/ana general/

Post what you've eaten today and hold other anons accountable

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3pm and nothing. i am overweight and the moment i realized that im actually never hungry i just ate of boredom was enlightening. ive been losing consistent pounds and am well on my way to become thin.

roasties starving themselves to death is lifefuel.

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Nothing so far but I will eat a tin of salmon soon

4 eggs, 50g of butter, and a multivitamin pill

~700 calories in total

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2 sandwhiches, 3 cookies, 2 cups of tea, half a pizza, and 1 burrito

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this is a good thread
all of you women and "women" should become anorexic

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one pizza slice and 500ml of rum

6 slices of bacon and 2 eggs for brekky

She's so inspirational every day I dream I being as thin as her

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Use to be fat.
Don't drink alcohol
Cut down on sugar
Walk as much as possible
Smoke cigarettes
Drink coffee
Eat once a day.

You're already obesse or overweight so don't tell me smoking is unhealthy.
Coffee and cigarettes are an awesome appetite suppressant.

Eaten nothing today.
Had 3 cups of coffee and half a pack of smokes. Not hungry.

>tfw nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
>that look of pure envy from the hog walking by the queen

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started today with a big bowl of pasta with hot sauce and ramen seasoning. dunno what ill do for lunch yet. for dinner last night i ate a family sized bag of BBQ chips and it boosted my mood 100% a true robot eats garbage and doesnt care if he's fat and dying. you calorie counting normies are a fucking joke

>i like my body i like my body i like my body

whatever makes you sleep at night, m8pai

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one bowl of rice
one bowl of pasta

not poor enough to complain, but poor enough to live the ricelife

>1x Double Steakhouse
>1000 calories, 66g fat, 55g protein, 55g carbohydrates

>2x Hamburger without pickles
>560 calories, 22g fat, 28g protein, 62g carbohydrates

>1x Chicken Burger
>390 calories, 20g fat, 10g protein, 41g carbohydrates

Try and stop me

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Are you taking over for Avery since she stopped posting?

Either way. I am so so so so devastated because I woke up around .6 - .8 pounds heavier today. I know in the big picture it's not that much but it's overwhelming me with anxiety. I'm trying to choose between liquid fasting today, only eating mushrooms today, and only eating eggs today. Pls someone give advice. I want to cry.

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111 pounds feels so fat. I hope I can break into the double digits by New Years.

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:/ oring

what did you mean by this ':/' response, user? did i say something wrong

Kek, this happened to me too. Have you read about that guy who ate nothing for like a year under doctors supervision? All he had was water and multivitamins, and he was fine. That's what the fats there for.

She needs to be committed. She shouldn't be influencing her audience of kids online, what a terrible role model.

-4 slices of butterd toast with grape jelly
-a cherry poptart
-a pickle
-Instant noodles (shrimp)
-a milky way
yea i think that's all

Did you drink a lot of water yesterday? It can be water weight. Eat scrambled eggs with mushrooms, it's low in calories and has many good nutrients.

>rise from my slumber
>sausages, eggs, bacon, toast
>head starts hurting so a little water
Still working on the Coronas. Will switch to a little vodka later tonight.

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This is perfect. I ran it through a website that checks for photoshop and it said it's "probably" been edited though. I think the waist area looks suspicious.

I typically make this stupid mistake of drinking 'soup' (just spices with hot water) to not binge at night, and then it carries onto my morning weight because of the sodium. I need to s t o p.
I'm trying to just stick to one thing to try to avoid food weight, and I need to get rid of these mushrooms before they go bad anyway. I have a 227g package, which is 50 calories. I'll eat as much of it as I want. I think I'll have some with ground black pepper and hot sauce.

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This one? It's fake btw

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She the fuck up and stop bullying her. She's allowed to exist and be herself.


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Isn't water weight good? It makes me feel hydrated. That's why sports drinks have sodium in them. Ever since I quit drinking I carry a shit ton of water weight, and I feel like a ball of hydration. It's not fat, it's water.

Frozen vegetables retain all their nutrients, sometimes better then fresh ones, and never go bad. It's annoying rushing to finish things.

>i'm a rotten piece of shit but at least I look good
>post 22357982379

Imagine if you scanned her brain. It would be completely shrivelled. She will die very young. She doesn't look good, either. She's milking this for attention online, she needs to be committed, fed through a tube then have a lifetime of therapy outside of the spotlight. Sorry.

your simple existence is wrong, you could weigh 50lbs and literally remove your brain and die, and it would just be an improvement, barf queen

In light of better news, I just found out I'm only up 0.2 pounds instead of 0.8. I went from 111.8 to 112. I know I can have this gone by tomorrow if I try hard enough and this won't truly hinder my goal of being underweight by the end of this month (107)

Water weight scares me too much to be good to me. Hydration is nice though, yeah. If I ever feel like I'm about to pass out in school (has started happening more recently) I drink an electrolyte sachet which I assume must have some sodium in it.

I honestly wish I wasn't so afraid of food weight and water weight, though. It's ruined many good safe foods for me, like shirataki noodles and miso soup.

I know! Frozen vegetables are a blessing. However for some reason the idea of buying frozen mushrooms seemed a bit yucky to me. Also, with things like celery, I imagine it might not be as crunchy.

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If you watch her livestreams she's actually really intelligent and thoughtful, her brain is perfectly fine

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I don't know for sure. Here's a legit one.



if it was she wouldn't be a skeleton though.

Movie stars and stuff dehydrate themselves to get super lean, right before a shoot or a scene. But for general day to day living you definitely want to be hydrated and have your body retaining some water.

She's more normal than the 70% of Americans who are overweight and obese

I agree. Hydration is important. Though, I can't really help being so upset when the number on the scale goes up.

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3 eggs with added spices and some grain mixed.

1 liter of soup, still hungry though, probably gonna cook my last 2 eggs for the day

Did anyone ever try the 2 4 6 8 diet?

Monday - 200 cals
Tues - 400 cals
Wed - 600 cals
Thurs - 800 cals
Fri - 200 cals
Sat - 400 cals
Sun - 600 cals
Mon 800 cals

and so on. i want to try it but i think maybe i die in 2 weeks

Over the last two years I restricted, binged, restricted, binged, etc and now I don't even know what being satisfied feels like anymore

people ITT:
>based fatbots who eat whatever they want
>fat fucks in denial who eat whatever they want except the last twinkie in the box

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72 hours into fast; fasting until thanksgiving. so sad that Jow Forumsproed is banned i went there everyday.

i'm so sad that proed is banned too!! i would scroll through it every night before falling asleep.

And now I finish the eating section of my day with a Chicken Korma and some Vanilla Ice Cream.

Being fat isn't based, but not giving a fuck what people think is also based. If you want to be healthy and lose extra weight, build some muscle and drink a fucking protein shake - and be quiet about it instead of posting a thread about having an eating disorder like a brain dead trannyfaggot.

Pic related is what you lifestylers ITT deserve, you still probably weigh enough for it to work.

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would you /skeletongirl/ robots?

her pussy fat doe

breakfast: 2 slice of bread with tomatos, lettuce and some cheese
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: 1 slice of toast with salmon

Can't wait to ana myself down from 50 fucking kilos that I got by now -.-
I miss being 42kg on 1.65cm.

>drink a fucking protein shake
Oh, fart powder and protein. No impact on muscle mass whatsoever. If you want some muscle then it's all abou the fork and knife and avoiding what's bad for you. Even then you can still eat a cheeseburger everyday and it shouldn't kill you. Protein powders are a SCAM!! created by the kikes and promoted by the mentally retarded. Trust me.

Just tea so far, but I will be having two protein shakes and the rest of it will be fruit.

Honestly why do people care about weight, especially water weight? I wouldn't give a shit if I weighted 600lb as long as I LOOKED like I weighed 70lb

woah I love love love her legs!

whats her name?

because i have an eating disorder

eugenia cooney

Protein is protein, you can eat a burger or drink the shake, if you are building muscle with it, doesn't really matter where it comes from. The shakes are good for mornings when you're not feeling like eating boiled eggs.

also on top of that, my dysmorphia prevents me from seeing what i 'really look like' so the best thing i have to track my progress is the number on the scale

wtf why are you eating CHEESE when you are trying to lose weight?

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All I'm saying is a protein shake really isn't much calorie wise. Unless you're mixing it with Whole Milk. Even that shouldn't count as a meal though. Start your morning with a complex carb (porridge) and a protein (eggs) and then you're good to go,

Eugenia Cooney


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user don't be an asshole please. eating what you enjoy in heavy moderation is a good way to not binge/overeat/cheat on diets. 1 slice of cheese could be like 50-90 cals. i eat laughing cow cheese light all the time and its 25cals

>so the best thing i have to track my progress is the number on the scale
That's literally what everybody else does. Your eyes work just fine user, you're just insecure cuck

I'd be an asshole if I were to come ITT and pretend being mentally ill and having an eating disorder is something to boast about. It's always good to take people down a few pegs who are so arrogant that they stop feeding themselves because they can't learn to manage their self esteem and learn what macronutrients are.

my eyes literally do not work just fine and i am insecure yes, i have anorexia and body dysmorphia, causing me to see myself wrong, therefore my eyes do not work just fine.

Do you know anything about losing weight? Ever heard of the "keto" diet?

Your eyes work user, you're not blind, it's the part where they connect to the brain that is damaged.

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There seems to be two different types of anorexia; those who THINK they are fat when they really aren't, and those who know they are skinny and love it. Personally I love the way I look when I'm holocaust victim level skinny, I love feeling frail

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5 grams of kratom and thats it

Cheese is all fat though, it's relatively low in protein and high in salt. It's the very last thing anyone should be eating if they want to drop extra pounds.

Hello fellow ketoer

I literally ate a spoonful of butter today for breakfast, skipped lunched, and had an egg for dinner.

Tomorrow will be a binge day, having liver and chicken thighs

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not to be thin is a sin

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Yes but it's packed with macro and micro nutrients. Also it's not a bad idea to get alittle salt in your diet.

It's almost impossible to not get enough salt.

You should be getting a minimum of 6g of salt a day. Ancient humans used to lick salt off rocks and there was never an overweight human in ancient times. Animals do this too.


Yes it is


>tfw ywn feast on eugenia's roast beef

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>tfw had a booze and fast food binge weekend
back to normal tomorrow I swear

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you sound unoriginally fat

1/2 Pringles packs and a bowl of cereal because I forgot to buy bread yesterday.

Latex/leather is so aesthetic.

I eat oatmeal every morning.

I had a cookie

looking at her in this outfit makes my balls ache

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everyone stopped posting to fap to her

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Friendly reminder to the not total anachans ITT, if you can control it don't let your BMI get below 17! Eat At least 1000 calories a day and plenty of protein! Losing your hair and teeth won't make you pretty either, neither will developing osteoporosis and losing your periods. Malnutrition will rapidly age your skin. Be healthy skinny!
This of course only applies to those without literal anorexia, as it would be condescending to tell the literal anorexic people this.

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The average anorexic does eat 800 calories a day, over the long term. It's not sustainable to eat next to nothing for very long, unless you start off fat, you'll wind up in hospital.

tell that to this qt

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The average anorexic eats a diet of salad, fruit, and chocolate cake binges. The worst possible diet.

Cut the carbs and eat your butter and lard

brings me back to the days of steakandcheese.com

how is this a bad thing these people do nothing but act arrogant about their mental illness, it's BPD tier

Sure but a lot of them to get to the weight they are comfortable sustaining will go very low and vary their calories. For example, the 2468 diet in which one cycles between 200, 400, 600, and 800 is quite popular. And even then if they are eating 800 many anas have aversions to meat and other protein sources, not to mention healthy fat sources.
This too, they have a really bad tendency to eat mostly very low cal fruits and vegetables, and then either tiny portions of junk food or junk food binges. Even worse than that are the ones that only eat junk food.
It would be condescending since it would come off as "lol just eat healthy bro" when it isn't as simple as that for real anorexics.

Are multivitamin pills worth it

Hey, I'm 5'11 110lbs, if anyone needs advice I'll be in this thread for a while

>when it isn't as simple as that for real anorexics
Aren't threads like this worse though since they basically make light of a debilitating mental disease that you can actually die from? I'd be more concerned with that then the people telling me to just eat some eggs and oatmeal and not care what people think.

An orange, barely some shitty macaroni my mom made me becasue she really thinks i want my favourite fish mixed with the shittiest macaroni, some peanuts and milk.
Maybe I dont get it, i just wanted to be pissed about my mom making me shit food yet again.

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This thread is amazing to me
>other thread
>robots talking about hating life, no one gives a shit
>this thread
>robots talking about hating bodyweight, others actually trying to help or talk to them
Maybe humanity isn't so screwed afterall

had 80 cals of tofu and now i'm having a few tic tacs. i might have some halo top later.