, they can be contained and mocked for what they are.

the rope is ready
i return to my old friend
it was nice shitposting with you fellas

except the red boards will be the ones getting mocked since we'll be the minority, then hiromoot will one day decide to nuke Jow Forums since it wont be generating any revenue unlike 4channel

This is what happens in a centralized system. It takes real money,time and hard work to make even shit hole like this stay afloat. - no one's going to do that for free. So those who take on the task will likely soley do it for money.
Decentralization is the internets only hope, no one is in charge and everyone can make money if implemented correctly, which no one has done yet. But hate all you want, Bitcoin is proof that it can happen, and it can work. We just need to keep pushing forward and keep the dream alive, keep working out the kinks. Btc is not the end all solution faggots, it's the proof of concept.

But I already know all you asshats are going to do is sit around and whine and complain and cry nigger and Jew and do absolutely nothing.

>moot I'm sorry some of us called you a cuck. come back pls
I would actually unironically suck moot's massive penis if he came back. Tell me where and when and it's on.

>no more Jow Forumstards on /v/, Jow Forums, /a/, /tv/
>a bad thing

Attached: 1500095879475.png (742x721, 12K)

>letting normals infest boards that had Jow Forums culture
>a good thing

Attached: .png (467x451, 295K)

Has it already started? It is me or does this place feel like a ghost town all of a sudden. Feels like more threads are being deleted.

Is this the web 3.0 I keep hearing about? Is it really gonna happen?

You do know that the influx of normalfags literally come from Jow Forums right? It hasn't been /b/ for years.

In the end, this is what everyone wanted. It's useless pretending otherwise when every day in every thread, hordes of stupid niggers scream endlessly for people they don't agree with to LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE WAAAH WAAH GO BACK TO CONTAINMENT BOOOOARD!

So, in the end, you dug your own grave, retard. We cannot coexist because we do not want to coexist. We want our individual echo chambers where we are safe from the mean contrarians so we can go back everyday to parrot the same boring opinions over and over again to confirm our bias until we actually go insane with delusion and isolation.

>Pretending that the constant whining and inability to shut the fuck up about the secret club didn't attract all the curious fuckers in the first place.
>Implying you're not responsible for this yourself
>He posts pepe edits and pretend he's not the cancer ruining this website.

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Without new users to replace the old ones who suicide imageboards stagnate.


its over boys, it has been an honour servering with you

>for now
Yep it's dead what will most likely happen is that 4channel will be ad supported and Jow Forums will be left to rot and pass only

What? Redditors don't go to blue boards because it's too boring for them. Redditors flock to Jow Forums, /b/ and here because they think this is where all the le epic green arrow stories come from