I wish I was like most girls. I wish I had their confidence. I wish I was in a normal relationship but everyone has been abusive or cheated on me. I feel like an outcast. I dont have any friends. I live alone. I go to work, come home, and do drugs. I feel so jealous of normal people with normal lives and relationships. I hate that I have to get high just to feel something. I hate this life so much.
I wish I was like most girls. I wish I had their confidence...
If you post your Discord I'll save you.
I know you aren't going to believe me but I'm like you. I wish I could help, just know you aren't alone here.
Me too,,, same thing here
Dark clouds have gathered around you
And I dearly wish I could be that relationship for you.
But since the modern women's defintion of abusive is rubbery enough to include anything up to tell you "No" now, I am pretty much through even trying and rather play more vidya.
Say thanks to those other confident girls!
I doubt this is much of a loss to OP, user. Don't flatter yourself.
Youre very kind. I cant post mine because my ex searches the archives for my name. But if you post yours lets be friends,
I really hope you two will find someone or something that will make you happy. I hate that there are other people feeling this way.
Im scared. These past two years have been hell and I dont think Im getting out. I wish I lived near my family again.
I understand what you mean. The kind of relationships I was in were actually abusive. Physically and mentally. Girls will consider anything absuive. Have you ever seen those PSAs on twitter? It certainly is skewing the definition.
On another note at least your sadness hasn't escalated into homicidal urges
I would never want to harm anyone. But I have had suicidal urges surfacing again. I feel like i would destroy my siblings if I did that.
Going to chads as usual
Gets abused and dumped
>jealous of normal relationships reeeeee
Roastie btfo
It's Kors#7338
Man I sure do enjoy being a real robot
no gf to tell me to stop masturbating to anthropomorphic airplane porn or throw stuff at me
You were lost before you were ever to be found
>everyone has been abusive or cheated on me
So you're either autistic and can't read people or you purposely picking biggest baddest assholes. I'm guessing it's the latter.
I never snapped in public but was pretty close to lose my shit on several occasions
*losing my shit
You're a dude larping, admit it
My ex boyfriends arent really chads.. in fact most of them go on here. I feel like I deserved it though.
I probably am autistic. It took me so long to recognize red flags. I dated a pedofile once. I was 14 but I was stupid and didnt know better. I think that skewed my perception on relationships a lot.
I hope I wont be lost forever.
Post discord if u wanna know.
You'll have to understand that the feelings you feel come from within, loneliness, apathy, depression etc. and that the rest of the world is not holding you at arms length, it is you who holds everyone and everything back. first things first you shouldn't listen to people who try and give you hope, because we're the hopeless, instead you should focus on the terrible things and accept them, then you can
start to be honest to yourself/others, having courage to ask for help, the wisdom to accept their help, if you are interested in helping yourself you should read up on the stoics and in particular marcus aurelius. i have schizophrenia and i cannot actually read anymore of him because i start to get delusions and obsessed about him and i write him letters or think i am him or like i'm half him and half me and he's my friend and i talk to him and i should probably stop talking about him now.. uh what i'm trying to say is uh everything is not ok. and it is ok.
>but vryone has been abusive or cheated on me
then date the quiet guy (or whatever it may be) that obv has a crush on you at work or your classes. chances are hes less than 6/10 but i doubt he'd cheat or do anything terribly wrong. every normie i know likes to choose the "easy" (not necessarily ugly) girls because they're the most likely to be manipulated and used to their liking.
You know, friends don't solve most problems. They just help you cope with them, most people don't have friends that will help them out of a bad spot like you might be in. That's something you have to work out for yourself. It does help to have people to vent to, but ultimately, that's all they'd be.
In time all things shall pass away
Well then, I apologize if that's really the case, that seemed very unlikely. Try to be a little more cautious and get to know them better first.
I tried to go for this quite guy at work. Hes new and dorky. He likes all the board games and videogames I play. And I could tell he thought I was cute but he is ignoring me more often because he got to know me a bit more. I guess he didnt like my life style but I recently told him about that. It hurts a little because he knows Im in a dark place. I cant blame him too much. I only have a job but I wish I was in school again. Maybe once I get a car I can re enroll and hopefully find a purpose and a friend.
I learned that lesson when I was in my scariest relationship. But friends are nice to take your mind off of things.
hes probably not talking much because if hes anything like me, extremely introverted, he probably needs some time to be by himself until hes ready to start being with you again.
My sister is exactly like you. She has BPD.
Gets cheated on all the time. Complains that she is "not like other girls and no one gets her". Always the victim in every situation. Does drugs.
Congrats on being mentally ill. 50% of the people who add you want to see your tits, the rest wants to help you and will feel miserable afterwards.
I hate you. I hate this board.
I will give him time and space then. I just hope he doesnt hate me.
BPD is hard. I might have it..
BPD is certainly hard for the people who have to deal with it too. But I hope your sister gets the help she needs. I am trying to get therapy once my insurance gives me the OK. I am excited for it because this way of thinking is miserable.
Aspersion#3020 let's see
I like this way of thinking. You remind me of a nice internet friend who gives me good advice time to time. Ill read up on this when Im not tripping on acid. But this made me feel better, thank you.
Seriously though you take it way to serious dunno if you are just a tranny (aka I indentify as a girl but am just a male abomination usually furry)
You just have to embrace your loneliness that works for me. After a while you just wont care
I have a fulltime job and have hobbies I don't even have the time for a relationship and friends nowadays are just 'DRUGHHSSS BRUUU' who need friends anyway?
Where abouts are you from, user? Even if you're a larping guy, I've always wanted a friend nearby. We could do things like bowling or go to the zoo. How about it?
I live in Florida
Comment is originalll
Darn, that's a few states away
Stop being a cringy faggot
these threads infuriate me
i wish my lewd fanfiction wouldn't update while i'm hanging out with my brother. i hope he didn't see the tags on it.
They make me feel better knowing there are femanons who aren't willing to start sucking corporate dick for a meager living.
My best friend is a former drug addict. She's been sober for years now, and she has a job where she helps females addicted to drugs get therapy.
That is honestly all you need to do. Stick to therapy and stay sober, and your life will be 100x better. You'll be totally fine if you can do this. This is what I learned from her, and she has dozens of actual cases to back it up.
You need to be slapped, back handed
how else am i supposed to masturbate you fucking limp-wristed piece of shit
Maybe get some taste or find another source of dopamine
must be nice making a thread like this and immediately having people wanting to add you. why can't women just stop pretending they have it the same as men
>people wanting to add you.
>people who will ghost you when you mention your five minute conversation with the guy from the coffee shop
>inb4: user larping to get friends on discord and then ghost them
>How to bait Jow Forums
Have you donated to her fagtreon yet, robots?
I've never had this happen. I get ghosted by both men and women on here when I have to go to work and dont speak for like two hours. Or they blow up because I have homework for some class and cant watch a movie with them that particular night