Whats the perfect ability for an robot (any series)
I think Hey Ya! from JoJo would be somewhat useful
Khnum would also be nice (can change ur height, face structure, voice, become the most based chad)
Heavens Door is also ultra fucking based
Whats the perfect ability for an robot (any series)
I think Hey Ya! from JoJo would be somewhat useful
Khnum would also be nice (can change ur height, face structure, voice, become the most based chad)
Heavens Door is also ultra fucking based
Chariot Requiem so you can put them to sleep
>part 4 gets all the broken stands
>all used by literal retards
I guess most stands would be useful. With the rather powerful stands you could basically achieve everything you want in life.
tusk is useless in real life
most of part 3 stands are made for battle, unless you become a murder, theyll be useless
examples pls oregano
Man if I had the arrow I'd stab myself in the heart
stab twice and become quasi-god
Not really, many of them are gimmicky, useful only for fighting or they demand powerful user to be properly used for example The World wouldn't be useful irl since for normal human with average life force/strength time stop would last probably 1-2 seconds which isn't enough to do much
>mfw you get cheap trick
Any stand that can physically do shit is useful just for telekinetic-like ability of interacting with stuff youre not touching, Ontop of the world, star platinum can perform incredible physical feats that would let you succeed in a variety of areas or even just use him to carry more things at once
1-2 seconds of timestop would still allow you to be one of if not the best fighters in the world, make a career out of it. Or be a magician and work a show in Vegas while you teleport around
Also Star Platinum did let Jotaro fly around in Dio's World
Made in Heaven.
Imagine this in the hands of a robot.
muda muda, made in heaven can only accelerate the entire world
D4C and heavens door, the most useful ones
Catch the Rainbow, we're utterly invincible when we don't want to do anything but stay indoors
Harvest for (not)NEETbux
Stands like Aqua Necklace and Surface are really powerful, but they're users weren't capable enough to use them to their fullest
>can become a literal god with his stand
>uses it to draw people's lives
explain to me why heaven's door isn't the ultimate based ass stand
because rohan is a cunt
It is
Araki even said in an interview that if he could have any stand from his series, itd be Heavens Door
Hey Ya! is a cool stand since it doesn't actually hurt people, atleast(not directly)and just makes sure everything goes your way.
Honestly Harvest seems like it would be incredibly useful for like everyday life, like if you need change for your meter or can't find your keys or something
all you would have to do is sit on your ass and Harvest would collect loose change it finds around your city, or anything really. Fucking loved that idea.