I feel like my bf is too good for me
I feel like my bf is too good for me
pro tip: improve yourself
I feel like I'm too good for my gf but even more scared of being lonely.
I'm trying as hard as I can
you should cheat on him to make him feel bad for making you worry that he is too good for you
No thanks
He can be violent sometimes and could beat the shit out of me
He's not, you just don't know him well enough yet.
Should I just wait
What if he leaves me
I suggest you dig. Dig, dig, dig. And stalk. Until you see him for the trash he is, then decide how to proceed from there.
introduce pegging to the relationship, eventually you'll see him as beneath you and then grow distant and bitchy, and eventually leave him if you dont cheat on him first
He probably won't even want to get pegged
That's almost definitely true (for most women).
99% of women say they'd never date someone of lower social status.
You're natural golddiggers. At least you feel bad. Most women think they deserve it.
Sounds like he already beats the shit out of you desu. Or is going to at some point.
Nah he's chill
Drag him down to compensate for this
When you break him leave him for the weakness you see in yourself, its the only way you can avoid looking your nature in the eye
He just has some anger issues but never targets them towards me
Care to elaborate on this original comment
I dated a girl who was less attractive than me. It pained me, because she was incredible in every other way- above average intelligence, cute personality, loyal, mostly submissive, and loved me completely. I also took her virginity. It sucked though because every time we were out in public I didn't want to hold her hand or really be seen with her, even though she wasn't ugly (just less attractive than me by a point or two). I just couldn't envision living the rest of my life like that, so I broke up with her after a few months.
>I feel like my bf is too good for me
should have gone for someone on the same level of education/ambition/intellect as you friend.
but I hope it works out, I mean it.
>Being embarrassed by your mating partner
Jesus how much more beta can you be
But I don't want to leave him
>tfw crippling bad self-esteem
>whenever someone leaves me I think I deserved it and they'll be happier without me
Probably origidiginally
Probably because you did deserve it.
he will leave you eventually, there are more suitable guys for you out there.
But I don't want him to leave me
well you know what to do.
make him a real daddy.
gl user.
Idk we're too young (19) what if his parents get mad