I'm a cute mtf ama!
I'm a cute mtf ama!
why'd you do it, OP?
can I have your stuff on the day of your inevitable suicide?
>Can you post a picture to confirm?
>When did you start hormones?
>Have you decided the date that you're gonna kill yourself?
>How big is your penis?
Can I suck your cock girly?
Do you enjoy being a Grindr prostitute? Why don't gays ever use condoms?
Years of self reflection and improvement led to the inevitable conclusion that I hated everything about being a guy
Fuck it, if I do sure, keep you updated sweetie.
>>Can you post a picture to confirm?
Not on r9k or my threads get shut down, I'm no stranger to posting myself online tho, gladly do it in another thread, or if you look hard enough I'm already on a few :3
cough cough soc
>>When did you start hormones?
3 months ago! I already have b cups too >How big is your penis?
Just over 7" hard
It has gotten slightly smaller when flaccid tho
I'm a lesbian, so only if you're also a cute girl!
Never used Grindr, never been with a man, very very lesbian since the day I was born ;)
user you do realise that nobody sees you as a real girl, and you'll never be able to reverse your horrific mutilation of your body? You're still a man. You'll always be a man.
Sucking female penis is based
What games do you like OP?
Do you like short women?
>female penis
>anime poster
cringe and prisongaypilled
Very not true!
Infact most sane people graciously accept me, the few that put up resistance dropped it after a few conversations with me, where they were clearly very uneducated on the subject, and clearly felt embarrassed of their views afterwards.
By mutilation I assume you mean SRS, in which case I haven't gotten it yet and ATM do not plan to, that may change in the future tho.
I know this sounds cliche, but I don't really play games much any more, my computer is at my parents place and they aren't very accepting, so I'm never there to get on.
However when I do play something it's usually SSBM or something on my switch!
I LOVE short girls, I'm 6' so I get to lesdom them :3
Ur just mad cuz he gets to sleep with cute girls with cuter girl dicks
Fake no trap is dominant.
(Oh please, BARNEY FAG, rise and derail this thread *mumble incantations *)
>Years of self reflection and improvement led to the inevitable conclusion that I hated everything about being a guy
that's a very good answer but what made you think living as a girl would help? I'd have been worried about hating that too. Do you feel better on hormones?
t. suicidal homosexual
cringe and bluepilled
Fight me faggot, you wont
t. overweight incel who took karate lessons once when he was 6
Look ay em trips boys
>Years of self reflection and improvement led to the inevitable conclusion that I hated everything about being a guy
How can you be sure that you're not projecting your self hatred on your gender like the way lefties project their economic failures on a perceived corrupt economic system?
That's a shame, I hope the new smash game lives up to your expectations. Do you not like Pokemon? I was curious if the lets go game for switch was any fun or if it's just GO app on a console.
I LOVE short girls
Pls come to europ
>lefties project their economic failures on a perceived corrupt economic system
>Warren Buffet - self made billionaire - is an economic failure
t. r/thedonald is a place for smart and stable people
>tfw this thread will stay up
>claims to be cute
>provides no photo evidence
Die you fucking Barneyfags.
I really wish you would get run over by a train.
>t.dicklet newfag whose mother doesn't love him
The problem is there's no short answer.
It just finally clicked in my head one day, I will say making other trans friends really helped.
I'll gladly try my best to give you the best answer I can later, but I'm a little hungover rn, and not up to the task Cx
And yes, I feel way better on hormones, mentally, physically, and every other aspect of my life has greatly improved, even though it's only been 3 months
Mfw when Mr smug feel the Bern cuck criticises a man who had a personal wealth of >50.000 usd by the time he finished his degree in law for seperating his companies assets from his personal ones.
The only ones fucked by bankruptcy are the moneylenders who bought into it. If the state buys the debt you should criticise the state but not a lack of state control in cooperate enterprise what basically includes all Marxist economic practices.
You can't post pics of yourself on r9k silly!
If you learned to read you'd see that I redirected user up here to soc
Have you posted on soc recently?
What thread can I find you on?
Do you have any pictures up on soc rn?
Can you be my gf?
>in my gfs
Reee. Is she atleast short? Does she lick you all over? Give me details for feeling betrayed.
Not even in your dreams, hon.
Your personal wealth shows nothing of the systems effectiveness, I'm willing to bet that you, who
>had a personal wealth of >50.000 usd by the time he finished his degree in law
We're probably born in a MUCH better class scenario than at least 90% of the US.
What do you have to say about the ever growing wealth gap present in America today?
She's 5'8" and she's adorable.
She's topped me more than I have her ;3
Suit yourself creep
I have 4 pics in soc in the last 10 days, I can post more when I get home!
I'm a trans girl so it shouldn't be hard to find the threads dedicated to lewds of such individuals.
Sorry taken boo
Would you kindly show boipussy pls?
Is your gf transgender too?
There are so many trap/trans threads though. I don't want to see a random person, I wanna see you.
Can you give a post number on soc?
Why do you think you're cute?
Transbians are never cute. They are always creepy fetishistic rapists.
pic related
>cute mtf
why are you lying to yourself?