>Born into a conservative, catholic family
>Grew up, disgusted with gays most of my adolescence
>I remember it like it was just yesterday
>Watch a YouTube vid of some comedy skit. Suddenly two guys are fucking each other in the ass and making out
>Quickly shut off my computer
>However, I get a strange feeling inside
>I am rock fucking solid
>Little by little delve into hardcore gay porn
>I was 13
>24 now, crave cock like crazy but at the same deny my sexuality
>Cannot hook up with dudes cuz I am ashamed of myself
>Do not wanna hook up with chicks cuz I am a fag
>Destined to be a virgin forever
Any robots know this feel?
Born into a conservative, catholic family
Don't let other hateful people bring you down user! Love whoever you want and everyone else can get the fuck over it!
become a chick bro
How do I know whether I'm gay or not. Honest question?
Stop being so obsessed over your sexuality
Sexuality is a meme. You have sex to have children. Everything else is hedonism.
If you have to ask then youre gay
Q1: Do get sexually aroused by dudes?
Q2: Do you get sexually aroused by women?
If Q1 is true and Q2 is false, you are gay.
If Q1 is false and Q2 is true, you are straight.
If Q1 is true and Q2 is true, you are bi.
Why do homofags always post lewd anime girls instead of boys?
They're in denial.
>Do get sexually aroused by dudes?
Not generally. I can be if they are engaged in sexual acts and I am already turned on. I also get turned on by traps, but I don't think that counts.
>Do you get sexually aroused by women?
>I also get turned on by traps, but I don't think that counts.
Believe me, It does.
Fuck traps?
Unique comment.
This particular fag doesn't seem to be in denial about his homolust.
>denying yourself happiness to please a weird, sex obsessed interpretation of God
God doesn't care what you do in the privacy of your bedroom. It isn't some peeping tom looking in your window, making sure you're having sex in the approved ways. Most Christians break the laws they made for themselves during sex anyway. Do you know how many Christian women get sodomized on a daily basis? Putting a dick in your mouth is a form of sodomy. Fuck the Catholics, be you. God doesn't care who you're attracted to.
Your right. Maybe its cuz they feel like or want to be girls.
If Q1 and Q2 are true you are a fag.
This is the gayest thing that I've seen on this site...but this user is Right.
Christians trigger me to no end. I can withstand stupidity of any kind but when you have someone so blatantly hypocrticial and trying to enforce laws on you that they themselves gladly break it just makes me livid. I think it's why I hate conservatives in general so much. How am I supposed to interpret it other than you are absolutely done with being a human being of any kind and you just want what you want at the cost of everyone else? And tomorrow you're gonna turn around and redefine things again and again. I genuinely feel they all need a bullet in their head or worse.
because it's just a way to trick horny non-gays
And losers will be likely to ERP with them
it's just trickery
go to san fransicko and "explore" yourself there. you'll end up pozzed and taking whatever meds to not let it kill you eventually but it's the ride that counts
>I'm homose...
Stay in your fucking containment board, that's a feel I know.
Well im sorry you need to feel this cognitive dissonance, i hope one day you can truly accept yourself for who you are
What makes you think that's a girl?
>be catholic and conservative, raised by catholic conservatives
>far from pro LGBT
>still disgusted by it
repent, you fucking homo
Why do you hate homofags, user?
yeah but where's the sauce
It looks like Elsa from Frozen
Why don't you just enter a normal romantic relationship with a man then? You don't have to be a flaming sissylalaman fag to be gay, just treat the relationship like you would if it were normal.
honestly, straight and gay are antiquated terms for the type of fuckery currently possible. just look at this
what do you call someone attracted to that?
That's where you're wrong, the only terms you need are straight, gay and bi. Bi can be a spectrum but straight and gay are black and white. If you like "traps" that puts you out of the straight category, and into the bi category. That said, if you only like traps and not any other variation of male you are on the lighter side of the bi spectrum.
you're probably just bi. literally nothing wrong with it. ignore the incels. fuck whoever you want to.
become a priest ad you can diddle with kids then
>Why don't you just enter a normal romantic relationship with a man then
>meet gays
>come out
>meet people
>come out
On that note, maybe OP should trying Discord ERPs and cybering on places like Omegle to get more comfortable with himself before diving into gay sex/relationships IRL.
true, but where do we put people who can only get aroused by inanimate objects and just self pleasure?
The thing is, sometimes when I see some men, very rarely, I like what I see, but, at the same time, I wouldn't consider having sex with them. Also, when I go through some days of nofap and get really sexually desperate, I start naturally looking at every woman roughly my age that's around me, but at none of the dudes. I also only ever feel the need to look at porn involving women.
I don't get it. Am I just a bi with a really big preference towards women?