R9k mixtape

Resident r9k rapper here again. The release of the second Robot Music mixtape is coming up, I'm still looking for people to create a cover for the album so check out my channel to find the video addressing that. Also I just dropped the latest song that's gonna be on the mixtape so check that out, and I'm always open to suggestions so let me know what you think. I'M HERE ALL DAY!


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Im glad you are putting your emotions into something more constructive but this is awful

Thank you, I'll do better next time.

Weirdest shit have seen here, more weird than furry traps pedo shit. ahaha but keep doing that it's really cool and funny

>furry traps pedo shit

I have songs for that too

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lol i follow you on twitter
this sounds awesome

What's your story op?
What inspired you start rapping about r9k?
What do your parents think?

bless u chad marco

Keep it up I love your songs

It all started with one of those "Hey user, drop some bars" threads, you know the ones with the Dr dre/jay z picture. People were posting their robot bars, and me being your typical souncloud rapper, I decided to rap them on vocaroo, and everyone was entertained by that. Then someone posted an entire song, which I made a beat for, rapped the lyrics and turned it into Chad Thundercock then uploaded it to youtube, and the rest is history. Since I'm a weirdo loser fuck up virgin like most people here, I can write songs that robots can relate to and people appreciate it.

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Uh, yo, it's the cuck master
Tighter rhymes than your average street rapper
Ten times tighter than your average street brapper
Tried to get Jow Forums, but who would've guessed, it didn't matter
Now I'm back to being depressed, and being an every day fapper

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>robot rap
we've reached peak trap. this is going to be the next big sub genre of rap, screencap this

Not really into music so i might be wrong but the instrumental seems empty like theres something missing

Are you laughing at me or with me?

I was hoping you were laughing at me.

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Hey, Chad. Love your shit. Keep up the good work, brobot.

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Bumping for the best chan rapper the world has ever known
you should sample something from welcome to the nhk

you are the only good nigger i know.

Not bad but I remember "lil black dick" being better.

Well you can't expect me to top lil black dick, that was a deep feel.

I love you Chad Marco