post albums only you listen to
Post albums only you listen to
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This is the shit. Friendos.
Honestly it's his only good album, the rest is a lot of pretentious wankery (except some of his collaborations with various female vocalists). I bought it when it came out and looking back on it it's the best thing that came out of the whole new age period in general.
Fucking awesome album
used to listen to this but now i only listen to exciting technically impressive music like shakatak and swing out sister.
Hey turn the base off, turn the base off
Big dirty stinking base, dirty stinking base
Big dirty stinking base, dirty stinking base
Dirty, dirty stinkin' big
Big dirty stinking base, dirty stinking base
Big dirty stinking base, dirty stinking base
Base, base, base
I don't need no speed, no
I don't need no heroin, no thanks
I don't want no coke
You can keep your Ketamine
I'm a bassline junkie, what?
I'm a bassline junkie, tell them again
I'm a bassline junkie, tell them again
I don't like it funky
I'm a fiend for a big day bassline
When I hear one I have a great time
A bit of bass' all what I require
I let the bassline take me higher
My friends think that it's a bad habit
But I'm just like fuck you, damn it
If you take my base away
I'll blow your fucking face away
You might think I'm over the top
But when I hear that bassline drop
I just can't control my actions
But I still feel satisfaction
So don't come around here whinging
I just wanna hear the bassline rinsin'
Or we can just skank out all day
If not get the fuck out my way
I don't need no speed, no
I don't need no heroin, no thanks
I don't want no coke
You can keep your Ketamine
I'm a bassline junkie, what?
I'm a bassline junkie, tell them again
I'm a bassline junkie, tell them again
I don't like it funky
Big dirty stinking base, dirty stinking base
Base, base, base
You ever doubt, go the other day I got an asbo order
And I think it's well out of order
All my neighbours throwing the fifth
So I told them suck my dick
And I told them I got the power
And I turn the music up louder
All night till 6 in the morning
Old bastards, they just boring
You know me, I'm the bassline father
Nobody can tell me no other
And the police turned up and they took me
We drove out to the nick and they booked me
When they said they'd give me a caution
If I didn't give them no distortion
But I said don't bother, I'm guilty
I'm a bassline fucking filthy
that's my lifetime favorite, I listened to it constantly when I was a little kid.
this one too
Knightmare - in deaths shadow
it's not objectively good, im just retarded
this band as a whole is, pardon the pun, mostly slept on
I purchased this nigger's entire discography off bandcamp a few weeks ago. I'm the only person in the world who listens to 90s breakcore anymore.
I really like it, for some reason.
Not even released.
I've 8 raw files from the album and I've only ever seen 4 of them ever uploaded.
Nigeria music of the Spheres is my low key jam
Eyeliner - Buy Now
Am I delusional? I feel like this album would have fit right in the with the vaporwave craze and yet I've never seen anyone mention it. Good shit regardless.
Wrong OP
closest i can find to only me
Unironically, naturally. Everyone I've showed it to hates it and it's been my favourite for almost a decade.
Go back to /mu/ plzthx.
What an obscure album I've posted! I'm such an individual :^)
Fuck you Hergest Ridge is the reason I wake up every day
Nothing wrong with wankery everyone does it their own way
I loved the Tubular Bells albums. I had a semi autistic obsession with them desu. Mike Oldfield basically got me interested in playing guitar and recording music. Ommadawn is also worth a listen.
I've just discovered Hum, they were active in the 90's and influenced Deftones. Pretty good band that nobody's heard of
I just don't like the "here's 120 minutes of some random shit with very little structure to it" approach, it's not for me. That said, he's clearly a musical genius and if you can get something out of that kind of material, all the better for you!
Literally only me
used to listen to it but I started listening to Failure at the same time and Failure became such a favorite band of mine that I completely stopped listening to Hum lmao.
What style is it user?
Nah senpai Ive listened to it. Has a really good atmosphere. I don't think it's that unheard of because one of the 3DS hack themes has one of the songs as the home screen music.
I could only really get in to Fantastic Planet, they're really good live though they played a festival in my city a few years back
>tfw no russian multi-artist avant-garde long-form ambient dark psychedelic trance gf
all their albums are cool. if you like that check out estradasphere, somewhat aesthetically different but the same spirit
Failure is good shit, their new album just came out a couple days ago and it's actually pretty good