Tens of billions of farmed animals unnecessarily tortured and killed every year and you pay for it

>tens of billions of farmed animals unnecessarily tortured and killed every year and you pay for it
Nobody gives a shit.

>some fuck taunts a baboon in pain for fun
Everybody loses their minds.



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Other urls found in this thread:


That baboon looks ready to sink his fangs into that nog's neck

There's nothing to explain.
Some animals are food some aren't.

>pigskin puts pigs in disgusting conditions and borderline tortures them
Nothing happens I guess

>this happens in situation x
>this happens in situation y

There's nothing to explain, it's been like this for aeons. Are you like 12 years old or something if you haven't thought of this until now?

People only feel and start caring when they see the abuse recorded
Like when Jow Forums became bleeding hearts after the Joy Lane thing but joke about black on black crime 24/7

It's a fucking baboon it could have killed this guy..

>gurdur life isn't fair and consistent

Congratulations Sherlock

Whites know well enough to not publicize their murders. This is why you only find hidden footage of the slaughter line.

There's a clear difference between growing domesticated cow and ego boosting your pathetic self next to a dying baboon on social media.

Honestly, if you don't understand the difference, you're a fucking moron. We can reduce animal cruelty some day. Maybe stop feeding your daughter chicken nuggets and stop pleasuring yourself to the thought of eating another burger.

>appeals to tradition
>asks me if I'm a 12 years old

Imagine being the type of shit to defend someone like this. Who cares what happens to him, so long as it causes him to suffer the same as that creature. We don't need more sadistic african trash.

Oh so you did know, then you shouldn't have bothered in the first place.

who cares the cow is going to get slaughter anyway, we need it for food

on the other hand an innocent monkey tortured for pleasure is really bad and people doing that should go to jail

You don't "need" the cow with prion disease for food, you "need" it for your $30 meal at Outback Steakhouse.

you dont "need" the spinach with e.coli for food, you "need" it to show off how humane and cultured you are on the internet that you dont eat meat

Oh, I eat meat, I just don't moralize it like a caveman larping nigger faggot.

Which one is the baboon?

But we don't need it for food, we can eat whole grains, legumes (for protein), fruits and vegetables.
We can be healthy without eating animals.

he didn't moralize it, he said it has a purpose i.e. keeping people fed

thats called utiltarianism kid

kind of a big word for you i know

pretty sure implying it's ok to raise animals in shitty conditions and feed their diseased meat to neopeasants but making fun of the baboon is not, is moralizing

because those animals are used to feed people

it dont matter how shitty they get treated

and if the nigger slaughtered the baboon and ate it (which they also do sometimes), it wouldnt matter either

that called not wasting resources, theres no morals behind that, just logic

>it dont matter how shitty they get treated
It uh dont matter none dat da cows take antibiotics uhh

what the fuck are you even trying to say now, antibiotics are bad or something

everything they do is for profit margins

you were the moral faggot all along you retard

Baboons are fucking turbo aggressive asshole apes. Fuck these things

>you were the moral faggot all along you retard
no, you're a moralfag

Pretty sure he meant that one has a practical purpose while the other didn't.

Yea don't give sick animals any medical treatment, right, well done.

Duhhh they give them antibiotics so they don't get sick from living in 2ft of their own feces brainlet. It's the living conditions and eating their own species' brain material that cause the illness you drooling larping mongoloid.

Still, humans somehow manage to be worse.

>these moral fags
If you care about cows so much just eat Australian beef. Our cows are the best treated in the world.

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Yea because that's applicable to all and not just some cherry picked murifat examples for some peta documentary. Meanwhile in the civilized world they tend to use antibiotics to treat animals for fever, injuries and infections.

I hate that people actually think like this, infuriating.

>we need it for food
We don't though, nobody NEEDS meat. Technically you don't even need dairy or eggs either, cows are raped and their babies killed so people can have milk.

This is fine, if the animals are not literally diseased from malnutrition and nightmare living conditions then the ball goes back into the vegan's court, but to say that everyone deserves to have their 3 diseased onions-fed steak dinners a night because muh cavemen did it is potato levels of stupid.

Good thing no one said that then.

Yeah, they didn't have to, it's already implied when someone jumps to defend their precious disgusting cavemeat larp at the first sign of opportunity.

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i literally just said i dont give a fuck how they get treated as long as they can serve a purpose

tell me in what fucking mindset is that moralfaggotry you dumb aussie retard

Its this kind of thinking that makes me want to murder and eat people. Evem feed them to their famalies in the form of something inconspicuous like a hamburger or bolognese. Not because its right but to be the living example of why thats wrong. If some animals are just food amd should accept it then what happens when we're just food? Would you accept it? Probably not. Its just a part of egotistical thinking. All living beings are living beings the same as us. Though we may consider many types of beings to be significantly below us, there are many beings that consider us far below them too. Do unto those small beings what you would want large beings to do to you. Act in the way that benefits all, not just for others (both known and unknown) but also for yourself.

The blood is not my hands

Get the fuck out, every alternative to animal protein is inferior to the real thing. Even "true" herbivores will sometimes eat animals for a fat and protein boost, so why wouldn't omnivorous apes like us do the same? We owe our intelligence to consumption of meat.
The only thing I take exception to is the waste in the food industry, bevause I realize how many tons of food go wasted in the lengthy chain from mass breeding to reaching the slab of the butcher. But rather than give up completely on it, I prefer to develop healthier and less wasteful eating habits myself. If I was a wealthy boomer I'd retire on the mountains, get a hunting permit and eat my kills.

>vegans are all mentally unstable effeminate retards

does this surprise anyone

You can eat just fresh eggs and wild caught fish and probably be healthier than you ever would be eating any red meat at all.
> If I was a wealthy boomer I'd retire on the mountains, get a hunting permit and eat my kills.
I've considered that people who eat red meat should be forced to do this, if they can't kill it themselves why should they deserve to buy it from the supermarket when they've never killed anything in their lives?

>Do unto those small beings what you would want large beings to do to you.
Miss me with that shit, there's nothing bigger than us when we have our pack and our weapons and our tactics and strategies.
We're just top dog in this world, so we'll hunt and kill whatever we please, as any other animal would if they had the ability. At least until we manage to irreversibly fuck it up for ourselves, at which I guess the cockroach people of year 150,000 AD will have a good laugh.

The difference lies in awareness. Lets assume there existed an alien species that was more intelligent and technologically superior to us. Around the world every year, tens of thousands of people go missing, what if these people have in fact been hunted and put out by these aliens, maybe because they like to eat us and perhaps they're extra interested in humans with tattoos because it makes such a nice skin-carpet or something. Then yeah, it's acceptable, we wouldn't get what's going on and we wouldn't have a chance anyway. Just like your old sick pet dog has nada idea what's going to happen when you have to put it out or whatever.

>Do unto those small beings what you would want large beings to do to you.

Every time you move you're crushing like grahams number amount of mites living on your body, maybe you should consider jumping under a moving truck with that logic.

>We're just top dog in this world
>he says, wheezing, as he carries his pork chops from his car to his fridge

>that car that could also kill 95% of living species

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The same goes for a lot of other shit in our society.
>If you can't build a house yourself why should you deserve to live in one?
>If you can't handle yourself in a fight or protect your belongings why should you deserve police protection?
Society is set up in such a way that everyone finds their niche. As long as you are working, you are providing or creating something of benefit to a lot of other people, and you in turn benefit from other people's work too. Killing prey is no different; even in some animal societies, hunters hunt, foragers forage, nurturers nurture etc.

Where I live you drive 20 minutes out of town and see thousands of cows free roaming and living exactly as they would in the wild except no predators will eat their babies... yet people still say we mistreat animals lol. It's funny how chinks don't understand the energy pyramid and eat dog who yield less meat and consume more energy because their cities are full of garbage lol. They also think rhino horn makes them super heros but how dare white people humanely herd animals without slitting their throats to bleed out or think suffering makes them taste better. Any way you put it White people are more humane by every metric... I mean there's a reason there are no nigger/chink ecologists lol. There's a reason i nthe Aquarium hobby there is a stereotype of an old chinese man who keeps 10 koi in a 15 gallon tank lol. They only have life span of a few months chin ching ching chong.

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>muh K/D ratio

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>the cockroach people of year 150,000 AD


>1v1 me teeth only faggot

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>he's this mad over cows
Don't be mad senpai we're just nice people that's why we treat our cows so well.

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You are right, I personally could not take on a deer and kill it, I don't even know how to fire a gun.
But I'm part of a multi-strata society that makes sure that I can render some valuable service to, or pay, someone that will do it for me.
As I said there's nothing wrong with members of a society specializing and dividing tasks. I can't hunt, but I can do other valuable shit so the hunters will keep me alive and we'll both benefit.

>ITT: peabrains
Third post in and it's already a race war

That's how you think they get the meat huh? "hunting" cows who have not seen the light of the sun?

Lol I just said some animals are food and other are not and that's your answer? You sound worst than the people who torture these animals you sick fuck.

>heh im gonna pretend to be smug because i said something stupid

you lost again aussie
just like the emu wars

It was just rhetoric, you thumb-thumper autist
Handlers, then. Breeders. Call them however the fuck you want, they are still the people I'm thankful to for turning a living being into my ribs dinner.

vegans are all like that and literally insane

they're too effeminate to actually do anything except have fantasies about murdering people tho

>Call them however the fuck you want
I'll just call you both sick stupid knuckle dragging assholes who suck corporate dick.

I'd like to see one of those peta faggots spend some time with a wild baboon.

Baboons are literally the niggers of the animal kingdom.

>baboons are monkeys
>apes are monkeys
>humans are monkeys
>monkeys are niggers

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>posts on r9k
>is such a pussy he can't even hunt his own meat (female herbivore animals full of estrogen)

Cows are the nicest animal on earth, they want to harm nothing, literally too good for this world. I'd be fine if it was an animal I find annoying like dogs.

>the eternal projecting vegan

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Apes are not considered monkeys though, different family. All apes are considered hominids and no monkeys are.

sopa de macaco.....

uma delicia

>Expects retards who's logic transcends idiocy to know anything
Oh boy

>t. selfhating nigger
>Monkeys or simians are basal Haplorhini as sister of the Tarsiiformes. It consists of the Catarrhini and Platyrrhini (New World monkeys), and other extinct groups. The Catarrhini contains the Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys) and the Hominoidea (apes).

They go into random lands and kill everything they also have pinkish purple skin and pink asses. They're the pigskins of the animal world my guy.

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I stand corrected
So, there are OW monkeys, NW monkeys and apes, but they all are monkeys?
Well that's just confusing

None of you are ever going to get a good answer to this until you do a massive amount of psychedelics and transcend your ego. I know youre all young and impressionable so let me impress onto you. Do it! There are worlds to explore, creatures big and small to meet and even the Ultimate to encounter! Until you break the curse of being one ego, your opinions on how to treat others will just be edgy highschool level egotism.

not true, farmed animals don't suffer

A good answer to what? We're talking about animal cruelty
Are you sure you replied to the right thread senpai?

people are inconsistent, not surprising

Which one's the baboon?

>t. nigger mad that the only history his people have is bashing rocks together and dancing

God I hate baboons, this one even stole someone's clothing.

I know right? Your moms a snack and that poster just wont admit it


KEK I don't even care about the issue, but god damn this is a pathetic comedy.

Just read the fucking twitter replies. It's a bunch of young vegan liberal arts girls in their twenties trying to DOX and get literal legal action against a random black male from Uganda or Zimbabwe. Do these liberal retards even understand that Africa is NOT a colony anymore and their laws and culture is actually different and that Africans simply do not give a single fuck? Do they have really no self awareness or any notion of reality?

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>do these liberals even understand Africa?
>I do though, I understand all Africans, trust me. I don't live in Africa either, but I understand it,