Have you guys said bye bye yet to /v/ /a/ /tv/ Jow Forums Jow Forums and all the other blue boards...

Have you guys said bye bye yet to /v/ /a/ /tv/ Jow Forums Jow Forums and all the other blue boards? Your gonna be left here with only Jow Forums and porn boards for company.

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It means the end of Jow Forums you retard

Anything that ends the level of subhuman cancer produced by that hellholle is a good thing, even if it means changing Jow Forums as a whole.

good, i'm glad legitimate boards like /lit/, /ck/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums are going to separated from that edgy garbage that clearly only attracts redditors

Even if that means robots will be left behind?

honestly? think robots deserve Jow Forumstards and the level of sperging they will inflict on the nsfw side of Jow Forums. but I think this board should be made blue.

IMO, Hiro should be careful with this board.
This place is the Mecca of schoolshooters and special ed kids, if he dares to shut down all the NSFW boards, there is going to be a lot of chaos IRL because Jow Forums and Jow Forums didn't wanted to move on.

Might be for the better. It will be more like pre-2014 Jow Forums if you separate redditers who dwell on Jow Forums from the robots who made up this site.

>left behind
Can't you just crossboard as always?

>when a redditor IQ is so low he types a post like this

I have to add by the way, I used to be an avid Jow Forums poster. It grew downhill since Gamergate then really took a dive when Trump announced his presidential run. Now, I have no problem with Trump, I did vote for him. However, I have a problem with unselfaware morons who mention this site irl like Sargon and his kekistani idiocy. This may indeed be the best thing Hiro will accomplish.

Do when the site is up there will be a transition period I believe where Jow Forums will still have access to blue boards but not vice versa

Once the split happens I'll probably stay on 4channel and leave this board for good. I mostly post on /a/ these days anyways and Jow Forums gets worse every day with constant spamming of the same threads and lower quality threads, so I think its time to say goodbye to you robots.

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Jow Forums is too invaluable as an intelligence community. We unironically are the good guys.

No, Jow Forums will link every board, still. They will just be hosted on another domain. If you want a "blue board only" experience, then you go to 4channel. Nothing changes if you stay here.

Honestly I believe only one of the two will thrive, so either 4channel become Jow Forums and poltards either accept or disperse to places that will host them.
Maybe a blue r9k can be a reality

>Jow Forums

if you utter these two words in the same sentence with a straight face you should be guaranteed in some kind of center

>Jow Forums is too invaluable

Politics is cancer that ruins whatever it touches.

In the longterm how will the community develop on each side and interact.
Will they have different memes and be frienfly or hostile to the opposing side?

Remember when /b/ had actual discussions, venting, greentext story threads, and cringe threads that weren't politic but had much to do with just autistic people worse than the users on the site? That's what 4channel will be like. Jow Forums will be the opposite and just attract political minded folk.

>Pol is killed by capitalism
The irony

Finally normshits will be stuck on their /v/ and /tv/ containment site. So funny how people complain about Jow Forums when /v/ is a million times worse

>it's not real capitalism it's the gookjews REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Why the fuck do people think this is going to kill certain boards? That makes absolutely no sense. The only thing that splitting the sfw and nsfw boards will do is bring more people to the sfw boards.

The site was better when /v/ irgins where calling the shots though

A certain board is only popular by virtue of recruiting and infiltrating other popular boards in mass numbers.

/v/ has a lot of shills. I've read about it. But people who use the board refuse to accept it.

Can you please stop ignoring this post. Hiro said SFW boards will still be linked on Jow Forums.org, just not vice versa.

well why do you think that is? do you think you'll be allowed to go on 4channel approved boards and just spam nigger or scream kikes at people?

How long until someone raids 4channel with gore and porn and puts us back here?

I don't know about the moderation factor. Do you really need to go spam "nigger" and "kike" on a blue board anyway? They could just filter the words so to unsuspecting eyes it wouldn't be outwardly racist.

Or they could just eliminate that shit and any variation of it entirely, the most profitable thing to do. This 4channel thing is about procuring a more family friendly and acceptable image for this shithole, as well as having a third party app that is actually allowed on android and iphone.

Quality of posts should go up. r9k a blue board when?

Attached: when.jpg (507x504, 55K)

Are they actually making an app? Moot left because of Gamergate, and that was all about being sexist retards. You guy's dug your own grave.

I don't think it Will be a clean split, either the chan base puts up with the stronger rules on 4channel and Jow Forums becomes a girl or 4channel stays on the ground and becomes a like any other obscure chan

If you have to add that it's "unironic" then you're probably not the good guys.

Jow Forums are fucking annoying. They act like it's enlightened to want a skinny, virgin, blonde wife. So does the rest of the world.

at least when Jow Forums is gone (or at least you think it is), retards like you will leave too

good fucking riddance

Can someone enlighten me why I should care about this? Only thing that it changes is the address line in my browser's upper bar.

blue boards are probably going to be heavily moderated and purged of anything considered adult content to make them more palatable for advertisers.

they pretty much already do that now...

yes, posting nsfw images is forbidden now but text posts can still have adult content.

>blue boards are probably going to be heavily moderated and purged of anything considered adult content to make them more palatable for advertisers.

>This place is the Mecca of schoolshooters and special ed kids

The good news is that all of us can claim to be old fags on 4channel I'm a couple of years

they sort of already do that too, just not heavily. all this really means is /tv/ will have less waifu shitposting, and i really don't care about that.

I actually agree with this. I cant hate a board that spammed gore on tumblr, and forced Shia Lebouf into hiding.

i know you probably won't ever care because you're a peripheral Jow Forums user who doesn't "get it", but this is the nail in the coffin for the culture and freedom we have here.

aka you fags won't be able to start loli threads on /v/ anymore.

i'll have you know that is a cherished fucking pastime