What's so bad about being nice?

>be me
>simply polite to people just because
>even if I want them
>that makes me a "nice guy"
>and that's a bad, pathetic, beta thing to be

I'm at a loss, anons. It's not like I can't be tough when I ought to, but am I just supposed to approach the world like an asshole?

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All I can tell you is that it's a turn off for women. Does not mean you need to be an asshole to everyone, just to a woman that you want to be attracted to you.

It doesn't matter what you say or do. If you're an unattractive man and women perceive that you may be interested in them sexually or romantically, they'll always find a reason to say that you're an awful, shitty human being unworthy of basic kindness so they never have to confront the notion that they just don't like you because you're not fuckable.

Or if said woman like you then she will tell you that she loves you like a brother and that she never thought of you as a sexual being. That's even worse.

when they say "nice guy" they mean somebody who beneath the surface of politeness is actually a pretty hateful person

being polite to everyone doesnt make you nice. it makes you a pussy.

Being nice is only bad if you're doing it to mask a lack of strength. There's nothing fundamentally bad about it as long as you can be tough when the situation calls for it. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to hide insecurities of their own.

Just be nice. Try to be strong too, but even if you can't, there's no downside to being nice.

Oh yeah, and being nice doesn't mean doing what others want you to or not standing up to yourself. Niceness is treating people with the respect they deserve and avoiding conflict when there is no need or reason for it.
If you're doing something else then it's not niceness.

Because women have taken control of our society and they are inherently human beings. This wasn't a problem in patriarchal society.

Not whining. You just have to adapt. I did and I'm swimming in pussy now.

Inherently evil human beings.

I see it this way, I'm not a hippie, and I have genuine love and stuff in my heart, but bad things piss me off. I don't mean I have a bad temper, I mean things like news of an injustice get me riled up a bit. But I'm just inclined to be friendly to most people I know. There are exceptions, but I try not to dwell on them, because you shouldn't dwell on the past and all that jazz.

Is that an unlovable personality?

And can we block the fucking porn ads, please? my adblock somehow is invalid against it.

I'm pretty sure I basically do the positive example you posted. As I said, I can be defiant, authoritative, stubborn, sarcastic... I can be an asshole if I feel I ought to, I just try to be good to people until they prove me wrong, you know?

The real problem is in the definition of 'nice'. Nice Guy is a technical term for a guy who goes out of his way to be nice to a girl he likes and it almost always backfires and kills any potential attraction she might have had for him. Being nice, as has been said above, isn't in and of itself a bad thing. It's only bad if it kills attraction. Therefore, don't be a nice guy to women that you are attracted to. Be a bit of a dick but not too much as to be an asshole. But better to be an asshole than a nice guy. In the end though, if you are otherwise unattractive (short, fat, ugly, bad personality, pussy) then trying to be a confident dickish Chad will only come across as creepy. It really hinges on if you are attractive. If so then you can almost do no wrong. If not then you can almost do no right. Pretty big black pill to swallow but might as well do so now.

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How did you adapt, user?

I'm finding it hard to disagree with you. Damn. Well, for a start, I guess I could stop being so polite. Good and Nice are not really the same thing, anyway.

hell, if anything, I do it to mask strength, like spiderman or some shit. Not bodybuilder strength, per se, but I could have solved a lot of my problems in a straightforward fight back in school, if I really wanted to.

Be nice.
But only in a certain kind of way.
But don't be too nice.
But don't be an asshole.
But be kind of an asshole.
But not too much.
But don't be nice in an unattractive way.

You fucking people, I swear to god.

People who hate politeness and think you should be mean for no reason are people who were raised wrong. I had parents that raised me right.

This. I don't really feel all that much more enlightened yet. Just a little more open to being harmlessly rude. Honestly, looking for a girl when you're not a born and bred chad thundercock is like stumbling blind through a city in rush hour. I hear someone saying the light turned red, and that it's safe to cross, but are they talking about the street before me, or the one next to it? Were they just saying that to make me feel good, or get me killed? I don't fucking know, but I'm gonna keep at it. And not because "since I was nice to her, I deserve sex". Because if you like someone, it'd be pretty cool if they like you back, and that's a good place to start.

Don't give a fuck. Be like you want to be.
imo the beta thing to do is force yourself to behave a certain way out of fear of what others might think. I'm nice because I want to. No pussy ? Keep it, I don't want it. No reputation of being a cool guy ? 0 fucks given.
I still have the rep of a tough guy because I take no bullshit and never let someone yell at me without getting their shit slapped in. But even when people say I'm a savage or dumb for fighting dickheads I don't give a shit. Their opinion only matters in how THEY live THEIR life, it has 0 influence over mine.

And I don't know where you live, but being the most polite person around gained me only respect. Are you still in highschool or something ?

that's fucking sad.

t. insecure faggot


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High school, college; is there really a difference? The answer is college, since you asked. I'm not saying I'm typically disrespected. I just might have more respect than ever, and it's pretty great. But I want more, you know? People reciprocating politeness right back to me is a surface level thing and a shallow goal. It has it's place, but I've covered that base. People being genuinely friendly is something I've had a share of, and with good reason. Long story short, I'm trying to figure out women.

>and that's a bad, pathetic, beta thing to be.
No it isn't. Don't believe what you read on the internet. Cultured people do like nice guys. Some people say that women find nice guys pathetic, well...those women are trashbags then and don't deserve your niceness

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No, you aren't. Being nice is the best thing a man can be, as long as he has a spine.
Be kind, but don't be a doormat. That combo is optimal.

Popular perception of the words "hate" and "love" are so screwy these days. Even more so if you're on the leftwing in the West, and claim to have a monopoly on love.

All I can say is that they both have their place, in a wise, balanced, lucid mind. They're a time to let go of hate, and a healthy way to vent it. But to deny you ever were angry at someone and to just let your outrage fester is wrong. To refuse to get angry when you really should, when the only thing that you should refuse to do is lose complete control, is wrong as well.

It makes perfect sense to hate what threatens the object of your love. On an oversimplified level, at least.

that's what I've always aspired to be, concerning my approach to life as a whole, so I guess I'm in a pretty good spot.

No one can figure women out, just focus on yourself.

You can be nice without being a doormat. That's the key I think. Being a massive dick all the time isn't the answer either. Take care of the people who are important to you and yourself but be prepared to stand up for yourself and what you believe in.

I don't know about women. But respect isn't that hard to get, there are 2 main ways:
>the dishonest way
i don't know much about it, other than it involves a lot of lying and manipulating
i've seen it work but i'd say it's not reliable because it's easy to see through
>the honest way
work hard as fuck, become GOOD, stand up to bullshit, go out of your way to help others and apply the "teach a man how to fish" principle, be self confident AND admit it when you're wrong
don't demand respect, deserve it, and cut ties with anyone who doesn't respect you or makes you lose your time


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