What kind of person is your dad like?

my dad died soon after I was born so i have no memories of him
>bus fare goes up
>dad refuses to pay it so starts riding a bike to work
>gets hit by that same bus
>hits his head on the concrete
>goes into coma

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Jesus thats shit luck. Im sorry OP. Anyways my dad
>Immigrant from Mexico that came in the 80s when Reagan was president
>Basically raised here for most of his life
>Works almost everyday and does overtime to get more money
>When he gets home at night he just drinks alcohol and sleeps or watches TV.
>Hes been like this ever since I was born.
>He loves my family and I but he doesnt really socialize much with us
>Due to his absence and overwork I wasnt really raised by him
Hes basically the Fresco meme but irl

I'm sorry about that user. My dad kicked my mother, me and my sister out of the house when i was 5, so i don't think he is a too great person.

Jesus christ, I'm sorry OP.
My dad is pretty great. He used to teach me things back when I was little, like most dads do.
He cared for his family, and that's all I can say.

>very soft spoken, huge guy for 5'10, gorilla hands
>deep but gentle voice, always looked much younger than he actually was
>worked on cars and teeth for a living, the first recreationally and the second professionally
>died of melanoma that metastasized to brain cancer after 3 years remission, rarest type (amelanotic) when I was 16

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My dad was really fucking cheap as well. And he died because of it just like your dad

>swimming pool he goes to starts charging extra for membership fees
>he conducts a fucking 2 month long campaign to try and force the membership fees down, protesting outside the building, chaining himself to the fence etc etc
>stole cardboard from local supermarket and drew a really creepy cartoon of the gym manager as a Nestle executive stealing water from a child version of himself with a message 'Nestle aren't the only water thieves! pools should be free!'
>in the end gives up because he didn't want to pay for a microphone to make himself heard more clearly
>started swimming in a fucking random polluted pond he found 40 minutes walk away
>got an infection from the filthy water and died because of it

He was such a fucking cheap retard. the last birthday present he ever got me were metal sandals he made from discarded tins of beans. he called them 'Sandals for surfin' at Bean Beach!'.

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>was really aggressive verbally but never actually physical violent
>when we were young would always react with extreme anger and threats of violence
>him and my mom were very controlling and religious
>had a bunch of absolutely absurd rules that made no sense and made us follow them
>would blow up if you ever questioned the reason for how things are done and just tell you because youre a kid and hes an adult
>He taught us to always place women as special
>spoiled the fuck out of our sister and she was a complete bitch as a kid
>even when she was completely in the wrong we would get in trouble instead

That was early childhood. around Middle school I guess his sickness and work and life in general beat down on him and his personality changed drastically.
>incredibly passive or passive aggressive
>whined all the time and complained
>had no athletic hobbies and didnt ever play sports with us or really engage in a masculine way
>sometimes would just sleep on the couch all day when he was unemployed and depressed
>had severe mood swings due to his disease and would be very grouchy and irritable at times
>as long we got good grades he seemed to not give a single fuck what we did
>would recommend me to quit playing games all day but I never listened
>when I was getting bullied gave advice that resulted in even further bullying
>when I said I want to lift weights in high school he discouraged me and told me not to
>joined baseball team in HS and they told me I dont know how to throw a ball right
>asked my dad to teach me and he never did, eventually my mom would
>never taught me to drive when I asked, Im 22 and still dont know how
>would use the family for validation and confidence but never really did much to empower us

Between that and being pretty much entirely raised by the public school system its no wonder have such severe psychological issues and personality flaws. I feel resentment but I also realize he was never malicious

my dad plays the guitar a lot and makes pee pee jokes. hes pretty nice

Your dad died like a bitch

your dad sounded based

>emotionally distant workaholic
>when mom pressured him into doing some parenting he beat me over the ass with a belt
>cheated on mom with a girl he met on world of warcraft made himself a new family
>and i user the beta shithead that i am would regularly go over and babysit my half-brothers for free despite dad not paying my alimony

My dad is based we both like the same things and hold the same views

based but brad
he's annoying as shit sometimes but deep down a good person

my dad was never an asshole, he came off as usual cheerful good personality kind of man, kind but also with lot of manly temperament

but kinda bad truth is that he failed at life and he knows it, he was always kinda lazy at heart but became hardworker once i was born, always liked to think about deep stuff and was never shallow. im ashamed to admit it but i was never proud of him even though i love him very much, i just kinda feel bad for him because i might become like him someday.

my dad left when i was very young, why would i be posting here if i had a strong male role model.

>very calm and very cold, a bit intimidating
>ultimately a success story, built up an upper middle class lifestyle from the very bottom
>hard worker, does everything, fixes everything, builds everything. I dont remember even 1 instances of calling any repairman or electrician or plumber or anything throughout my whole life.
>i never seen him drunk, he never hitted me
>helps out my moms parents in everything
>he is basically the best human being i know, he has a very strong moral sense but at the same time very emotionless like a robot that you programmed to be "good"
I hope i will be as good as he is.

My dad is a fucking alcoholic prick man-child who abused me and my family growing up.
Knocked up my mom then tried to ditch, felt guilty and decided to try and be there for me. I really wish he didn't cause the next years were filled with physically and emotional abuse. I constantly was told "you're the reason I'm miserable" "don't ever have kids" "if it wasn't for you I'd be happy" "because of you I have to be here" "we're fighting cause of you" "don't get married it's miserable" peppered in with a few "I just want to kill myself" "I wish you never happened" "DON'T EVER HAVE KIDS" I grew up knowing that the reason my parents hated eachother and hated me was because I was born. I was a mistake and a mistake that was a huge burden and the sole reason everyone around me was miserable.
I hated my dad, I still do. He doesn't take any blame, everyone else is at fault for his shitty life and his misery and he can do nothing wrong. All he does is drink and play video games. One of the few memories I have with him as a child that weren't awful were still awful. Best day we ever had he took us to the dollarstore to get paint stuff and basically only let me and my sister choose paints, brushes or canvases because he would only let us buy one so he could use the rest for booze.
He has ass cancer right now and I wish I felt more bad about it but I don't.

Really good guy i dont want him to die

bit of correction, i shouldnt've used past tense since he's still alive lmoa

Autistic but really smart. Pretty much born dirt poor and become a multi-millionaire. Has a masters degree in mechanical engineering.

Nearly impossible to live with though. Spergs out if anything is done inefficiently, highly OCD. Never really shows any visible signs of emotion. Only reason my mom puts up with him is because she has low self esteem. Still like him despite everything, could've been a lot worse.

>dad born in africa
>escaped some civil war
>given all his father's savings to send him to US
>arrives in US only to be greeted by racist shithole
>takes multiple jobs and goes to college full time
>works hard for phd in engineering
>makes high 6 figures now
>then has degenerate son that will ruin his legacy

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Blue collar laborer, I liked him up until I was 12 or so. Then I eventually realized he was a booze bag and a dysfunctional person. He eventually descended into drug addiction and I grew to hate him. I'm glad he's dead.

Seems like a good guy, don't blame racism for your failures.

>former stoner
>no sense of responsibility
>no sense of justice
>can't save money
>pretty much does nothing besides drive the car
He was also a chad when he was younger, so it's pretty ironic I turned out this way.

The protesting part sounds awesome, but the being cheap part not so much. How old were you when he died, if you don't mind me asking?

>'Sandals for surfin' at Bean Beach!'

Holy shit one of us one us

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My dad is a stoner and he's in a bad mood without his weed

>quick to anger over nothing
>used to beat me or my mom
>moved out
>never gave mom who was unable to work any money to raise me despite having a good job
>tries to maintain a normal relationship with me now and acts like nothing ever happened

I've seen my dad maybe 10 times in my conscious existence. He let my step mother abuse me because he was too pussy to do anything and I guess I have that same gene

Therefore he is very manipulative
Also ruined this family and all our lives
Emotionally (and used to be physically) abusive

It's hard to tell. I never really got to talk to him when he was sober. He took me to a football match once so he's a cool cat probably.

Posting in epic thread.
My dad was a weak cuck most of his life. Tried to kill himself when I was like 8 years old cuz my mom is an insane bitch. They stayed together "for the kids" but in turn just made my siblings and I more miserable cuz they fought all the time. Now they are finally divorced but still spend time in the same house mostly for financial reasons or something. Can't stand either my dad or my mom

Dad was a person who was very educated, but at the same time held Boomer political and religious views. He himself wasn't very religious and often attacked those who where (Ironic, considering that he put me in Christian schools from 7th grade on).
He was an engineer, made decent money but never really separated work from home: if it was an engineering fear, he'd chew your ear off about it (probably where I get the obsession gene). He also didn't want me to go to work after hs, didn't want me in the trades, and wanted me to go to university after hs to get a Master's like he did.
When I did one of those 3 things, he got very disappointed.
He always makes fun of my relationship status, mostly because I have a slight fear of women (thanks in part to my mother and sister), and my dad's utter submissiveness towards my mother also made me lose some respect for him.

>left school age 16 with good grades, joined airforce as an officer
>learnt to fly by 17, got his pilot wings at 18
>flew nuclear bombers in the cold war
>got older, promoted, joined the special forces air division as a navigator, flew secret missions with night vision
>retired from air duties, joined air force intelligence
>studied aerial photos and russian newspapers at home on great salary
>retired after 25 years in the air force, good pension, still quite young
>bought a shithole of a house in the country, simultaneously met my mum and had two kids, while fixing up this 300 year old run down barnhouse
>fixes up the house to make it worth nearly a million US dollars, almost all by himself
>worked part time in schools and shit while I grew up so was always able to help with homework
>enthusiastic but awkward
>loving and caring
>so dumb sometimes that I have to remind myself that this man flew nuclear weapons around

Love my dad, bet he's gutted about me but he'd never show it.

I honestly could not have asked for a better dad, at least from my point of view. He did shit with me all the time (still does), never got angry with me, was always around to help if I needed something. He had a pretty good job so we weren't too badly off financially either.
But he was objectively a little fucked up.
He grew up in an abusive house which left him totally terrified of any conflict. He would literally refuse to ever engage in any sort of argument, which led to my mother becoming heavily emotionally abusive once she figured out she could yell and bitch and say whatever horrible shit she wanted and he would just sit there. If it was really bad he would withdraw to the point where he'd just sit staring into space barely responsive for like an hour or two, which made me pretty sad when I was young.

fucking THIS. My dad still lives with my family and he acts like the years of being a shitty parent was just a little bump for him.

>has over 300 confirmed kills and is skilled at gorilla warfare

>middle child of 5 children
>thinks hes a fucking genius
>writes mediocre stories and poetry
>went to college for one year but just got wasted and high
>dropped out and did tons of different jobs
>got a bachelors degree at a community ccollege after I was born
>mediocre singer but thinks hes fucking frank Sinatra
>drinks beer and bourbon every night
>smokes pot in his bedroom
>sometimes just sits in the front yard at night wasted and listening to loud music
>pretty much anytime he opens his mouth he praises himself and puts down someone else
>talks shit about his own family members behind their backs
>calls himself catholic but doesn't really live a catholic life
>puts on fox news and argues with the tv
>throws tantrums when things aren't up to his expectations
>punched a hole in the wall when i got an F in high school
>punched another hole in the wall when his stereo broke
>calls me a fuck up
>calls me lazy because im not a workaholic like him
>eats all my food
>steals my clothes
I could go on and on

>rational, fearless, anxious poorfag
>likes reading, thinking and fixing stuff
>he has that "dead look"
>people learned not to fuck with him very early on
>discovers smoking and thinks it will help him relax
>discover women and thinks it will help him relax
>is very critical of society, tries to help around, gets elected deputy mayor
>discovers that politics are bullshit and that grown people won't change
>starts teaching and shaping students to be disciplined and rational
>stops smoking to prove his point
>hardworking as fuck, has the reputation of a robot
>made sure I study hard
>made sure I practiced sports
>made sure I was good to my siblings
>once I got lost at the school he taught in, got treated like a superstar after mentioning being his son
>gets divorced and my mom moves to another country with his kids
>he can't leave because 2 of his young siblings are seriously sick
>gets married again
>has a kid
>his health started

I went to see him again after 12 years, now talking more and more frequently. To think he's proud of me although I'm not even half the man he was at my age.
I don't deserve him desu lads

>when I was 16
Fuck, sorry to hear that user

>I dont remember even 1 instances of calling any repairman or electrician or plumber or anything throughout my whole life
sounds like my dad exactly

>his health started
declining these past few years*

I forgot to add