>apart from severe assburgers / autism, schizophrenia and psychosis, mental illness doesn't exist and is just people's personalities, quirks, behavior and actions, and there is literally absolutely no objective evidence for "personality" "disorders" or "depression", it is either reactionary to something which is actually wrong or simply the person's personality and behavior either independently or as a result of various factors
prove me wrong, and note i didn't say the "symptoms" of the labels of these "conditions" cannot be experienced, nor did i say mental *disease*, i said mental illness, as in the outdated ancient religious bullshit that is the DSM5
Apart from severe assburgers / autism, schizophrenia and psychosis...
PTSD and anxiety, user
I wouldn't go so far as to claim that psychopathology doesn't exist but I would agree people don't know their ass from their elbow with diagnosis, this is evidenced by the host of mental illnesses attributed to various criminals and serial killers that no experts ever reach a consensus on
PTSD is not a mental illness, it's literally just a bullshit label to give to someone who's gone through / witnessed some fucked up shit, and people who have "anxiety" have damn good reasons to be anxious, otherwise they wouldn't be anxious
like i wonder if you're even thinking about the lives of the people who have these dumb labels, if you went through any of the things they did most likely you would exhibit the same behaviors they do, it's called experiencing something, like god damn, how many fucking labels are we going to give a girl who's been fucking tortured and raped in a basement for years, depression? PTSD? anxiety? uhh no, it's called being fucking tortured and raped in a basement for years, that's what it's called, and there is no pill cure because there is no biological illness, this is simply someone who has been through shit like that
except the way and manner by which psychologists "diagnose" these "illnesses" is purely opinionated and heavily biased, there is absolutely no way to prove that these illnesses even exist not just how to diagnose them, then add things like the atrocious state of the majority of prison systems around the world, the incentive to profit off of prisoners by mega pharma corporations getting the government to pay them and the convenience of psychologically lobotomizing violent people and you have yourself a "correlation"
no shit the prisoners exhibit symptoms of fancy labels, because they've gone through tough shit and have been dealt a bad hand at life and had to do some fucked up shit or otherwise, there are so many factors to take into consideration to the moment which led up to their crime it's not even funny, to claim that the ONLY reason they do absolutely anything let alone said crime is because of some bullshit label with symptoms so broad and vague nearly everyone experiences is ludicrous to say the least, and you're approaching this from the idea that clinical psychology/psychiatry is valid
user you're delusional.
Great bait user. I like how you put some effort into it. Most don't.
Why do you think this is bait? I'm not the OP but I believe there is no such thing as mental illness. It's no different than niggers claiming victim status over their race
Autistic schizotypal
Yes, I fucking made it! I fit anons idea of disorders.
bipolar disorder too, but real bipolar disorder not meme bipolar disorder, because those people get hardcore psychosis too
user, anxiety isn't always caused by events in your life, it can be genetic.
there is objective evidence for depression, the neurotransmitters in your brain
the ability or inability to bond with or produce enough of chemicals such as serotonin makes you unnaturally sad
do you usually make claims that you know you have zero evidence to support? you must because you're a frogposter
and you don't know how to formulate counter-arguments or listen to anyone's opposing viewpoints without attempting to debase their sanity in an effort to make yourself appear more credible
congratulations, you're a retard
this isn't bait, but i'll take the compliment anyways just because
this minus your Jow Forums moaning, and judging by how blunt you are i wouldn't be surprised if you cried over muh jooz and labeled yourself a victim of some conspiracy just like lower-lower middle class african americans do, essentially making you the very thing you claim to oppose
nah, that's just someone who's hyper and drifts between negative and positive thoughts, or someone with a big temper, or someone who's life resembles that of a rollercoaster, it's called a disorder because it's not in-line with an imaginary order of personalities, that's like saying your personality isn't like the vast majority of personalities so there's something wrong with you and you have to change your fucking personality because you should be like us
it's retarded
there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support that claim and quite frankly i'm gonna go ahead and say you just pulled it out of your ass or some blog / article headline you glanced at / skimmed through somewhere on shitbook or fagstagram
>the ability or inability to bond with or produce enough of chemicals such as serotonin makes you unnaturally sad
mhm, and what do you think controls said ability? it's you, literally your thoughts and reactions from what's going on in your life, there are so many factors to the measurement of someone's brain chemicals at a given moment that it would be both assumptuous and baseless to draw any conclusions off of it, which is why nobody with any scientific credibility has attempted to do so
>claims that you know you have zero evidence to support?
likewise, how about you actually give me some of your "evidence"?
Thank you, user. OP is acting like a faggot again.
>this is enough to convince you of a snakeoil pill victim complex salespitch
and i'm supposed to be the faggot? Well, at least i won't be killing myself because i think i have some special snowflake disease that doesn't even exist because i paid some hippie with glasses $50 who told me i had it in 15 minutes instead of just acknowledging that i've simply experienced things in life and this is just who i am as a result of said experiences
>mhm, and what do you think controls said ability?
i literally just fucking told you, the neurotransmitters in your brain. vitamin and dietary deficiencies can have an effect, such as a lack of vitamin d
>there are so many factors to the measurement of someone's brain chemicals at a given moment that it would be both assumptuous and baseless to draw any conclusions off of it, which is why nobody with any scientific credibility has attempted to do so
i'm sure you have much more scientific credibility than actual neuroscientists, random Jow Forums poster
the neurotransmitters in your brain
durrrr, how do you think neurotransmitters work? do you even understand neurochemistry? they function as a result of YOUR interpretation of the outside world and as a reaction to your experiences, meaning if you disagree with me and are annoyed, your neurotransmitters will function in the manner which will release the appropriate neurochemicals to allow you to feel annoyed, a disruption whereby someone isn't able to experience something without an objectively observable and provable neurological disease (not madeup psychological "illness") has never even been observed because it's not provable, it's simply that person being that person, it is their personality and their life experiences and thoughts
> vitamin and dietary deficiencies
you can't even measure this, no evidence
>actual neuroscientists
lmao i unironically have a retired actual fucking german brain surgeon who has studied neurochemistry and neurobiology and sliced open people's brains for decades flat out tell me the entire field of psychology is bullshit and is completely baseless, he's my neighbor btw, and on that note nearly every medical doctor i've come across scoffs at the mention of mental illness and psychology because they know it isn't based on any factually objective scientific evidence whatsoever, it's all interpretation, opinionation and bias
literally i challenge you to go up to any actual board certified psychiatrist and ask them if:
1. mental illnesses (not neurological disorders) such as "major depressive disorder", have evER been objectively proven and replicably observable to exist
2. how many patients they've "cured" of their "illnesses" in their entire careers
and I can guarantee you your snowflake victim complex will be shattered as they themselves tell you none of their bullshit is real
also no neuroscientists with any scientific credibility have ever proven that theses illnesses exist or have claimed that they do
>believe me i have a made up anecdote
>believe me i made an appeal to authority immediately after dismissing the credibility of that authority
>believe me i'm so smart i don't even understand vitamin deficiency
yikes, you wrote all that and you're this bad at arguing? why even waste time with a mongoloid like you?
>a fucking random "health" blog
>every day health dot com
KEK, I literally called it
sorry kid, you have no idea what you're talking about
even if a correlation between people's parents and their children have been found that doesn't mean anything, in fact i would say that it's because they've been raised by people who are constantly anxious and as a result become anxious themselves, and that part of their personalities which might include anxious tendencies is genetically inherited
>yikes, you wrote all that and you're this bad at arguing? why even waste time with a mongoloid like you?
and there we go, thanks for admitting defeat, you can't claim to be better at me than arguing after i just completely destroyed all your arguments by throwing a poorly construed ad hominem at me in an effort to aggravate me, at this point i'm just gonna go ahead and say that you don't even know how to reply to any of this
just kek at you fags, none of you are even worthy opponents
i'm still waiting for a single piece of scientifically credible factual information btw hahahah
Just look up hereditary anxiety and look at one of the thousands of results, you fucking faggot
you posted exactly what i knew you would, thinking i "admitted defeat" by completely critiquing your failure to argue and refusing to engage in nonsense with you anymore
it's pathetic how easy to read you are, maybe you shouldn't have learned all your debate strategies from autistic retards on Jow Forums. yikes, go ahead and congratulate yourself on a "job well done" and then lie awake at night wondering why you feel so unsatisfied all the time like you usually do
>just google something, skim past the search results, glance at the title and blindly accept whatever is being said without question, contemplation or evidence
ah ok my bad hahahaha
imagine actually being this gullible and naive, tell me, do you like to engage in gravitational crystal therapy and homeopathic treatments too because you looked at one of the thousands of results?
>by completely critiquing your failure to argue
can you actually point out in your post where you critiqued my failure to argue? actually scratch that, you're literally admitting critiquing me instead of my arugments and ideas, which is what you did anyway, you're just doing it now in a way which makes you sound like you're right
i gave you a combination of an anecdote, a critique of an authority which it itself literally does not even agree with you, a method of actually finding this out by straight up asking the experts who you believe say "mental illnesseses" from the DSM5 are actually objectively provable and observable neurological diseases as opposed to fancy psychological labels for someone's personality, actions quirks, behaviors upbringing and life experiences, and i told you that there is no conclusive evidence to support the notion that mild-minor "vitamin deficiencies" make you depwessed :(( or literally alter your mental / psychological state
also funny how you claim to tell me that i was being purely anecdotal when you yourself called upon the anecdotal imaginary inexistent testimony of quote "actual neuroscientists", which i still haven't found you posted anywhere btw, along with the myriads of other scientifically credible conclusive information which you STILL HAVEN'T EVEN POSTED LMAO
>it's pathetic how easy to read you are
>maybe you shouldn't have learned all your debate strategies from autistic retards on Jow Forums
says the person on Jow Forums, you sound like you retreived your "debating strategies" from every day health dot com hahahahahah
user, this is one of the most hypocritical things I've ever heard. You're telling me not to "blindly except" what proffesionals, people who go through literal years of training, are saying, but you expect me to believe whatever shit you pull out of your ass.
hahah, you know there are professionals who go through "literal years" of "training" in naturopathy and gravitational crystal reflexology right? lmao
anyways no i'm not, i'm telling you that the professionals who you keep imagining up things they said do not even agree with what you're saying or even implying, and i even gave you a way to actually prove this, by calling or contacting or meeting up with a board certified clinical psychiatrist / psychologist and asking them whether or not the "mental illnesses" in the DSM5 are actually neurological diseases instead of psychological phenomenon and have been or even can be objectively proven or observable via something such as an FMRI/MRI scan and whether or not said observations can be without-a-doubt shown to indicate a specific "mental illness", i have actually done these things and spoken to a brain surgeon who has studied these things for decades as you so fervently like to say, but i know you won't, because that goes against your world view which you just pulled out your ass and thought up of
anyways since you can only speak in anecdotal testimonies and the word of authority, here you go, here are your "experts" and your "authority" you worship like a religious cult, plus a little documentary thrown in there which reveals the profiteering and financial incentive of this salesmanship-driven business
sheesh, people like you will believe anything they're told just by googling something and looking at the top search result or looking at some headline or accepting conventionally spread assumptions without any further investigation or thought, and you can't even listen to the words of the very sources of information you call upon without twisting it to fit whatever narrative it is you want to believe
user, I don't have enough time to argue about your bullshit, I'm just going to let the thread die
>I don't have enough time to argue about your bullshit
you do, that's why you clicked on this thread and read my posts, you just don't want to, because you know you're wrong, because you can't, because you don't even know how to, because my arguments are too good for your ad hominem "look at this blog site / headline title and something some expert that doesn't even exist i just imagined said" folly
>I'm just going to let the thread die
now this, this is something you can do
i suppose it's just best to leave while you're at it since you've already embarrassed yourself enough
You never fail to have euphoria dripping from every post you make. Thanks for the laughs, euphoric Pepe.
no problem despondent user
No, I really didn't have time. I was hungry as fuck because I hadn't eaten all day. I assumed the thread would've 404ed by the time I got back.