Has an image ever summed up the nature of the woman better?

Has an image ever summed up the nature of the woman better?

Attached: 1524112538527.jpg (631x1080, 80K)

Whats up with the kid.

I could never fuck J. Peterson daughtdr because hate the guy and I would probably think to much about him while fucking her.

looks like an orginal tranny

She was cleaning her room while her mom was busy acting like a whore.

isn't that jordan peterson's daughter?

They baby should be half-black

Yes, she's proud of her body after her pregnancy.

Imagine not only owning these shoes but also wearing them.

you got that right mr. user

the way that women must reproduce at all costs is so fucking weird to me. all women can reproduce, so i'm put off by all women.

i don't have an urge to reproduce. do i matter?? am i the weird one??

>matress and child on the floor in empty room
>kid staring at mom wondering what the fuck she's doing
>really trashy cheap unfashionable looking open-toe fuzzball slippers
>shitty nail paint
>short nails and manhands
>taking a selfie while looking like you're completely oblivious of your surroundings and apparel
>if she wanted to show off her body after pregnancy she could've just put the child with someone or waited until the kid was asleep or something, gone to the bathroom and lifted up her shirt instead of walking around infront of her kid in underwear taking body selfies
welp, fuck me i guess

oh well, who am i to judge

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>welp, fuck me i guess

when and where

You're a fembot aren't you? It's hot how obviously jealous of her body you are. Cute even.

even when hes a fembot, she has a body of a fridge, she doesnt look hot
you may find pic related hot too

Attached: 312C6C6F00000578-0-image-m-3_1455406017517.jpg (634x859, 98K)

Her face with make up is like 6/10 without its 4-5/10
Decent body though. I'd smash.

the day after you die of aids, faggot

newsflash retard, women don't exist on the internet outside of kikebook/instagook/snapshit and mongolian hand sowing bulletin forum boards, and maaybe some landwhales fishing for whiteknights on plebbit, and those "fembot" threads are just shills / shitty bait like the trap sissy shit and racebait, also LARPing

Attached: 1537279597426.jpg (648x556, 60K)

>the day after you die of aids, faggot

wtf? ;(

the right from wrong
when our guard is down I think we both agree

Surely, you should be a communist with a very messy room and then sleep with his daughter. That would piss him off.

You think she was sending this to a potential Chad fuck who would gladly pump n' dump her the same day?

Attached: Chads_Fun.gif (460x256, 989K)

This. Women should be shaped like women, not like prepubescent boys.

Attached: dmc.jpg (1080x1349, 356K)

I could never fuck J. Peterson's daughter because I love the guy too much. I would have to marry her first

What the hell is up your butt? Why do you hate a guy who gives a way out of young men's depression?

You're a fembot. I can tell

Attached: 670083-saudi-prince-reuters.jpg (1280x720, 105K)