Fembots what do you think of Middle Eastern guys
Fembots what do you think of Middle Eastern guys
I love terroist dick and balls
dated one, bad idea. I'm from Cyprus so it's technically Middle Eastern but dating an Iraqi was too much for me.
I would wear a hijab for that smile.
What happened? Story time
Isn't Cyprus in the Mediterranean?
Creepy as fuck and dress homo-erotically
Yeah you gotta watch out for the desert arabs. They're fucking crazy. Statistically they don't make up that much of the Middle Eastern population but they're the craziest of the bunch so you notice them more.
You live in Sweden don't you?
He had PTSD because of the war and addiction problem plus even though he wasn't that religious his family is Muslim so even if it worked out between us that would be another problem.
We only dated for like a month before he broke up with me but he kept trying to get me back... It's been 2 years from then and he's still trying, it's not good
If I date an Arab again he'll have to be non practicing from a *Christian* background
Yes but it is also in the Middle East. If you consider countries like Turkey, Lebanon, Syria in the middle east, then Cyprus is too.
Completely disgusting. Low IQ, horrible shit culture, ugly. Basically if they didn't have oil they'd be below blacks
No, the only thing below niggers are abos
Id date a white middle eastern
okay white boi. You know that pretending to be a woman online is not going to help you right
Damn. Well thats obviously a PTSD thing, not really a cultural issue (though it contributes to some degree). Guy is just looking for some emotional support. Did he lose family members in the war?
>dated one Arab
>every other 300 million arabs are like him
there are fucked up people everywhere
He did lose a family member. He saw a lot of shit, and it is understandable he'd have major issues as a result. I did try a lot with him though. I held him when he cried, I listened to his problems, I told him it wasn't his fault, never judged him... But ultimately none of it helped. He refused help, he'd just drink and be high 24/7. Moreover he was quite manipulative and after he broke up with me he kept using his illness as an excuse and kept messing with me. I stopped talking to him after I found out he talked shit about me to my friends + he always wanted to bang a girl that friendzoned him, including when I was with him.
It just gets to the point that you realise you can't fix or save others. His brain is fried on drugs and all that can possibly help him is a psychologist at this point or something.
I probably sound super harsh but I can't keep sacrificing my time and mind to someone who can't even respect an ounce of it
Arab women for the most part have been very nice to me and I love them. But the cultural barriers between us are huge.
Fembots are probably also scared of the cultural factor and I cannot blame them.
Not saying they're all fucked in the head of course. But even if he was mentally stable I felt there was still too much of a cultural and religious gap. Like I said, I wouldn't mind an Arab of Christian background at least
The blacks have oil though
big nice smelly cocks
You have been kind to him, you did all you could. The guy just has issues that cannot be solved by just being kind. He needs a therapist. And its understandable considering what happened to him. But there is not much you could have done.
I am personally male, but I like the to be king
Can be hot but their religion is barbaric and cut dicks are disgusting.
Not an Arab but Middle Eastern here and honestly i feel like the region where my family is from the culture is not that different from certain parts of Europe. We have more in common with Europeans than say Arabs. It kinda sucks though because people expect Middle Easterners to act a certain way (hypermasculine basically), but if you don't they think its weird and treat you worse than a similar person who is say white. Kinda the same for blacks whi when they cant live up the stereotype of being hypermasculine they get treated worse than a similar person of another race.
What is your heritage? Go to Jow Forums, they love accepting different types of people as "white" for the fun of it.
Caucasian basically (as in from the Caucasus mountains). They don't view us as white and i dont really care about being white. I clearly look different and i get grouped as being Middle Eastern so people expect me to act like that, but i dont.
Honestly i think a good part of it is just me personally. Most people from the Caucasus region are still pretty extraverted and Chad. Im just not
Yeah, try having southern Italian heritage in you and having people see you as some exotic sideshow your whole life, some even go so far as to mistake you for being Arab and they don't shut up about it.
This issue has caused me a lot of grief lately and I almost lost my mind.
But what you described applies to pretty much all men except for your core milquetoast white males. White men are allowed to be effeminate twinks and they still get respected for it, the rest of men are not.
The expectations of masculinity are like a sword constantly at the back of your neck, you could say.
Holy fucking shit dude you are right on the money. I have experienced literally every single thing you said. My plan to fix this was to move back but after spending some time around muh own people i realize that isnt really gonna work. There is too much of a gap which is only made worse because im a robot as well.
Unless you're a white guy you're not allowed to not act hypermasculine or you'll be looked down on. I just want to be a normal guy man
Absolutely based and redpilled