Anyone else here have avpd?
Anyone else here have avpd?
the entire umbrella of personality disorders are just the polite medical way of diagnosing you with faggot syndrome
Multiple personality disorder here
no but i'm a sperg
no but i vape
Surprised this is original. I vape and feel like I have avpd but really I'm just a bipolar neet
i vape too
Not diagnosed if you are looking for that but yes.
First post besterest post
bpd, depression and anxiety
This, only unironically.
You have big gay, user.
I am diagnosed Bipolar type 1 but my testing for it was really shitty and I think I actually have bpd
I definitely have some of the symptoms. It's annoying, because people having positive opinions of me scares me to death and I run away for fear of eventual rejection.
yeah. ghosted all my friends, cross the streets to avoid people, go alternate paths to avoid bumping into aquaintances
Doesn't everybody do that last one?
>Looking up new places to live online
>"Which suburb do I know absolutely no one?"
What's the difference between social anxiety and avpd?
i have vaped {math}0{/math} times.
Avpd, BPD, aspie, possibly bipolar as my mum and sister have it
I never had a chance
Aliens Versus Predators: Destiny? yeah, I played it.
Social anxiety is something you consciously experience and can get better with exposure. With AvPD it's a subconscious personality feature and it never really gets better.