your thoughts on this image and its message?
Your thoughts on this image and its message?
Is this
The message is insane. Virginity simply means you did not have sex, nothing else.
That pale hairless boi REALLY wants some dick.
how the fuck are you going to be a living human being and not have sex
insanity pouring out of your ears
>be ugly as fuck
>pay $500 to fuck a hooker and get herpes
>this means you're not mentally ill
>how the fuck are you going to be a living human being and not have sex
Why do you need to be fixated on sex of all things?
virgins so deep in the hole they have to suppress the urge to procreate and normalize their neurosis to not want to kill themselves in every waking moment
Which brings up the question if you might be mentally ill.
is a baby human. it never had sex so it's probably not even alive, right? because all other living things reproduce. yet you can kill a baby and it's even a crime
oh no no no no
>what if the non-virgins are mentally ill...
I was refering to the fact that you assume that virgins have an urge to off themselves for not having sex. How do priests for example deal with this?
cool story dude
by being priests dipshit. the faith is the defense mechanism, inoculating them from the trauma of not being chad
>i can't fuck girls, it's ok, there's a god and he thinks this is holy
I like that watch desu
cringe and incelpilled
Did Freud say that? Cool
Anyone can live without sex, so its not a need.
The person who wrote and agrees with the message is the insane one, for overthinking the subject with abstract defenitions and coming up with this image.
based and chaoticpilled
You cracked the code but how did you find me
recognized the image and did a da search
rent free neigga