i'll help you all out =^)
i'll help you all out =^)
Im studying rn but Id rather be doing other things, so I guess I feel creatively frustrated
what other things?
Programming, Im trying to make a productive GUI for my video game engine (Im not sure if productive GUI is the right term, I mean like the actual program that people use to make games using your engine, I wish I knew the exact terminology)
Also I found this song earlier and I really like it m.youtube.com
so are you studying comp sci?
and you mean something like this:
Majoring in comp sci, currently studying discrete math because ive got an exam tomorrow morning and I havent shown up for class in over a week
>you mean something like this
Yeah, kinda, I was trying to think of a word that specifically separates the engine from the software that developers use to work with it, but it often just gets generalized as engine
hmmm interesting
did you take a stimulant? that helps. even caffeine
I dont really believe in taking mind-altering substances as a means of productivity
And I quit soda
And I hate coffee
I fucked up today. I'm a faplet. I don't want to be a faplet. What do mr bartender?
i have a bag of caffeine powder
caffeine isn't even bad for you
>Coffee drinkers have a lower incidence of thyroid disease, including cancer, thannon-drinkers.
>Caffeine protects the liver from alcohol and acetaminophen (Tylenol) and other toxins, and coffee drinkers are less likely than people who don't use coffee to have elevated serum enzymes and other indications of liver damage.
>Caffeine protects against cancer caused by radiation, chemical carcinogens, viruses, and estrogens.
>Caffeine synergizes with progesterone, and increases its concentration in blood and tissues.
>Cystic breast disease is not caused by caffeine, in fact caffeine's effects are likely to be protective; a variety of studies show that coffee, tea, and caffeine are protective against breast cancer.
>Coffee provides very significant quantities of magnesium, as well as other nutrients including vitamin B1.
>Caffeine "improves efficiency of fuel use" and performance: JC Wagner 1989.
>Coffee drinkers have a low incidence of suicide.
>Caffeine supports serotonin uptake in nerves, and inhibits blood platelet aggregation.
>Coffee drinkers have been found to have lower cadmium in tissues; coffee making removes heavy metals from water.
>Coffee inhibits iron absorption if taken with meals, helping to prevent iron overload.
>Caffeine, like niacin, inhibits apoptosis, protecting against stress-induced cell death, without interfering with normal cell turnover.
>Caffeine can prevent nerve cell death.
>Coffee (or caffeine) prevents Parkinson's Disease (Ross, et al., 2000).
>The prenatal growth retardation that can be caused by feeding large amounts of caffeine is prevented by supplementing the diet with sugar.
>Caffeine stops production of free radicals by inhibiting xanthine oxidase, an important factor in tissue stress.
>Caffeine lowers serum potassium following exercise; stabilizes platelets, reducing thromboxane production.
you failed nofap?
i haven't even noticed a benefit. it's probably mostly placebo. you'll be fine =^)
Found out two days ago that my application to the military has been denied because of a peanut allergy.
Military was my plan to get my life sorted. Do my mandatory 3 years, get out and train to become a firefighter. Now I'm screwed.
Can't go to college or university cause I'm broke. Everything seems pointless now.
I didnt say I thought it was bad for you, I just dont think its a good idea from a moral standpoint
I refused ADHD medication as a kid for the same reason
>I just dont think its a good idea from a moral standpoint
what is immoral about consuming caffeine?
what about consuming vitamin B1 for energy, is that immoral?
have you tried programming, web development?
I haven't considered it at all really, I tried a programing class in highschool wasn't to great at it but wasn't horrible. I wouldn't even know where to start.
All I want is an intimate relationship with a nice girl in college. I don't care for sex, I just want to cuddle w/her, kiss, sit under the stars, and be together with an equal.
I don't think I'm ugly and I've been kissed/had girlfriends and I'm still a virgin for personal reasons.
I don't know what to do. I don't live on campus due to health reasons so it's hard.
Caffine is so deeply ingrained in society that its weird to say it but its the exact same principle: if you want to consume it because it makes you feel good or whatever, then fine, but consumption for the sake of getting more out of your own body is aggrogant. You should learn to be happy with yourself, including you shortcomings, and not try and change through the use of chemicals. I dont need your caffine, im doing just fine without it tyvm
My mom got implants again and it makes me uncomfortable when she walks around topless
try w3schools.com
it's super easy
html and css arent even programming
Lmao, I cant type for shit
why though?
did you read
> Caffeine: A vitamin-like nutrient, or adaptogen
> raypeat.com
lots of reasons to consume it. don't you know there are drugs in all sorts of foods? even potatoes have nicotine
there are 'chemicals' in every food, nothing wrong with consuming caffeine, really. in fact, there's a plethora of benefits. that's why it's so "deeply ingrained in society"
i was just suggesting it for focus
pics or it didn't happen, loser
you have to go to social events, maybe join a club
i didn't
the song is nice, thanks
i just want it all to end. since its all so tiresome and shit
Im sure there are plenty of benefits to caffine, but that doesnt change my opinion
>there are drugs in all sorts of foods
But the difference is that I dont go and find a poppyseed bagel every time I have to focus
ikr? I wish it was longer
>"Hey mom do me a favour and pose for a second. People on the internet don't believe me"
Yeah I'll get right on that
want gf to snuggle with it's just hard to find non-normie women
I just wish tomorrow goes well and the next week will be at least as cute as the previous one. :3
i know and i understand
Not going to say it get's better because that's not true. It ll be always like this, but you wont.
i started guitar. Just for my self and im not about getting good, i just 'play' sometimes for hours till my fingers feel like bleeding and the feeling gets acceptable, in a numb way
I'm afraid of asking a girl out because she's the only girl in my entire life that somehow gives me the impression to like me back. If she rejects me I don't know if I could go on
I had a date yesterday with this cute Chinese girl, it went pretty well and she even agreed to come over next week for pizza and movie night. However shes being distant today which she wasnt before and its really fucking bothering me. Am I the one being irrational here or does this sound strange?
I literally just want to give up on dating, its so tiresome and stressful but Im not getting any younger and I feel like Id never find anyone outside of the internet since Im basically a shut in. Shits depressing man
what do u like to do for fun
The common problem here. I'm just a shitty person with no ambitions. I'm studying and even made friends but it all seems so pointless. I don't know why I do the things I do and in the end because of this feeling all I do is lay in bed all day hating myself
1. find an activity you want to do (concert, event, maybe even a movie)
2. ask her (text/message is fine) "hey anonette, i'm going to _____ on friday, want to come along? it'll be fun"
3. if she says no, assume it's because she's busy (she will have some dumb excuse anyway) and either go anyway or don't, doesn't matter
4. if she says yes, keep your penis in your pants and go with her, just trying to have fun. don't make sex the goal
well finally a person who doesnt respond with the typical bullshit. but to be honest nothing helps
If you let her know that you feel that way, she wont reject you; girls crave affection just like you do
Bartender no. 2 here
don't think too much about it, she might be having a bad day or something. you won't know until the pizza night
also, never have a oneitis. always have other girls to talk to, even if it's just some online bitch that sends butt pics
>Id never find anyone outside of the internet since Im basically a shut in. Shits depressing man
do you have any hobbies or interests that could involve being around other people, or leaving the house?
have u tried taking zinc? fapping depletes zinc
>Zinc deficiency may affect up to 2 billion people worldwide.[3]
>Cognitive functions, such as learning and hedonic tone, are impaired with zinc deficiency.[3][24] Moderate and more severe zinc deficiencies are associated with behavioral abnormalities, such as irritability, lethargy, and depression (e.g., involving anhedonia).[25] Zinc supplementation produces a rapid and dramatic improvement in hedonic tone (i.e., general level of happiness or pleasure) under these circumstances.[25] Zinc supplementation has been reported to improve symptoms of ADHD and depression.[3][26][27]It has been reported that dietary zinc deficiency may predispose individuals to Autism spectrum disorder. [28]
Zink is not the solution to your problems
I think I'm mentally going crazy, but I'm too anxious/scared to go to therapy. I think about going every single day but I just keep overthinking what I'll say, not say, hide, and if I do hide stuff how long can I keep it up, etc. Tried to kms a couple of times, do I even want them to know that?
>I think I'm mentally going crazy, but I'm too anxious/scared to go to therapy. I think about going every single day but I just keep overthinking what I'll say, not say, hide, and if I do hide stuff how long can I keep it up, etc.
bro take a chill pill (xanax)
they can prescribe you such things.
also, going to a doctor is really low stress, they won't be mean
>Tried to kms a couple of times, do I even want them to know that?
nah don't tell them that. just say you're super depressed and everything feels pointless. say you wouldn't kill yourself because of your parents or something
This girl from my class, we are friends and I really like her. Now last week we went out with the student federation (don't know how that is in English but it's studentenkring in Dutch) we are both in, and she was there too. All night we were together, whenever she went to another part of the floor she asked me with her, had a drink with our arms hooked into eachother etc. At that point I was certain she liked me back and after a good time and a hug we both went home. Nex day I sent her a message saying it was fun that night, but she hasn't replied and only marked it as read a day after I sent it (during which she read other group chats so I know she was online). Then she marked as read, but still didn't respond. After that the weekend began so I haven't seen her since. Why does she act this way?
>student federation
I believe thatd be student counsel
Give her some time, she might be busy
We do have an important test tomorrow, but would she really put off replying to a message for half a friday and a weekend?
i want to find a job to do 2-3 days a week at most that isn't some fast food or retail death hell. I'm bored and I just want to do something that many days a week, and having a little bit of pocket money is pretty nice, but I can't find shit to do. I do online surveys and barely make anything, and I already know I'm not up to mturk standards.
Quick question, are you the OP who posted the frog and feels tavern thread that night I burnt my springroll? Also, I had a lot of wine on Friday. I was a bit sad because my friend didn't show up to a gig I played that I invited her to...
Its obvious a relationship is forming, she might want to wait until after the test
I went on my first date this afternoon and I was nervous it was going to go badly, but it ended up going really well. It lasted about 3 hours, we held hands for most of it, I got a little kiss at the end from her and she wants to go out again some time.
Pic related.
>bro take a chill pill (xanax)
Haven't taken xanax before. I guess i'll try
>nah don't tell them that. just say you're super depressed and everything feels pointless. say you wouldn't kill yourself because of your parents or something
Why? Is it a bad thing if they know?
>Coworker starts hitting on me, haven't been in a relationship since my teens, fall for it
>Eventually end up getting drunk together and fuck her
>She goes cold and says she doesn't want to commit because she misses her ex
>keeps messaging me every day and still flirts with me
>tell her to fuck off with that
>tells me she never liked me anyway and I was just an easy fuck
No solution to this feel, still feels bad.
You for real? Damn I was down all weekend lol. But thx.
Do you think it'd be a good idea to approach her tomorrow and ask her about it? Or ask her something else?
something which helped me or helped realizing alot was taking a job, that forced me into daily contact with many different persons. I was rly afraid and told myself constantly i've nothing to loose. At all. And it turned out fine, sometimes fun even. main thing to take away is that i may be shut in, don't have that witty response to some comments and thats fine. im at ground bottom. Every time someone laughs at my joke its a win and if not nothings lost. Sure i feel like a dipshit then but i'll get over it though the day. And i realized most people are like that, saying dumb shit no one gets.
the golden times are then i get complemented how nice i am. was a high the first time
Keep in mind that for the most part i see the same person once a week/month, so its alot easier to be funny and learning to smalltalk
Approach her if you can, but dont bring up the text, just ask her how her weekend was
freelance web design
so what helped you was wageslavery?
not worth it desu. also it seems that your problems mostly reside wth socialising. i for one dont care about that i rather care about this meaningless grind through days with no end in sight
My retard brain cannot understand intermediate SQL statements and I want to kill myself.
I simply cannot translate what I need done into the SQL language.
"Select the teacher's name, surname and ID and show how many students each one of them has"
Why can't it just be
SELECT idteacher, name, surname FROM teachers
SELECT count(ID) FROM students;
No, it has to be something like:
SELECT Count(students.ID) AS student_per_teacher, teachers.idteacher, teachers.name, teachers.surname
FROM students INNER JOIN teachers ON students.tutor = teachers.idteacher
GROUP BY teachers.idteachers, teachers.Name, teachers.surname;
Why couldn't I just like accounting, law, or something that didn't require thinking like a fucking machine with a rigid structure?
Aight, thanks man. I really hope she was just studying. Good luck in helping the rest of the people here!
>Is it a bad thing if they know?
yep, it's literally the worst thing you can tell a doctor with 1 exception: that you want to kill other people
use your brain. euthanasia isn't even legal!
I have a kitty! He is very handsome!
you dodged a bullet, and also got coitus in the process
why would you feel bad about that?
Lol I barely did anything, try not to let your imagination run away like that in the future
practice over and over and over again
don't forget to sleep -- shit gets real hard if you're sleep deprived
if you don't get it after practicing daily for 2 weeks, you're just a brainlet
that's a problem i see at the horizon but not bothered with right now
or dont want to be bothered
ok i dont even like to think about it, now you got me into it again damn
I always knew it was stupid to say but not why. What can they even do about it? Prescribe me some weird shit? Put me in an insane asylum?
i am truly sorry but indeed this is the meaningless hell i live in since many years
Sleepy kitty
I cant get up now
The past couple weeks have been great man. Gonna graduate soon, jobs looking up, holidays with the family. We are all gonna make it
nothing to be sorry about i wouldn't have been able to suppress it
i just wonder how everybody is dealing with this. aren't they thinking about it? the retarded talks about sports every time i hear colleges i have the urge to punch something preferably their heads and ask if they have nothin gelse to worry about, are that shallow
Do you have goals? Or did have
this so much i hate when normalfaggots do it . desu i think they might be that ignorant
As for goals i did but i will most likely never achieve them since they are ridicolous but even if i did they wouldnt matter in the long run
>Put me in an insane asylum?
something like that, temporarily. also take away your rights
basically, if the doctor feels like it, he can declare you legally a child
Can't trust absolutely anyone. Will never experience someone understanding me on a deeper level.
Im going to go for a drive today and have lunch in a park I found on google maps that is about 40 minutes away. The park is by the riverside
I got some things to think about
Do you think this is a good idea?
if ti makes you feel better the military fucking sucks, ill take civilian life any day of the week - former US Army soldier
>Can't trust absolutely anyone
get a dog
>Will never experience someone understanding me on a deeper level.
yeah, do it faggot
originally PENIS
I am weeks away from having spend nearly half a decade for a shitty scrap of paper and am still khhv with only 1 friend living a state away to add. I'm not very happy yet somehow I never seem to get too depressed. Maybe because I indulge in so much escapism.
>get a dog
I think I have an allergy towards animal fur (not confirmed), but most times I have spent some time with either a dog or a cat, I've had this itchy feeling on my hands afterwards for a while. Love the idea of having a pet, yet I'm afraid I'd also be too irresponsible for one.
Because I can't trust anyone to open up to them and actually explain what's going on or what I truly feel / think.
Damn, not gonna lie that makes me feel kinda bad that I can never tell anyone about it and will die being the only person that knows what I've been trough. Thanks for the advice though.
I just feel like I've been used. Was kind of longing for any kind of meaningful relationship since I've been alone and friendless the last 4 years.
>actually explain what's going on or what I truly feel / think.
try doing that here =)
>brother is mad that I drank some of his liquor even though he uses my car all the time and keeps taking my ps4 into his room
>parents always take his side in an argument
>he's a 39 year old failed normie with a daughter he barely takes care of
>dumps all the responsibility of taking care of her on our parents
>he was a meth addict at one point
>he has had to be bailed out of jail a couple times
>constantly borrowing money from parents and blowing it on electronic slot machine at the convenience store and energy drinks
I'm a 27 year old neet so I'm not much better but still. He seems to think that what's mine is his and then wants to get all mad about it when I go drink a bit of his liquor. Parents are no help, poor old brother can do no wrong and gets every little thing his heart desires from them. Besides being a neet failure I've never been in trouble, never been a drug addict, and never ask for anything. I'm sick and tired of his entitled attitude and sick and tired of the favoritism. We only have two vehicles. My car and my dad's truck. I'm just about ready to go slash my tires and beat my car key with a hammer until it's bent all to shit. Hell, I'd even break my PS4 too. Won't nobody be able to fucking use them then.
>I've been used
you were used as a dildo, whereas most of Jow Forums can't even get that far. consider yourself blessed
>Was kind of longing for any kind of meaningful relationship
that girl wasn't worth it, clearly
>I've been alone and friendless the last 4 years.
ill be ur friend
my kik is 'weaslethorpe'
you just told us though
>try doing that here
I can try, but I'm a degenerate so be open-minded.
Basically, I'm pretty sure I just want to be loved and feel love as well.
I don't remember my parents, or anyone, really, asking me what I truly liked and/or enjoyed since I was 10. When parents asked 'how was school?', I responded with 'boring', and they just left it at that. They didn't care to ask anything more. They were just happy as long as I got 4-5s (5 is highest, 4 is second highest mark) on my report(?) and let me stay on the PC.
Over time I got lonelier and lonelier. At the age of 13 we moved, and I had no friends. I'm not the most attractive and I ended up in a class of brainlets, so they called me a geek and made fun of my appearance just for getting decent marks. I was kinda isolated for a while, and while I did have gaming friends, I never truly had a true best friend whom I could open up to.
Around when I was 15, I randomly discovered anime. I immediately became obsessed and wasted my high school years being a quasi-weeb. At around the age of 18 I discovered weeb game and novels, and I started consuming these as well.
At the age of 19 I was in mandatory military training for a while, where I realized I'm a degenerate. All this time I had blamed my parents and other people. Saying we were poor and it's all their fault I didn't socialize. You see, I was afraid of asking parents for money for trips etc. since I knew they wouldn't have any. We weren't 'no food' poor, but 'one set of clothes a year' poor.
Around at the age of 20 I tried to consult with my closest friend. He didn't even try to understand and gave a vague reply. I tried once again a few months later, only to fail yet again.
This has led me to believe that I'm just a number. Someone to fill in the space at a drinking party, so there would seem more people. Someone to play games with since I'm somewhat decent at them.
And now, here I am. Nobody cares, nobody did and they never will.
Been friends with a girl for almost a year now, will say she loves me with her friend but I just think its a friendly love.
I make her laugh and smile and she isn't afraid to show emotions to me.
I am obviously not as good looking as she is, she's like a 9.5/10 and I'm a 7/10. Should I try to get with her or just stay friends?
I'm irritated. Had a girl cancel on hanging out with me twice before this week and now some new bullshit has cropped up that makes me think she's going to do so again when today was perfect since both our schedules were free.
>1st cancel: Wednesday
Too nervous/Messy room
>2nd cancel: Thursday
Her friend's car is busted
>Today: Sunday
Now her car is busted; last word from her was almost five hours ago
It's been nearly a week since she initially got in touch asking if I wanted to hang out with a movie at her place and I can't even get consistent feedback. All these womanisms (lack of communication, stupid bullshit problems out of nowhere, ignoring alternatives) and cancellations are grinding down my patience.
This girl that friendzoned me invited me to her birthday dinner. Should I go? Her family will be there, which is kind of weird.
Had a long shift and got back. Want to have a long night of study and reading material that interests oneself, all the same my legs are feeling very painful right now (being on my feet all the time). Know any means to help alleviate the pain? That aside, supremely comfy, trying hard to force myself back into long-nights. I don't know how much I can concentrate right now though. Guess I'll roll with it anyhow. Need a freaking massage.
i was hanging out with my brother and idly doing the shit i normally do when i get up, but when i checked ao3 like normal one of the lewd fanfictions i follow updated. i hope he didn't see the fucking tags on it.
same for me. my goal is fairly expensive and time consuming and even if i manage the money there's no time because wageslaving for the fucking money.
exploring still is something i enjoy. i started with running every path in the nearest forrest and halting whenever i felt like. It puts me in an empty mood and is the closest i can imagine myself to zen or fulfilment. but the forrest is small and i despise the town so i stopped. thanks i nearly forgot, will start again. i just hope it won't wear off like other things
Thinking of taking up smoking and drinking booze again soon. Literally have nothing going on within my life
I fucking hate my parents' dog
he barks and whines for no reason almost constantly
he's the reason my cat won't come upstairs anymore
he loves to rip things up and piss on the floor and then viciously barks if I intervene
he also viciously barks at me whenever my mom is around, and now they think I'm abusing him
my parents baby-talk him almost constantly, which is even more obnoxious than the barking
he's an insufferable little shit
ask he if she wants to go with you somewhere, act like you're gonna do it anyway
put dog outside sir
Rub your legs with french brandy (not sure if correct translation), yes take the bottle its on me
Not OP, i'm the bartender from across the street
I have dull leg pains as well from work. I really recommend hot baths and buying some CBD oil drops. Both help calm any muscle tension
it's 36F outside