I just want a loving bf. I don't want him to be a doormat, I just want a guy who's kind, caring, affectionate...

I just want a loving bf. I don't want him to be a doormat, I just want a guy who's kind, caring, affectionate, supportive, fiercely loyal, and values me. Do guys like that even exist? I really have never wanted aggressive aloof Chad. I just want a genuine connection with someone who likes me as much as I like them.

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I am but i have a small bepis.

I'm like that and I exist but I'm not a faggot so I'm gonna pass on you OP

Maybe you should get your damn life together, admit you have a mental illness, and stop crossdressing and pretending to be a girl on the internet.


Original post.

Also obligatory post

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Originolio obligatorio bumparino

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I am an actual girl, but I'm not going to post tits since the kind of guy I'm looking for wouldn't just demand nudes anyway.

You don't know what you fucking want. Shut the fuck up, dumb whore.

Well, the kind of female who's actually worth a shit wouldn't be caught dead browsing a dumpster fire like 4chin, so U guess you get what you deserve. Was getting shat on in your own thread part of your roastie plan?

>he thinks seething at random women online comes off as alpha
Thanks for the laugh, user.

Well where do you live? I'll be up for it, just that barely anyone on this board lives where I do.

>Do guys like that even exist?
Yes, but the trick is meeting them. There are all kinds of people in this world, and finding the ones you actually want to spend time with is no easy task.

>thinks I'm trying to impress you

Yeah, you're a dumb fucking whore. I wouldn't come anywhere near you, you're disgusting.

>being with a "girl" that posts on Jow Forums

the only way to get such a relationship would be by building it up, which means you'd have to get to know a person in both one on one conversations and in a group, because many act differently depending on the activity/amount of people.

I'm like that but I'm not very attractive.

>I want, I want, I want, me, me, me, mine, mine, mine, now, now, now
Only a list of demands makes you a roastie

That pic screams trap.

Is that you, F?

I just want a girl who loves me for who I am.

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i fit these roles, while being 6'2" @ 80kg and have limited to no social circle so i can devote the time out of work to our shared happyness
what benefits can you bring?

>listing physical trait
Never gonna make it


Get out Chad, this is Jow Forums not Jow Forums


Sorry bro, not me.

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let me love you OP

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lmao. the guy shes looking for wouldn't outright say "yeah that's me", you dumb turds. she seems like shes looking for a more humble dude. he'd probably be less outright with saying he fits those qualifications. he'd be more low key with it.

Youre not going to find one. No matter how nice they start out, no matter how humble, how geeky, how quiet and respectful-every single one of them turn into demanding assholes who get livid for no reason over shit they make up in their own fucked up heads and then decide to torment you over. They love fights and arguements. Men love chaos. Theyll never be satisfied with just being happy with you, so theyll start something just looking for a forced chance to roar and feel powerful even though all you did was love them and shower them in attention. And after that the illusion is shattered and its time to leave that one too. Im so depressed. Theyre never worth it. They all do the exact same thing.

stupid whore. You deserved to be pumped and dumped

Jesus fucking christ, is this actually how you few men? Lemme guess, you've only ever gotten hit on guys at parties and bars? You're going to the worst places to meet genuinely humane people and putting everybody in that group. It's a common mistake femanon, but in all seriousness, fucking grow up.

Okay, what's the catch?
Are you Muslim, BPD, a cripple?
Tell me the truth, OP. There's a reason you can't find what you're looking for and it stems from you.

you know it man, been trying this tactic for 8ish year
>picks the spelling mistake, not the host of grammatical ones

i'll be 100% real with you.
i am fiercely loyal, but there's 2 issues.

one is that i know how loyal i am. so there becomes a trust process. i don't want to pledge loyalty to someone i can't even trust. so the social media, the smart phone, the bumble accounts bullshit, it doesn't fly with loyal guys whatsoever.
if we even think you're deviating, we're out. loyalty and conviction come from the same place.

second is, women can't last through the process. they either get bored or impatient and they immediately divert to the nearest guy socially available to them.
i've seen it happen time after time after time.

TL;DR: it's a trust process and most women can't hack it.

This guy knows what's up. Happens every time.

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Not really but it took me almost getting married to learn how to be that type of guy
Idk but dating guys younger than 30 is a no go simply because of that reason

I guess if you want to talk then discord AnonAzazel 9528

Doesn't happen, sorry loser
No you dumb fucking retard. I dont even like dating, I've never pursued any men in my entire life. They line themselves up begging for a chance if you ever give away that you're female online just like the idiots in this thread throwing themselves at femanons feet going "please oh please oh please pick me im a shy cute virgin boy" and then next thing you know they go from being the sweetest thing on earth to raging over fucking nothing. God you're such a retard its insane. What kind of dumb cunt would go look for men in a bar??? What kind of retard thinks thats how all women meet men?? Fucking loser with your outdated fantasies.

Fuck off, you old faggot normalnigger.

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Lmfao is this satire? This is exactly the time immemorial complaint about women.

But you will have sex on a first date right? Otherwise you are a waste of time.

I wish what you listed was enough but every girl actually wants and needs much more than that. One could have the traits you mentioned but a couple of flaws would still ruin him in your eyes.

>implying you are not going to pick the biggest asshole you can find.

Are you people not even cognizant of how pathetic you come off? Are you not even self-aware?
Who offers up their contact info to an anonymous, gender ambiguous poster that made a 2 line assertion/enquiry?
It boggles my mind. I've been studying you people for years and it still fascinates me to this day.

I know a decent amount of people that get hookups at clubs. I think the larper here is you, pal.

The way you talk about a shy virgin man raging over anything makes me believe you have been doing some discord dating.

In real life people dont call themselves sweet virgin boys, this is purely online girl bait.

Get out of this board and talk with some real people, will ya.

>I have never gone for a guy
>but I can still judge all men as being disloyal rat fucks
You are truly the simplest of creatures... I have ever met...
You do know that loyalty actually exists right? It's a concept that you're people obviously can't get around. In fact, considering it further, could it not just be your fault? Has your solipsistic ideals blinded you from reality? People CAN be loyal. People can also just be Machiavelli. Assuming that every single male on this planet is disloyal is the absolute dumbest idea...

I really do like how you quickly divert the argument of loyalty and perceptions of men onto how they 'grovel at women'. You do know where you're at right? The saddest place for men to go, filled with sad losers all posting
>tfw no gf
And you're bringing this up as a legitimate backing point? Of course guys are going to try and get with girls, what the fuck sort of statement is this anyway. Its fucking objective nature.

In conclusion; get the fuck off this site, you're argument is chock'a'block with logical fallacies and basically you are fucking stupid. How..? Just watch the free video.

That is indeed how women act. But she is not wrong either. Basically, todays men are women. So it makes sense what she says. She describes female behaviour, yet that behaviour is expressed by men today. Let that marinate in your head for a while.

yeah and women act like men now, what the fuck else is new.

>I'm a basedboy so every other man must be a basedboy, too! Why do women always go for Chad? REEEE


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Just stop, mate. We all know people are shit, no need to bring up this sort of nonsense.

Are a an anthropologist? I dont think so, so stop arguing with your made up behavioral analysis.

What the fuck are you talking about? That still doesn't add up; not once does she describe female behaviour. It's just men hate silly goose.

I hate having to say this but no i'm not some angry incel, I just think what she's saying is flat out wrong

sweet a proper fembot, if you want a good laugh browse through tinder for shits and giggles im hoping it'll have the same effect on you as it did me.
what do you recon we should do to improve the dating game? 'cause datings shit, i mean what are you meant to do; dedicate time and money into something that 70% of the time wont last over 3 years? thats just a waste

She is trying to make men look as bad as women so both sides get the blame.
Fucking fuck

You're clearly mentally ill. Go suck a shotgun.

Its bait, man

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Lets just dissect this, cause lazy sunday
>I don't want him to be a doormat
Well I am, since you will judge me by my rank in the social pecking order, and I give no fucks if some baseball cap wearer on the street thinks me an equal
>I just want a guy who's kind
I only ever reflect back what I receive from other people, so most days I will frankly be an grumpy asshole. Thanks humanity as a whole
Toward people I get close to, the rest of the universe is welcome to die in a fire
>affectionate, supportive, fiercely loyal
Very much so to a loved one, but I suspect are you'll start reading that as overbearing, controlling and smothering, once the rosecolored time has passed
>and values me.
That would only come after time and trust has been developing. Wouldn't dare to place any value into a girl that didn't proved a steady presence yet

>I just want a loving bf.
Who's attractive.
>I don't want him to be a doormat, I just want a guy who's kind, caring, affectionate, supportive, fiercely loyal, and values me.
And also extremely attractive.
>Do guys like that even exist?
Who are attractive.
>I really have never wanted aggressive aloof Chad.
Unless he's extremely attractive and doesn't cheat.
>I just want a genuine connection with someone who likes me as much as I like them.
And is extremely attractive.

There bitch, I fixed it for you. You can deny all you want. That is the truth

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ah you're no fun, i thaught we could have a discussion on how to get men and women together dispite this time of gender idenity, soical media and nilhism

Years ago this thread and it's ensuing battles would have enraged me but now it doesn't.
Nobody cares if me or OP find anybody eventually, but people pretend to care for OP because they claim to have a vagina.

You sound like a massive narcissist. This is pussy repellant material right here


You are sure just the person to judge, lel.

Thank you my good man, glad to see you have your head on straight.

I wouldn't date a chick that frequented this site ever.

Jesus people this is so obvious

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So what are you going to do about it, OP? Your chances are low, especially since you're here but you can never know. Can I have the application form?

And you choose to post this on Jow Forums...
And no, you are not a woman...

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No, they act like women still, but with a stronger disposition to being a huge cunt than before.

omg you said the secret words in the right order come slay my pussy you sensitive man

Op here.
No, contrary to popular belief, I don't care very much about someone's looks. If a guy was extremely loyal, caring, affectionate and sweet, that would automatically make me find him more attractive. And yes, on some base level, everyone wants a partner who meets at least a few of their standards, but I have pretty basic standards that a lot of the people on here also share:
not super fat/noticeably overweight, not a literal 0/10 or deformed, not a dwarf, and not black.
Now I'll probably be called racist or shallow for this just because I'm a girl but my standards are pretty bare minimum.

>No, contrary to popular belief, I don't care very much about someone's looks
Stopped right there.
Stop LARPing you closet faggot.

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Too bad you probably live on the other side of the world.

>not black

thats not at all what i was saying, and you know that.

I'd say I am all that but the problem is the people I'm like that for seem to not exist.

Well, what are you like and what do you like? It'd help you in your search a lot.

might be asking for too much senpai

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That person you're replying to isn't me, user. No worries.

poeple still trying to find happiness with others. being alone is the only way to truly being happy. other people are just a burden.

Are actually looking for someone here or what? Are you from Europe? How old are you?

aight op ill bite, heres some things I want in a woman.
>not overly judgmental about how i live my life
>has to have a brain. i want a friend who i can have a conversation with, not a fuck doll.
>hasnt fucked more dudes than age.

doubt you can fill this since youre here.

>No, contrary to popular belief, I don't care very much about someone's looks.

They actually think we'll believe this lie.

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I believe I suit your description.
People often say I'm too kind. I do not act like some sort of a neckbeard, I just do by job accordingly with full devotion, and people around me actually respect that.
Even girls of my age like me, since I'm not as charred as the chads around me. Maybe they like my modesty and self-control, as I never act self-confident in a bad way, but don't look like a doormat either.
I'm not a university student anymore, and I'm having some hard time in my usual life in this and that, but I'm overcoming it, building a better future for myself.
I never had a serious relationship, not because one may think, not knowing me, that I'm not suited for it, but because I want a serious relationship only. I'd like to just settle down without these sexual rodeos people around me are after, ready to love and be loved.
Not tranny, not gay, perfectly str8.
Do you want to exchange contacts? We might have something in common since we're on r9k.

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>women can't last through the process.
This, in my experience.

>Be me.
>Find out a girl is interested in you.
>Put time aside every week to spend with her.
>Raised with a strict respect for people's personal space.
>Tend not to touch people I don't know.
>Be a private person on top of that.
>Girl ghosts me.
>She either thinks I don't have any interest in her despite putting time aside specifically for her.
>Or she thinks I'm too much of a pussy to touch her.
>Makes me think that she didn't actually pay any attention to anything I said, or put any value in me opening up at all.

Every time.

Why not?
different fembot here.

I read every comment here and I just want to say this is one of the spiciest threads I've ever seen. Thanks anons

I would date one from here but that would be far from the determining factor.

I have no redeeming qualities friend. Good luck on your search

Im like that but theres a lot of things i dont know.

How do i talk to girls?
It seems to me that girls want to be dominated and mistreated but i cannot bring myself to do that.
Does my demure behaviour have anything to do with me being a product of a single mom?

Why do i let people treat me like a apsolute doormat?
Would you do that if you knew me?

How long do i have to work how much money do i have to make?
How expensive must my car be?
How much kilos should i bench?
Why dont you look at me and at least smile?
Why do you always instantly avert your eyes when you look at me at the register line at the supermarket?
Why do i get ghosted on all dating apps?
Dont you want to tell me what bothers you?
Dont you want to hear what bothers me?
Cant we build something together?

Why are you lying to me femanon?

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I want a genuine connection with a doormat.

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Isn't that like 90% of relationships with normal fags?

Doormat reporting for duty

>I just want a guy who's kind, caring, affectionate, supportive, fiercely loyal, and values me
Then stop calling them creeps and telling them to never call you again, because they aren't 6'4" millionaires with 10/10 aesthetics.

>I really have never wanted aggressive aloof Chad.
Go fuck yourself.

stop LARPing and make some OC, faggot, this board is growing stale

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>It seems to me that girls want to be dominated and mistreated but i cannot bring myself to do that.
Only because you aren't red-pilled about women fag.

If you recognize the nature of women, mistreating them comes quite naturally to you.

yeah bby I'm the real wamen drop discorrd

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fucking hell, using Ben Garrison as a punchline is genius, i'm under the table

A lot of men at some point in their lives are like what you have outlined but often they are burned and become cynical.

I do, femanon.

But I'm done chasing people online for a bit of a dopamine boost. Most likely we would never meet up irl and if we did it would end up terribly.
I'm waiting to meet someone irl. Someone I can become friends with at first and while we are friends, slowly discover things I didn't know about them.
Then one day just fall in love like a hammer on a bell as I discover another thing about her. Good luck, though.

I ask myself the same question and I'm a guy.
Answer: Yes, they're out there, I just think it's amusing to find the difference between beta faggot pushover, and genuine "nice guy".
Few of my friends are like that and I try to be like that too. They're out there. Don't know why it's so hard of a concept for dudes to grasp. It's not difficult to do.