Absolutely hate women

>Absolutely hate women
>faps upwards of 3 times a day
>100+ mfw no gf threads
>100+ porn threads
>literally obsessed pussy
You guys are great.
*in b4 faggot bang posters

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MGTOW is the solution to all problems

>in b4 faggot bang pos- *SLICE*

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I tried that but they still won't shut the fuck up about women. Can you retards make up your mind.

MGTOW is only good for attractive men, guys who can consitently get laid. If you're under 6ft and have bad facial aesthetics then you didn't go your own way, you were sent your own way.

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found the faggot.
hey here's an idea, how about you come up with some original content instead of piggy-backing on what is one of the laziest, shit-teir unoriginal memes. Seriously filling this board with more autism.

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>found the fa-
Find peace in the grave brother, I think no less of you.

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Yes, we want decent women but most currently existing women are awful. Why is this concept so difficult to understand for normalfags? Try using your fucking brain next time.

yeah lmao. theyre massive hypocrites. if you call them out they'll be like "r9k isnt one person". its massive cope. they shit on normies, yet I'm telling you when new years comes around, they'll be crying about not going to any of the parties. they wonder why they're the lowest of the low

it's called, don't you think women also want a decent human?
I've spent enough time around you fucks to KNOW you're not decent.
You can't be a fucking asshole 4/10 and expect a perfect 8/10.
Tell me again how hating women is doing for you? it must be so hot to them.

>lowest of the low
no, the lowest of the low are the people who come here to make fun of a bunch of coping virgins, you're the absolute lowest scum that can possibly exist.

I dont make fun of anyone. but OK.

MGTOW only works for 10/10 Chads you fucking mongoloid

I wish I was a 4/10. I'm probably in the negative

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Take everything you want in a woman.
Apply to self.
You want her clean and shaven? WELP GET THE SOAP LAD.
I used to subscribe to this shit but as said it's a huge fucking cope.
look at this fucking board man, half of it is genuinely sad people who want out of this hell, and the other half are fucking zoomer incels who are trying to force themselves to fit in somewhere by acting like massive autists.

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I go on r9k specifically to laugh at you losers and to read some of your sad fucking posts outloud to my roomate. Shit's better than the news.
Stay mad faggot.

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>haha im such an epic troll. im n-not a loser haha i have a gf i s-swear

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>points out facts
>talks about actual shit going on

>don't you think women also want a decent human?
Chad the child molester gets all the pussy he wants, while a 4/10 robot can't get a landwhale to pity fuck him.

>Tell me again how hating women is doing for you? it must be so hot to them.
A great man once said "I'm not an incel because I hate women, I'm an incel because women hate me".

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Me and my roomate are both girls, we heard about you sad fucks online, visited out of curiosity to see if you all really were THAT autistic.
Turns out yes, been coming here for my daily chuckle since.
Someone's mad ;)

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>HAHAH I'm laughing at you losers I'm an Uber Chad with a 11/10 gf I swear I'm not like you guys hahah

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good effort on the b8 but it would be more effective to larp as a guy who gets laid often. you kind of gave it away just now.

You guys love stats. I've known like one actual chad in my life time. Maybe if you stopped obsessing over these made up people you'd realize that's not how the world is.
Listen to yourself you sound like a fucking moron.
I'm NOT a good looking guy, but I am doing ok, I never really subscribed to the incel BS and turns out, it's kinda BS??

At this point it's fucking hilarious cause this is such a fucking projection.

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>Listen to yourself you sound like a fucking moron.

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yeah, women sure don't base their entire attraction on looks. it's not like all women turn into animals and throw away their beliefs and values in the presence of a hot man.

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Triggered harder than a tumblr SJW.

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that pic is pretty ironic given that most sluts have daddy issues.

you're telling me you wouldn't do this to a hot chick if you were able you fucking retard.
"I want a woman to service my cock and and only be my cum dumpster waifu"

just like how most bots have mommy issues.
Same shit different pile, only you guys have such an ego trip you can't see it.

Truth hurts desu.

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i mean if i was a christian and saying shit like "FAMILY LOVE FRIENDS UWU" that strawman ridden analogy your tiny brain synthesized may have actually been applicable.
ironic given that most women also don't see it too because they also have large egos due to the social approval they receive. you're half right, the pile of shit is nearly the same but the difference is the gender. society is more accepting of women than it is of men.

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