>ideal gf thread
>battle the trap invention my brothers
post your best "ideal gf" shit here
>ideal gf thread
>battle the trap invention my brothers
post your best "ideal gf" shit here
Never ever ;_;
It hurts
my ideal girl is a girl who love for me and me love for her
You probably played against a girl a couple times without even knowing back then.
best gf bloxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If any of you know a girl like this, point her in my direction.
>gf memes in 2018
But I have to admit I really like this one
>not unreal
I hope you get redeemed in the face
Bipolar autistic gf
thats litereally my current gf
That's it. Pack it in, boys.
While part of me is happy for you, I wish faggots with gf's didn't post on Jow Forums. You don't belong here.
Sure he does
>Jow Forums has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on Jow Forums - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively.
Fuck is her name Marie? Are you the one that took her from me? Fuck you
The Quake image he posted is shit except for q3dm6. Still better than unreal tho
An original text filled textless post
shes out there somewhere in the wild blue yonder
obligaroty shadow spawn gf
Nice GF, mine is like the bloodlusted version of her.
Here's a similar one to yours, my friend.
My girlfriend is almost exactly like that lol
Seen that one before, torture gfs are less my taste, but they can be readily converted to killer gfs.
tfw no grav robber qt gf
This hasn't been posted yet? ok...
>my girlfriend
Get out.
go back to /soc/ faggot underage op
>*turns all of your co-workers against you when you break up with her*
>I'm only hurting you because i love you user.
sounds evil
They all are
She hits all the right buttons but I don't know if I will be able to stay with her.
Nonono my oneitis is an INFJ and shes a fucking queen. No girl will ever come close to her ever. She deserves the best in life
she's just manipulated you to feel that way, one day you will be disillusioned. or not.
one day anons, one day (maybe) ((hopefully))
>Believing personality tests actually mean anything.
It's pretty clear how deranged you are user.
user my little sister is wheelchair bound, she has been since she was a pre-teen. it isn't nearly as cute as the image..
Blonde hair
Light brown / sandy brown hair
Blue and/or Green eyes
Not obese
Glasses are a +
Self diagnosed mental ailments are a -
Think I may be asking for too much.
Not that user but yeah. I would date someone in a wheel chair no problem but finding it cute? Hey, you are totally fucked from a basic human function and need extra care, SO CUTE.
It hurts
this is a stupid post and if you don't know why it is stupid then you are also stupid
now get off my board shitters
Ples gibe I no deserv
I'm just saying it's not nearly as teehee as it seems
> Hearing her sob has she squeezes her colostomy bags into the toilet
> Hearing her fall over when she tries to pull herself from the bed to the wheelchair in the mornings, then cry.
>constantly yelling for help when she slips off the stool in the shower or if the stairlift stops half way
>Constantly pissed off because she knows she cant even do simple things that wouldn't phase a 10 year old like get dressed in less than 20 minutes.
>needs someone to do physio with her every single day to stop her legs from shinking due to atrophy, simulating 2000 steps, cycling her feet over and over while she lays there looking like she wants to be doing anything else but this.
>Constant apologies for things that just aren't her fault.
I like clingy. I like feeling needed. Feeling like I'm disposable in a relationship sounds awful.
bt gf
also this
This sort of gf would make me feel bad. I couldn't watch her work herself to the bone and tear herself apart over every mistake for me.
This would be comfy as fuck orginally
Only INTPs can be true robots
for me its meowth in a dress
INTP/ENTP is the master race, prove me wrong
>tfw no slav gf to sit around a campfire and eat chebureki with
I want it so bad
>will never run away cause she can't
I'd fuck it aslong as it purred.
don't trust any girl who thinks they want this bf.
>im gay
The purest sign of a based girlfriend.
Are these types of girls annoying after a while?
A-Asking for a friend
argentinian gf where?
tfw have a sweet manual miata
where my gf hello??
just 1589
any girl that says shes straight is not to be trusted
A man can dream right? I hope she is happy with her Chad bf.
>I hope she is happy with her Chad bf.
Don't say that, man. I want her too.
Okay. I think we all need this kind of gf.
>be me
>go to catholic church
>know this girl whos father is Argentinian and mother is southeast asian
>the best mixing of races I've ever seen
>have to ask god for forgiveness right there cause goddamn