I legitimately almost race mixed

We hit it off but it didn't work out and this was years ago
Now I understand race mixing isn't a choice, this isn't a bait post. I hit it off with another guy and we just talked naturally, it's interpersonal

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I thought you were a Yandere for your ex.
What the fuck is this shit.
Now my yandere fantasies about you are ruined, fucking cunt...

Different person bud
And you shouldn't obsess over people, no one should

I want some fembot to obsess over me so I can finally feel wanted.

fucking normalnigger

Omg, typical thot posting typical thot nonsense, desperate for attention. A typical r9k thread.

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If you ever want to race mix I'll be here waiting

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Race doesn't really matter, what matters is the quality of the individual.

Who lets identity politics dictate their life? low IQ brainlets and Jews.

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Just fucking do it if you want to oh my god why forego your own happiness to please a bunch of strangers just because their ancestors came from the same continent as yours?

>whooops I almost slipped on a nigger dick
>welp that was clo...

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This guy gets it
Now I understand how race mixing happens, people just hit it off

Fuck off nigger
>dude just do it go with the flow nothing worng could ever happen lmao

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>dude race is just skin deep racemix your babies won't be 85 IQ la creaturas trust me the TV told me

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>what the fuck why aren't you following your (((feelings))) are you racist or something?

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Racemixing is only okay if its a white man colonizing an inferior race

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>yeah I mean South America is filled with mezistos and look how good are their countries!

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>what no IQ isn't genetic but anyway it's a fascist evil thing

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This is what happens when you trigger literal spergs.

Not an argument. Go back to plebbit.
>lol u mad

Easiest (You) of my life

Just admit you're mad and insecure about cuck porn and go.

I wish this was bait
It's not that hard to understand people's perspectives and how races mixing can happen naturally
I was justice dumb

>u-ur mad!
Sounds like your tiny roastie brain got BTFO and you don't know how to respond. Sad! Thanks for the (You)s though.

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